As soon as ye Chen was on the live broadcast, many fans poured in.

The number of bullets, the number of followers and the number of gifts in the live broadcast room have all attracted the attention of the anchors.

It's just that ye Chen's studio has been on the list for less than half an hour.

The live broadcast list of maoya platform has been occupied by several popular anchors for a long time, and the top ten are those ten people.

There were several little anchors who dreamed of being on that list, but they didn't succeed.

You know, the names on the list are the familiar ones, which have never changed.

But ye Chen did not broadcast half an hour, the list changed, which also attracted the attention of the anchor.

There is a group among the anchors, and now this group has become extremely lively.

"Let's see where the little anchor came from and squeezed the tenth anchor down."

"What happened in the end? It's incredible that the new anchor can be on this list."

"I guess it should be a beautiful anchor. These anchors rely on their big brother to give her a gift and hold her on the list, so that she can get a little satisfaction in her heart."

"I have a look. It's not a beautiful anchor at all. It's just an express brother delivering the express live."

This sentence, suddenly the group became very quiet.

No one believed that a small anchor suddenly appeared on the list, challenging their status.

There was silence in the group for a while, then someone spoke again.

"What's the background of this new anchor from that guild?"

After all, the famous anchorages are all popular with the guild now. It's impossible without the support of the guild.

I didn't even believe that someone jumped into the list on their own.

Therefore, everyone guessed that ye Chen was able to do it by relying on the guild and the strong background behind him.

At this time, someone said: "I don't know about this person at all, but I've sent someone to check, and the result should come soon."

After a short time, the man was surprised and said, "we all guessed wrong. This boy has no guild at all."

This sentence is like a thunder general, the group boiling up again.

"How can it be without a guild? It's incredible that this little anchor can be on the list so soon. "

"It's not true. I don't believe the results of your investigation at all."

"You know, this is not the beginning of live broadcasting. It's impossible to do it without guild."

In the group, except for the person who investigated Ye Chen, there was no second person who believed that there was no support from the guild behind Ye Chen.

Even if some people believe it, they are not convinced.

God knows how much they have paid for their achievement, but ye Chen, the new anchor, challenges their position.

These anchors are full of superiority, even a sense of supremacy. They will never allow others to endanger them.

But now there is a new anchor, and it threatens their position. How can these people give up.

"Since he doesn't have a guild, it's just right that we can let this little anchor know our strength and let him know that he can't survive in this field without support."

"That's right. I'm really a guy who doesn't know the heaven and earth. He even pushed our people down. In this way, it will cause us huge losses. We must get him off the list."

In fact, it's not only the famous anchors who are not satisfied, but also their fans.

A sudden appearance of a small anchor, his love beans from the list to squeeze down, which makes them feel uncomfortable.

Even they think ye Chen is really hateful.

Soon, there was a lot of excitement among the fans.

"What's the matter with that little anchor? How to squeeze my love beans down? I'm really angry."

"We can't let him continue to be arrogant. Let's bomb him in his studio."

"Yes, we can, but I think our strength is still too small. It's better to hire a water army to spray him to death."

"It's a good way. If we let him go on like this, where can we put our love bean face?"

Seeing that his love bean was squeezed out of the list, these fans simply lost their senses, thinking about how to give ye Chen some strength, so as to give his love bean this tone.

Soon everyone took action and entered Ye Chen's studio for revenge.

Some of these people are paid professional blowers, some are just chatting fans, and some of their relatives and friends.

Everyone's goal is the same, is to give ye Chen some color to see.

Ye Chen has been busy delivering express, where will know these things, if it is not for Yueyue to call him, tell him something happened in the live room, let him hurry to have a look, he will not pay attention at all.

I really don't know. I'm scared when I see it.

I don't know where a group of trumpets came from. They spurted at him.

"How are you doing? It's not good to send express. What's the purpose of live broadcast? It shows you, right?"

"Live delivery really has no intention at all."

"I think you are drunk, not in the bar. You want to sell your hue and get the attention of female fans."

"Well, I despise such people most."

"It's not true that the anchorperson always depends on his ability to eat, but you rely on it. I'm also drunk."

"It's not good to do something when you are young. You have to do it. Your mother will die of grief when she knows."

"This kind of person is so shameless. We must resist him."

See the content in the comment area, ye Chen expression some doubts, he really don't understand where these people are from.

Just now these people haven't seen the movement, but suddenly one after another, and all blame Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is not stupid. It's obvious that someone designed it, and there must be a water army among the people who spoke.

Look at the situation. It's not good.

Ye Chen just wanted to fight back, and the fans waiting to see him continue to deliver express in his live studio were not happy.

"How come all of a sudden there are so many sprays? Get out of here and don't disturb us to watch the live delivery."

"At first glance, I know that you are employed sailors, and you must have been instructed."

"Can you stop for a while and stay where it's cool? Don't bark like a wild dog here."

See those fans support him, ye Chen heart gives birth to a warm current, he did not expect that someone will really speak for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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