Ye Chen never thought of it.

After Tian Xiaoxiao's mother knew that she was an express brother, she not only didn't ridicule him, but also appreciated him very much.

On the contrary, it makes Ye Chen a little embarrassed.

"Auntie, how good is this movie? The first time we met, we gave such a valuable gift."

Ye Chen changed the car key back.

"Brother Ye Chen, you can take it from my mother. Although the car is broken, it doesn't matter. When I have pocket money next month, I'll buy you a better one."

Tian Xiaoxiao holds Ye Chen's arm and looks coquettish.

Ye Chen is speechless.

He finally knew what it was to be bold.

Ferrari is still a broken car. I'll buy you a better one with my pocket money next month.

In other words, Tian Xiaoxiao's pocket money must be several million.

"Hiss... Ye Chen took a breath of cold air."

It's too presumptuous.

He did not expect that this beautiful little Lori's family should be so rich.

Tian Mu looked at Ye Chen, and the more she looked, the more she liked it.

Ye Chen is too handsome. Only such a handsome man can be worthy of my daughter.

Tian's mother is also Yan value control. When she sees Ye Chen's first sight, she is shocked by Ye Chen's Yan value.

Ye Chen is too handsome.

How can there be such a handsome boy in this world.

If it wasn't for ye Chen's being Tian Xiaoxiao's boyfriend, even Tian's mother had the heart to take care of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is the kind of woman that women will like at a glance.

But ye Chen is now her daughter's boyfriend, so Tian's mother certainly won't attack her daughter's boyfriend.

"Ye Chen, you usually send express is not very tired, every day staring at the sun, wind and rain can't rest."

Mother Tian sighed.

Ye Chen smiles: "it's a little hard."

In fact, ye Chen where hard, driving a luxury car every day, wind and rain, for ye Chen does not exist.

Tian's mother said with a smile: "Ye Chen, if you are willing to marry my daughter, I will give you 10% of the shares of our company."

"Although it's only 10% of the shares, it's worth more than one billion yuan. Let's take it as my daughter's dowry."

"Ah, poor child, my father died early. I owe too much to my daughter. In my heart, she is my darling. You must treat my daughter well."

Tian Xiaoxiao's mother sighed and said.

Ye Chen suddenly confused.

Tian Xiaoxiao is so beautiful. How can he be afraid that his daughter won't get married?

As soon as they meet, they give them luxury cars. After they get married, they give them betrothal gifts

It's crazy.

Ye Chen heard of marrying his daughter like this for the first time.

Tian Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Chen. The more he looks, the more handsome he is. This boy is so handsome.

How can there be such a handsome boy in this world? This is my God.

Although the two were only friends for one day, Tian Xiaoxiao has fallen in love with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen embarrassed way: "aunt, I and Xiaoxiao just know each other, need to know each other, marriage is not in a hurry."

Hear ye Chen's words, the farmland mother is more happy.

Ordinary boys, hearing such a dowry, must immediately agree to come down.

But ye Chen said that he wanted to know each other everywhere.

What does that mean?

It shows that ye Chen is not greedy for money.

Handsome, good character, this boy is just too good.

Tian's mother laughed: "yes, it's just my test for you. Now I've completely passed this test."

Ye Chen smiles: "don't worry, auntie. I'm serious about love. I won't be blinded by money."

"Yes, what I just said is a billion. It's estimated that other boys would like to go to my daughter immediately."

"But you are not the same, in your eyes, I did not see any greedy expression, but very calm."

"I've made money in my whole life just for my daughter. I'm very bad at business. I've never misjudged anyone. I believe your character."

"Now, I have recognized you, express brother, you don't do it, so you take over my business, I slowly cultivate you into a president, as long as you are good to my daughter, my everything is yours."

Tian's mother appreciates Ye Chen very much, and obviously already regards him as her future son-in-law.

Ye Chen

Now he realized that it was Tian Mu's temptation.

It's recognized. It's even more rewarding.

But a billion, in front of Ye Chen, is really nothing.

Ye Chen's total assets must be several hundred billion now.

So his eyes, his calm is not pretended.

"Mom, it's like your daughter can't get married." Tian Xiaoxiao frowned and said.

Tian mother looked at her daughter jokingly: "so, you don't want to marry."

Tian Xiaoxiao immediately shook his head: "of course I will."

Seeing Tian Xiaoxiao's impatient expression, Tian's mother smiles.

For her daughter, Tian Mu knows best.

After all, my daughter was brought up by herself.

With her eyes and actions, Tian's mother knows what Tian Xiaoxiao wants to do.

"Mom, you're a pain in the neck."

Tian Xiaoxiao was coquettish for a while.

Ye Chen

Did your mother and daughter agree so soon?

Shouldn't you ask my opinion?

Ah, being handsome is trouble. There is always Bai Fumei who wants to marry herself.

Tian mother laughed: "well, you and Xiaoxiao come into the room to have a rest. You two have a good communication."

Said, the farmland mother looked at the leaf Chen, also peeped out a fan similar smile.

Ye Chen suddenly froze.

Good communication?

What kind of communication is it.

And come in?

It's not like entering Tian Xiaoxiao's room.

Is this your mother?

Ye Chen always feels that this mother wants to marry her daughter out immediately.

"Gone." Tian Xiaoxiao pulls Ye Chen shyly.

"I'll show you my boudoir."

Ye Chen is pulled toward the second floor by Tian Xiaoxiao.

Ye Chen is speechless.

The first time I came home, I went into the boudoir?

It's less than an hour for two people to realize.

It's a little too fast.

However, for Tian Xiaoxiao's boudoir to communicate with each other, ye Chen is still very looking forward to.

Can it be that kind of communication?

Every time soon, Tian Xiaoxiao brings Ye Chen to her room.

After entering the room, ye Chen has thought that the other party's room will be like this.

A room for very little Lori.

In the room, there are cabinets on one wall.

There are all kinds of clothes in the cabinet, many of which are loli's clothes. They are very lovely.

Ye Chen took a look, there are probably hundreds of sets.

There are too many skirts.

Ye Chen can see that these Lori skirts are not cheap, and each set has to start at 10000 yuan.

There are probably millions of clothes in the cupboard alone.

Ye Chen saw for the first time that a girl liked loli's clothes so much.

"Brother, do you like me to wear Lori's clothes? Tian Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

Ye Chen smiles: "it's OK."

Tian Xiaoxiao smile: "you see, there are more here."

Ye Chen finds out that the other wall is loli's clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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