"Since it's fast to get money on TV and earn a lot of money, I'll go too. Anyway, my wife is very familiar with those big directors and just takes me to earn money. Why not?"

"That little girl, what are you looking at? Do you think you look good and want to be on TV?" Lao Xu suddenly raised his head, just in the eyes of Xiao Ya.

Two people four eyes opposite, he hurls to Xiao Ya to shout a way.

"None of these guys is a good bird. It's really disgusting to have one before and one after." The more Xu said, the more angry he became.

A fat man next to him advised: "Lao Xu, you really drink too much. Don't talk about it. Let's go."

This man is obviously a good friend with Lao Xu, and he kindly advised him not to talk outside, so as not to cause trouble.

Lao Xu pushed the man's hand away and said angrily, "what a bitch. I can see that if I hadn't had money, she wouldn't have married me. It's true that the actor is merciless."

Ye Chen just feels that this middle-aged man's words are a little ugly, but he doesn't have the idea of meddling.

"Now that my company is bankrupt, she is good. She pretends to be loyal to me in front of me, but she is full of ridicule and sneer at me in the back. When I was in a good business, I satisfied her with everything she wanted. If I couldn't do it, I couldn't look down on me. What's the matter?"

"The most ridiculous thing is that some people even say that I'm a soft eater. It's interesting enough. I'm in my forties and asked me to say that. Where do you think my face should be?"

Although Ye Chen doesn't know the middle-aged man and the woman he's talking about, he can tell that the middle-aged man wants to express his unhappiness for a long time today.

Can't help but, ye Chen unexpectedly some sympathy this man.

"Since she doesn't have the heart to show off outside, depending on this and that, and giving me a green hat, don't blame me for being unrighteous and looking for women outside. There are more beautiful women than her in the world, but that bitch forced me to do it."

"Isn't there a ready-made one in front of you?" Lao Xu points to Xiao Ya.

The others looked in the direction of his fingers.

"Little sister, I have plenty of money. If you are my wife, I'll buy you what you want, OK?" Lao Xu looks at Xiao Ya with a rogue face.

Seeing Lao Xu's action, the fat man also stopped him and said, "Lao Xu, you're sick. You know what you're doing. Don't get drunk here. You're drunk."

"I'm not drunk. I'm sober." Lao Xu retorted.

"Let me tell you why she is not allowed to look for women outside when she and those men are talking and kissing me?"

Later, he looked at Xiao Ya and said with a smile, "little sister, what's the matter with you? You can eat and drink with your brother."

Xiao Ya's face is ugly. She didn't expect to meet a drunkard.

She just wanted to scold that man, but was preempted by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's face was cold and said, "you are blind. Don't you see me sitting here?"

"Yes, I saw it, little sister. I want to tell you that this little express brother who is penniless can't give you happiness. It's better to follow his brother to enjoy all the splendor and wealth. To be honest, I'm one of the four demons." Lao Xu said as he walked in the direction of Xiao Ya.

Ye Chen also didn't expect, but is to have a meal with Wang XiaoCong just, unexpectedly also met this drunkard.

Just listen to what he said, I feel that this person has lost his mind, nearly crazy state.

"Four little demons? I don't know what this is. " Ye Chen looks at Xiao Ya to ask a way.

"Four rich people."

"Very rich?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Ya did not answer, but asked in reverse.

Listen to Xiao Ya so a say, ye Chen understand, these people just wave get false name, a few people who have a little money flatter each other just.

If you really have money, ye Chen should have heard of it.

Wang XiaoCong just came over and asked, "where are the rich people?"

He had just finished answering the phone and was walking this way when he heard the conversation between the middle-aged man and Xiao Ya.

Seeing Wang XiaoCong, all the people at Lao Xu's table were stunned. They said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Wang."

"You talk more lively, Lao Xu. Are you drunk too much again? Why are you crazy?"

Lao Xu said with disdain: "Mr. Wang, you are a young man who depends on your father. Don't join in here. I'm crazy there. I see a girl I like and want to pursue her. How can you like this girl too?"Wang XiaoCong heard that Yan's face was so gloomy that he could coagulate water.

"Lao Xu, I don't mean you. I have a father to rely on. It's not something you can envy, envy and hate. You can only fight on your own. It's a pity that you don't have a father to rely on." Wang XiaoCong said sarcastically.

"Besides, you are not qualified to compete with me. We don't sleep at the same level at all. It's a good idea for you to call yourself four little demons. It's all bullshit."

Lao Xu also came to his temper: "Mr. Wang, how can you hurt people so much?"

"It's strange that you can be hurt even if you are so thick skinned. I'm not as vain as you. I'm putting gold on my face."

"Mr. Wang, please don't meddle in here. Our well water doesn't touch the river water. I advise you not to meddle in here. This little sister is mine today." With drunkenness on his face, Lao Xu walked in the direction of Xiao Ya, with lustful light in his eyes.

See old Xu want to start, ye Chen is no longer polite, directly kick in his body.

This foot directly kicks on Lao Xu's stomach, and Lao Xu instantly feels that his appetite turns upside down.

He didn't expect that the young man should start fighting at once.

And it seems that he didn't offend the young man. Lao Xu's face became ugly. At the same time, all the food he had just eaten came out because of the heavy blow on his stomach.

"I advise you to talk when you wake up."

Seeing Lao Xu beaten, those at the same table also showed anger on their faces, accusing Ye Chen and Wang XiaoCong one after another.

"This young man has something to say. How do you hit people?"

"This kind of person also too does not have the quality, all said the gentleman moves the mouth not to start."

"Express brother, you're fighting Xu Hai, who is headed by the four little demons. Do you know what happened?"

"Mr. Wang, what kind of people do you know? Being with such people reduces your status."

Ye Chen listened to Xu Hai's friends shouting like mad dogs. He also felt funny in his heart.

These people are pointing at him all the time. If Xu Hai hadn't provoked Xiao Ya first, he would have been too lazy to fight with such people.

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