The scene that made people gape again happened.

Zhang Meng went to Ye Chen and asked respectfully, "boss ye, what can I do for you?"

This young man is his boss, a senior member of the group, with such a noble status.

Ye Chen's words can determine Zhang Meng's fate.

"Well, I'm going to a charity auction tomorrow. I need a high-end suit." He said with a smile.

"OK, boss ye, I know." Zhang Meng said immediately.

Tomorrow, he and Su Qing will attend a charity activity on behalf of the group. They must dress decently.

Zhang Meng thought for a moment, and had an idea in his heart.

Ye Chen as a major shareholder of the group, the clothing here should not enter his eyes.

In order to please Ye Chen, Zhang Meng bites the back teeth and decides to take out the two suits.

These two suits are his treasures. They are not for others, let alone for others.

Ye Chen is a major shareholder of the group, and Zhang Meng's agency right for this brand is in the hands of this young man.

If ye Chen is satisfied with this business, as long as ye Chen turns on the green light and has more agency options, the profits will naturally increase.

"I have two suits here. I hope they can be seen by boss Ye."

Zhang Meng then walked into a room, took two suits from inside and said, "boss ye, the suit on my left hand is made of gold silk and the world's top wool. It was also photographed by me by chance. It's worth 100000 m yuan."

Zhang Meng as a clothing agent, very professional, for this slightly shiny suit introduction is also very in place.

Hearing Zhang Meng's words, the onlookers began to talk.

"My God, a suit is really expensive. It's nearly a million!"

"It's made of gold wire. This kind of material is rarely heard."

"Yes, it's the first time I've heard about it. I'm really ignorant."

"It must be nice to wear gold on your body."

"I think it's very luxurious to wear tens of thousands of clothes."

"No, it's too luxurious."

"I really can't even think that the price of a suit of clothes can buy a good car."

Although these people are rich, they just wear tens of thousands of clothes. They really dare not even think about the nearly one million clothes.

Even Wu Biao, who returned to the store, felt incredible and his eyes were wide open.

Just now, although he left, he always felt that something was wrong. Why did the store manager say that the express brother was a shareholder of the group? He has always been dubious.

Moreover, as a consumer, he was kicked out, which he couldn't swallow at all.

Thinking that he would be ridiculed by those people, he must find face.

So, halfway through, he decided to go back to the store manager for an explanation.

But as soon as I stepped into the store, I heard the store manager Zhang Meng introduce the shining suit, and he was really surprised to hear the number of words that day.

He was a nouveau riche. He thought he was very arrogant, but when he came back, he found that he was beaten in the face again.

Wu Biao couldn't help thinking about why God wanted to do this to him. He just wanted to be forced, but he was attacked one after another.

Before, he mocked Ye Chen for not being able to afford clothes, but he never dreamed that the owner would take the initiative to give him nearly a million clothes.

Ye Chen doesn't have to pay for it at all. Some people even flatter him to give him clothes.

Now he can really see the identity and status of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looks at it and nods. He thinks that this suit has its own characteristics and gives people a noble feeling. It is also very decent to wear this suit to participate in charity auction.

The surrounding comments did not affect Zhang Meng, but made him very proud. What everyone said was that the value of the suit was too high, which was enough to show that he attached great importance to Ye Chen.

Zhang Meng ignored the public's comments, but continued to introduce: "boss ye, the suit on my right hand is designed by the famous designer Parsons. The buttons are made of platinum and are inlaid with diamonds respectively. This dress is very difficult to find. I asked my friends to find it for me from abroad. The process can be described as extremely difficult, since it is so precious, The price of this suit is 1 million yuan. ""And I think only this unique suit can match your temperament."

Smell speech, the inside of the shop instantly becomes silent.

Even the drop of a needle can be heard.

The crowd held their breath, glared, and even felt that their chin was about to be startled.

After a moment's silence, the people talked again.

"Did I hear you wrong? This suit is nearly ten million. It can buy a house."

"What the hell are these? I feel more and more confused."

"All my belongings can afford a suit. It seems that I am a poor man in front of this little brother."

"This express brother is just a god hero, a big man. It's something that people like us can't surpass."

"Ye Shenhao, are you still short of pendant?"

See the store manager actually took out two treasures, flatter Ye Chen, the presence of those beautiful women, but also constantly toward Ye Chen.

What's more, in front of this handsome express boy, he is reckless and coquettish.

Just now they despise the express brother, even a suit on the tens of millions.

Ye Chen can really too accord with their high rich handsome evaluation standard, a suit on tens of millions.

All the beauties in the shop have a small abacus in their heart.

Even fantasy catch up with this young brother, will be able to live a rich wife's life.

At that time, there will be no need to work so hard and go out early and come back late every day.

Today's girls are all realistic. If they can find a rich man, why do they have to struggle and enjoy their success?

Even some people have thought that even if they can't be the main room, it's OK to be a lover. At least they can get millions.

Just pay a little, can get so much, the deal is very cost-effective.

How can they miss such a good opportunity?

It's really an opportunity. Time doesn't come again. After all, it's very rare to meet a Shenhao like Ye Chen. I don't know how to wait until the age of monkey.

If you're lucky, maybe you can join a big family.

As long as they become rich wives, their lives will open up.

After all, a person should have a dream. No one wants to be content with the status quo. Everyone wants to live a rich life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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