Drunk hazy Qin Qianqian nodded: "husband, I want to go home and roll the sheets with you."

However, Qin Qianqian soon found that what she said was not quite right.

God, how can I say that.

She felt her pretty face red.

What happened to me today?

What a shame.

She can't help putting her head in Ye Chen's arms.

SUN Hao and Lin Xin looked silly.

They all know that the main reason why Qin Qianqian said such shameful words is that the drug took effect.

Lin Xin, in particular, is going mad.

After planning such a long time, he managed to get Qin Qianqian.

The plan was a success.

But the fruit of the victory was picked.

It's so special that you waste so much energy while others enjoy it.

How can Lin Xin be reconciled.

And he once checked that Qin Qianqian had no boyfriend at all. Where did the boy come from?

Lin Xin's eyes pointed at Ye Chen and said, "you are not ye Chen's boyfriend at all."

SUN Hao also said: "yes, we have never heard of Qianqian having a boyfriend at the same time."

Lin Xin's eyes are cold.

In order to be able to Comrade Qin Qianqian, he did not know how much effort.

I didn't expect that the sudden appearance of young people upset his plan.

In the past few times, he has tried several times without success.

But this time, he's on the verge of success.

Before he met a beautiful girl in the company, he never failed.

Qin Qianqian's appearance and figure are all excellent.

Not hidden rules, her words, Lin Xin feel sorry for themselves.

So he also specially let SUN Hao know about Qin Qianqian.

Qin Qianqian has no background, no boyfriend, is his best target.

This man is definitely a fake boyfriend.

Lin Xin yells at Qin Qianqian: "who are you? Qin has no boyfriend at all. "

"This boy must want to take advantage of Qin Qianqian's drunkenness to take her away and then insult her."

"Yes, we can't let his plot succeed."

"Don't be fooled. Now that Qianqian is drunk, he must be plotting to take her away."

People in Linxin's instigation, began to question Ye Chen.

At the moment, these people turn their backs and say that ye Chen wants to insult Qin Qianqian.

SUN Hao is also in front of his eyes.

It's the boss. It's a great play.

As long as you take the rhythm and drive Ye Chen away, doesn't Qin Qianqian still have to stay?

Let the boss succeed this time, Lin Xin has promised that he will promote him well. How can we miss such an opportunity.

"Boy, you quickly put Qianqian down. If you don't put her down, I'll call the police."

People like pick beam clown general, stopped Ye Chen's way.

Qin Qianqian looks at these people coldly.

Although drunk, but the mind is clear.

These people are so mean.

In order to please the boss, he even joined in the same boat with the boss and helped the flames.

Qin Qianqian said: "he is my boyfriend, you don't talk nonsense."

Said, Qin Qianqian in order to prove the relationship between the two people, even directly kiss Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was suddenly kissed, immediately also silly.

I wipe. What's the matter? I've been forced to kiss?

Because of the effect of medicine, Qin Qianqian kisses for three minutes before stopping.

When Lin Xin saw this scene, he was almost mad.

He winked at SUN Hao.

SUN Hao coldly walked to the body of Ye Chen.

"Boy, I'm in a drunken state because I owe money. She said that you're her boyfriend or her boyfriend? I'll tell you, get out of here. I'll tell you some people you can't afford to offend. "

Qin Qianqian is a little worried at the moment.After all, ye Chen is just an express brother, but these people are rich and powerful.

If ye Chen can't hold the pressure, what should he do after he leaves?

In fact, ye Chen has the courage to appear here, she has been very happy.

However, if ye Chen left, she would enter the tiger's mouth again.

Think of this scene, Qin Qianqian is also shivering.

She would rather give her body to Ye Chen than to the greasy uncle Lin Xin.

At this time, ye Chen is a faint smile.

Instead of letting go, he hugged him tighter.

Feeling Ye Chen's powerful hand, Qin Qianqian feels warm in her heart.

At this moment, ye Chen is her haven.

Qin Qianqian looks at Ye Chen with gratitude in her eyes.

Ye Chen light looking at SUN Hao: "sorry, this world is really no I, ye Chen can't afford to offend people."

SUN Hao listened to the brow a pick: "boy, you really want to die."

"Yes, what do you think you are? Isn't it just a courier? "

SUN Hao has already understood that Qin Qianqian has no power or background.

And Qin has no boyfriend at all.

In front of this express brother, Qin Qianqian is likely to find a shield.

I didn't expect that this girl was very clever.

It's a pity that if you want to find a bull, you find an express brother.

But SUN Hao was soon relieved.

Qin Qianqian's family is in the countryside. She has no background, no powerful friends, and she can find express brother.

SUN Hao sneered in his heart.

He provocatively walked to Ye Chen's front: "boy, I give you a piece of advice. If you want a hero to save beauty, I tell you that you have to look at your weight. Some people just need to move their fingers to pinch you. Do you believe it or not?"

Ye Chen listened to light a smile: "depend on you this running dog?"

SUN Hao listened to the vision a cold: "boy, who do you say is a dog?"

Ye Chen coldly way: "I didn't say you a person, I mean all the people present are running dogs."

Everyone in the room changed their faces.

Ye Chen pointed to these humanitarians: "are you really human? In order to please the boss, even the principle of life is gone, what's the difference with animals? "

This sentence changed the face of all the people at the scene.

And these people can't refute this.

In order to please Lin Xin, these people are really like licking dogs.

In order to get a promotion and raise the salary, he did not hesitate to do his best to cooperate with Lin Xin's routine.

Although these people are wrong, their faces are full of anger.

They are all white-collar workers. A courier said they were dogs.

It's like poking them in the back.

All of a sudden, the faces of these people were very blue.

But no one dares to move.

Because ye Chen's aura is too abundant.

That kind of arrogant eyes, let all people dare not look at each other.

Even SUN Hao was so scared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen walked to SUN Hao step by step and patted him on the face: "you have a saying that's right. Some people are really people you can't afford to offend."

SUN Hao is patted on the face by Ye Chen, but the one suppressed by Ye Chen's momentum dare not move.

"Do you not fear retribution when you sell your personality for promotion and salary increase and for the future?"

Ye Chen's cold voice reverberated in the box, shaking everyone's heart.

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