No matter how Chen Youfu struggles, it doesn't help. His hand is like a pair of pliers that he can't break free.

"Boy, let me go. Don't meddle in here." Cried Chen Youfu, grinning.

Because of the severe pain, his body trembled and sweat oozed from his forehead.

Liu Jia opened his eyes and saw the express brother in front of him.

At first glance, she fell in love with this man.

It has to be said that ye Chen is full of charm. All women who have seen him will love him.

"Thank you, little brother." Liu Jia whispered.

Ye Chen smiles at Liu Jia and nods. Then he looks at Chen Youfu coldly and says, "I'll take care of this business. A man without ability will beat a woman."

"Boy, this girl is my wife. It's our housework." Chen Youfu grinned.

Ye Chen looked at the girl and asked, "is what he said true?"

"Yes, we are going to get married soon." Liu Jia said in a low voice, without any joy on her face.

Originally Ye Chen thought that this middle-aged man was bullying girls and middle-aged women in public, but he understood after hearing the girl's answer.

After all, it's someone else's household chores, and he's not easy to interfere. Although he sees that middle-aged men are not good enough for girls, the girls have admitted it. It must be true.

Ye Chen sees unwillingness on the girl's face, and he can't do anything in this case.

"Sir, I didn't cheat you. I was just on the spur of the moment. I'm sure I won't dare to. Please let me go. Now I feel that my wrist has been pinched by you." Chen Youfu begged.

As he said, ye Chen's strength is great, and there is a sharp pain in his wrist.

Feeling the strength of that hand, Chen Youfu couldn't bear it, so he had to admit it.

Ye Chen is tall and thin in front of him. He doesn't seem to be a man with so much strength, but in fact, he is not.

"It's OK to let you go. You promise to treat the girl well in the future." Ye Chen cold eyes said.

"Uncle, I promise you to treat her, love her and make her the happiest woman in the world." Chen Youfu vowed.

Ye Chen releases Chen Youfu's hand and turns to leave.

Seeing ye Chen's back disappear, Chen Youfu stares at the girl fiercely and thinks in her heart: "smelly bitch, just now you let me be in front of people, lose face completely, see how I deal with you at night, I want to get back all the humiliation just from you."

These words, of course, he did not dare to say with the girl now, mainly for fear that ye Chen suddenly came out again.

Liu Jia looks at Ye Chen, who is leaving. She is very sad in her heart.

Scenes of the past appear in front of her eyes again. Now she has some regrets in her heart and agrees to Chen Youfu.

Originally, Liu Jia lived in an excellent family, with loving parents and a happy family.

But what happened in her junior year destroyed her original happy life.

First, my mother was found to have a strange disease. When she got sick, she felt like she was gnawed by tens of thousands of insects. Only a special medicine could relieve the pain.

And this kind of special medicine is expensive, the family's money is spent on the mother taking medicine to see a doctor, her life is no longer as rich as before.

In order to earn more money to see a doctor for his mother, his father drove all night for a long distance and got killed in a car accident. Liu Jia's mother and daughter didn't get any compensation.

This makes the already hard family even worse.

At this time, Chen Youfu appears to covet Liu Jia's beauty, and threatens that if she doesn't marry him, she won't get the special medicine.

In order to get Liu Jia, Chen Youfu also made great efforts to monopolize this special drug.

Without this medicine, Liu Jia's mother would be tortured to death by pain.

Liu Jia is a filial daughter. How can she watch her mother suffer from this kind of suffering.

Under Chen Youfu's repeated threats, Liu Jia can only agree to his request and commit herself to marry the man she doesn't love.

Because only in this way can the mother get medicine to relieve the pain.

Thinking of these, Liu Jia's tears flow down involuntarily, and the grievances and helplessness in her heart burst out at the moment.

"Little bitch, what are you crying for? On a happy day, your father is in trouble, right? I'll see how I deal with you at night. Don't you like crying? I want you to cry enough." Chen Youfu threatened.Without waiting for Liu Jia to speak, he continued: "when the ceremony is over, you show me well. Many of the people who attend the wedding are my business friends. If you don't give me face, think about the consequences."

Liu Jia didn't dare to say another word, so he could only listen.

She knew that if Chen Youfu was upset, he would probably break his mother's special medicine.

At that time, my mother will not live like death.

How can she have the heart? She has come to this point. Liu Jia thinks it's worth exchanging her future happiness for her mother's life.

"You're deaf. You don't hear me, do you?" Cried Chen Youfu.

Seeing that Liu Jia didn't give him any response, Chen Youfu also came to his temper.

"I heard that. I'll do whatever you want me to do." Liu Jia said timidly.

After ye Chen delivered the express, he quickly rode an electric car home to change his clothes.

After all, tonight is to attend the activities on behalf of the company, which represents the company's image. We should dress decently and not lose the face of the company.

Ye Chen changed into a tailored and slim Gaoding suit, with the Constantine emerald watch on his wrist, and drove laiken to meet Su Qing in the company.

"Su Qing, are you finished? I'm downstairs now." Ye Chen calls Su Qing and says.

"Ye Chen, I'll finish the meeting immediately. You go upstairs and wait for me for a while." Su Qing hung up after she finished.

Park the car at the door and ye Chen goes upstairs.

"Are you the express brother who helps the company solve the crisis at noon?" Zheng Siyuan looked at Ye Chen, who was wearing a high-end suit and a luxury watch, and was surprised.

Now ye Chen is different from the one before.

"That's right." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this time, Su Qing also came out from the meeting room, saw Ye Chen smile: "I'm busy with my work, we can go."

"Mr. Su, who is this man?" Zheng Siyuan said the question in his heart.

To be just an ordinary express brother, it is impossible to wear such luxury clothes.

This is obviously a rich man, but also the kind of rich level.

"Manager Zheng, I forgot to introduce you before. This is Ye Dong of the group. He likes to send express to experience life." Su Qing said with a smile.

"Hello, ye Dong." Zheng Siyuan quickly extended his hand to greet him.

"Manager Zheng, it's hard work. The R & D of shadow shield depends on you and your team." Ye Chen took his hand and said.

"Please rest assured that we will spare no effort to develop shadow shield in the shortest time." Zheng Siyuan said in a hurry.

He felt that ye Chen, as the chairman of the group, really had no airs at all, and he was most comfortable with such leadership. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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