Ye Chen left the Armani store under the respectful eyes of store manager Zhang and President Wang.

He took a few steps forward, looked up and saw that it was Jiang shidanton.

For the rich circle, this top watch brand, should not be unfamiliar.

It's said that the poor play with cars and the rich play with watches.

Tomorrow's charity auction should be attended by celebrities, ye Chen's dress naturally can not give the group disgrace.

Since all the clothes have been changed, the watch on the wrist should also be changed to match this suit.

Seeing the handsome young men in tens of millions of Armani suits, the shopping guides are like seeing prey, and their eyes are shining.

They scramble to come to Ye Chen, with a smile on their face that they think is very beautiful, and they shout together.


If you can serve this handsome boy, you will get a lot of commission this month.

Think of such a big customer in mind, can't be robbed by others.

Seeing the behavior of the shopping guide, ye Chen shakes his head with a smile. It's true that if there is no contrast, there will be no harm.

If he wore the express clothes before, no one would talk to him when he walked into this store.

Just as he thought, he suddenly heard a voice of surprise: "Ye Chen!"

He turned his head and looked. The boy in front of him was wearing a set of Louis Vuitton high-end summer casual clothes. The girls around him were pretty good looking and very fashionable.

In front of us are ye Chen's college classmates Teng Xiang and Zhang Nan.

During the University, the students all knew that TengXiang was a well-off second generation, and even had a few younger brothers around him.

But it's really sad that even so, ye Chen was crushed by this poor family in all aspects, which made him very unhappy.

Although I tried every means to pull back a game, it didn't work.

The most important thing is that Zhang Nan, who is beside him, was once Ye Chen's little fan sister and secretly loves Ye Chen.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Teng Xiang's words are full of irony. When he thinks of being crushed by Ye Chen and his girlfriend's secret love for ye Chen, he feels like a lump in his throat.

But now it's different. TengXiang inherited the family business with an annual salary of tens of millions, and used some means to catch up with the goddess he once liked.

He even thought about ye Chen. Even if your looks and achievements have crushed me, how about it? Now I'm not a winner in life.

With money, cars, houses and beautiful women around, this kind of life is just too leisurely.

The more TengXiang thought about it, the more confident he felt, and he even had a strong sense of superiority.

Hearing Teng Xiang's question, ye Chen frowned and said, "this shop is yours. If so, I'd better go to another one."

That's a heartbreaking remark. TengXiang's family is rich, but this kind of world brand can't be owned by his family.

In front of such a large group, their small family business is nothing at all.

But be asked so by Ye Chen, also some have been speechless.

But think about it, although not have the strength of this big brand group, but have the wealth and ye Chen than that is more wrong.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just a little strange. How can someone like you wear an Armani suit and dare to enter this world's top watch shop?"

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to him, but felt that Teng Xiang had not changed at all. He was still the second product of his college days.

First, he doesn't think it's necessary to make it clear to TengXiang. Second, he can't tell TengXiang that he has a system. No one will believe it.

Seeing that ye Chen didn't explain, TengXiang tugged his chin as if he had thought of something. He pretended to be mysterious and said, "I understand. You're sorry to say that it doesn't matter. This money is definitely not from the right way."

In his college days, Teng Xiang regarded himself as the wealth of his family. He thought that if he had some money in his hand, all the teachers and students should surround him.

But make him sad to urge of discovery, leaf Chen takes away the halo on his body, even can say is the light is boundless.

On the appearance, ye Chen crush him, school period chasing Ye Chen girls can row to the edge of the river. But he only pursues the female student's share, spends money to please likes the person, is like this other people did not look him in the eye.

In terms of his grades, ye Chen ran over him. His grades were excellent, and he got a soft scholarship. But he failed every year, and was even dissuaded by the school. If it wasn't for his father's money, I'm afraid he didn't have a college degree.In terms of talent, ye Chen also crushes him. Ye Chen plays all kinds of ball games and musical instruments very well, and even wins prizes when he participates in competitions. Teng Xiang is no better than eating, drinking and playing.

TengXiang's black history was in his college days, and he didn't even want to look back.

But now that we all grow up and enter the society, it will be different. After all, the society is realistic, and people are more realistic.

Who will see you look good, whether the results are good, to see who has the strength.

After all, looks can't be a meal. If a man looks good without family background, he can only be a white face.

Even TengXiang has determined that the reason why Ye Chen can wear such high-end clothes and have confidence to stand in the shop of the world's top watch brand is definitely because of that reason.

Teng Xiang thought that you, a little white face, dare to be so impolite in front of me. I'll let you know my strength in a moment.

Zhang Nan understand her boyfriend's mind, she quickly said: "OK TengXiang, you don't say."

At the moment, she is also worried about ye Chen. After all, ye Chen used to be the man she secretly fell in love with, and even now she can't forget Ye Chen.

Just when I saw Ye Chen, scenes of the University era appeared in front of me.

Originally, Zhang Nan didn't like TengXiang from the bottom of her heart, but after entering the society, she saw that the girl's life in this society was so difficult, and she experienced a lot of things.

Under TengXiang's fierce attack, she finally chooses to enjoy her success and plunge into the man's arms.

Zhang Nan, with his own habitual thinking, also thinks that ye Chen can have such a bright life only when he is taken care of by others.

Although her heart also has some small disdain, but don't want to let TengXiang humiliate Ye Chen in public, after all, this man is also she once secretly love, even now still some like.

See Zhang Nan stopped himself, TengXiang heart regeneration jealousy, his heart is very clear, Zhang Nan's heart has always been the existence of Ye Chen.

Although Teng Xiang has spent a lot of time trying to please Zhang Nan for so many years, Zhang Nan sometimes does something in advance of her college days, which makes Teng Xiang very unhappy.

He doesn't understand that ye Chen exactly has what good, is not poor force a, but the goddess in the heart is still to that kind of a person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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