Su Qing feels that she is also a little worried. Since every month she feels very good, why should she worry for others.

Today's young people have personalities and ideas, which she can't understand.

Ye Chen was listening to the two women chatting from the beginning to the end, and didn't insert a word.

Before that, he once persuaded Yueyue to let her go to school and promised to pay her tuition, but the girl didn't agree at all.

"Well, sister Suqing, you don't have to worry about me. I know how to go." Yue Yue said with a smile.

She knew that Su Qing meant well and worried about her future.

But Yueyue feels that she is very happy now. She can earn money by doing live broadcast and wait for the man who makes her heart beat at home.

"By the way, Yueyue heard from ye Chen that your parents are still in hospital. What's the matter now?" Su Qing changed the topic and said.

Smell speech, on the face slightly a change, see to Ye Chen, she didn't think ye Chen unexpectedly what things all say with Su Qing, it seems that the relationship between the two people is really very unusual.

"They are much better. My parents say they will be discharged tomorrow," Yueyue said without expression.

"Why so fast? Why didn't you discuss it with me? I said I would visit my uncle and aunt some day. " Ye Chen frowned and said.

Yueyue didn't tell him about it at all, and ye Chen was also a little angry.

If ye Chen knew that he could ask the dean in advance if he could leave the hospital, and what to pay attention to after leaving the hospital, it would be too late to talk about it now.

"I think brother Ye Chen is too busy. I don't want to make trouble for you any more." Yueyue said with nervous and timid expression, just like a child who was caught doing something wrong.

"Ye Chen, he is very busy every day. Is he kind-hearted? I don't want to trouble you. What are you doing Su Qing quickly advised.

See Su Qing to explain for oneself, month month moment in the heart to her favor promotion.

"How can I have it?" Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

Ye Chen tone eased a little, said: "well, it's OK, always stay in the hospital is not comfortable, just you can pick them up to live in Wanda mansion."

"No, my father said to take my mother back to the countryside. They don't feel used to living in the city." Yue Yue said hastily.

"The old couple are at home alone, and they don't have personal care. It's not very good. After I leave hospital, they live in Wanda mansion. It's just helping me. It's not good if the house is always empty." Ye Chen looked at the moon and said.

"Then I'll discuss it with them." Yueyue said.

"Tomorrow I'll go with you to get them out of the hospital. It's up to me, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Brother Ye Chen, you are so busy that you don't have to go there by yourself." Yue Yue quickly refused.

"If you really think I'm your brother Ye Chen, I'll take care of this."

Yueyue wanted to say something else. Su Qing said quickly, "eat quickly. If you continue to talk, the delicious food at this table will be cold. We can't let Yueyue's sister down."

Several people began to eat, because Yueyue's cooking skills were too superb, and soon this table was swept away by the wind, leaving only vegetable soup to eat.

Seeing that the food is so popular, Yueyue is very happy.

The happiest thing for a cook is that others like her cooking.

After lunch, Su Qing and Yue Yue clear the table.

Originally Ye Chen is to help, but the two women said housework is not a man should do.

He knew that it was a painful word for him, so he appreciated it.

In the kitchen, Yueyue and Suqing chat.

"Sister Su Qing, are you brother Ye Chen's new girlfriend?" Yueyue asked bluntly.

Su Qing blushed and said, "Yueyue, don't talk nonsense. I'm Ye Chen's assistant. I'm just helping him take care of the company. It's not what you think."

"But I can see you like her." Yue Yue blinks her eyes and says to Su Qing.

This sentence is really said in Su Qing's heart. I don't know when, her mind is full of Ye Chen's figure, which can't go away. Maybe it's the first time I met Ye Chen, maybe it's the time ye Chen asked her to manage the company, or maybe it's

In short, she is hopelessly in love with Ye Chen.

"But he has no feelings for me." Su Qing lost said.

"Su Qing elder sister, tell you a secret, actually I also like Ye Chen elder brother, but he only thinks I am younger sister." Yueyue said mysteriously."I can see it, because from the moment I came in, you looked at me with hostility at the first sight."

"I'm sorry, sister Su Qing, she was really unfriendly to you just now." Yue Yue said with shame on her face.

"It's all right. I didn't put it in my heart." Su Qing is very generous.

She continued: "it seems that ye Chen is very good to you. He helps your parents to treat their illness, gives you a big house to live in, and lets you live in this family."

"Yes, I think I can't repay Ye Chen's kindness all my life." Moon face with a depressed look, "do you know why I don't go to school?"

Su Qing thinks that this matter has just been discussed, why did Yueyue mention it again.

"In fact, I also want to walk on campus like those girls of the same age and learn those interesting cultural knowledge, but..."

"But what?" Su Qing some doubts way.

"But I'm afraid that once I go to school, we'll seldom meet each other. By that time, the distance between brother Ye Chen and me will be farther and farther away. Now I want to be with brother Ye Chen." Yueyue speaks out her worries.

Su Qing didn't speak after listening, she just felt that the girl in front of her was really infatuated, so she was willing to stay by Ye Chen's side, nameless.

Originally, she wanted to persuade Yueyue, because she knew that ye Chen just took Yueyue as her sister and had no other ideas.

When she saw the moon in front of her, she thought of herself. She had no right to persuade others.

"Yueyue, I'm glad you can tell me your little secret."

"Sister Su Qing, I'm also very happy that you can listen to me about these things."

After listening to each other's conversation, the relationship between the two is closer, just like a good sister.

Ye Chen sat in the living room, waiting for a long time to see Su Qing and Yue Yue didn't come out, thinking that nothing would happen.

He quickly got up and walked towards the kitchen, heard the girl talking and laughing, hanging heart instantly put down.

Because when Su Qing came in, Yueyue's face was not right. He knew it was jealous.

But ye Chen also has no way, from his heart to month month have no other bad idea, even also tell her clearly to her feeling, is elder brother to younger sister of that kind.

Yueyue seems to be pretending not to understand, even hostile to the woman he brought home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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