"God of Knowledge!"

"You're going to fall!"

"You have brought a bad atmosphere to the chat group of the gods, you are synonymous with the depravity of this era, the day you fall, my god of war will fiercely pick up the divine stone that you burst!"

"The God of Knowledge speaks!"

"Hey, hey, God of Knowledge, I, Bal, are watching you from the Abyssal Pillars!"

Gods chat group.

The gods called out to Chen Ge.

"Lord Secret Emperor, is your strength okay?"

The underworld.

Night Elf Realm.

In the hot spring pool.

The Night Empress had already entered the hot spring, and as if she was out of control, she had already begun to bathe Chen Ge.

I have to say.

Her technique is indeed very professional.

Chen Ge ignored the message of the gods' chat group.

Close your eyes and relax.

Start enjoying the Night Queen's craft.

On the side, the mermaid princess, the swan princess, and the blood clan Lady Gulina stared at the Night Empress's techniques, and they were all secretly learning techniques.

"Not suitable for children. "

The Angel of Death, Ymir, thought for a moment, picked up the little Seraphic Angel Avril with his left hand, and the little fallen angel Emile with his right hand, and left the underground world and returned to the surface world with a swish.

Ariel, the angel of fate, gritted her teeth, but decided to stay and learn the Night Empress's bathing skills.

Two hours later.

Chen Ge threw down a godhead and 100,000 divine stones, and left the underground world 663 with the mermaid princess, swan princess and other major combat forces of his subordinates.

"Thanks... Thank you, Lord, Aurelia will always submit to you!"

The Night Empress didn't react for the first time, when she saw the Godhead and the 100,000 Divine Stones clearly, the Night Empress was so excited that she jumped on the spot, grabbed the Godhead and the 100,000 Divine Stones, knelt down with a puff, and kowtowed frantically in the direction where Chen Ge left.

As for the few demigod night elf female generals, they were already dumbfounded.

I'm Cao!

The Empress has only been serving the Lord for two hours!

The Empress got a godhead and 100,000 divine stones!

Your lord is too arrogant!


Let's give the lord a bath too!

Our craftsmanship is no worse than that of the Empress!

Terrestrial world.

Chen Ge's territory.

Chen Ge glanced at the misty area.

The Angel Legion has begun to attack the Condor Empire, one of the major forces in the weird earthly world.

Now the Angel Legion.

There are two main waves.

A wave of exploration of the surface.

A wave of exploration underground.

"The god of storms is on the Great Voyage... The God of Storm is only a true God, even if the God falls, a round of forbidden spells by 10,000 angels should be able to cripple the God of Storm... Forget it! Mobilize 100,000 angels! Fight quickly!"

Think for a moment.

Chen Ge called 50,000 angels on the surface and 50,000 angels underground.

Assemble a legion of 100,000 angels.

Carry 100,000 troops through the God Emperor.

Teleport the Stone Tablet through the Great Passage in the center of the realm.

Descending on the Great Voyage.


As soon as I arrived, I heard an angry roar, and I saw that in the boundless sea, there was a super huge rotten meat ball monster, which was devouring everything frantically!


Meat balls!


This is a characteristic of the Fall of God!

The God of Storms is completely out of control!

The Great Passage is much, much bigger than the Shattered Heaven!

And the god of storms has devoured a third of the great passage!

The meat ball monster at this moment is more than a hundred times bigger than the meat ball monster that Hercules has become!

Visually alone!

If this thing comes to the Blue Star!

Blue Star humans will definitely be deeply shocked!

[I'm Luo Guangming!]

[I received a mission from the Temple of Life!]

[I got a demigod magic ship that can carry 3,000 troops, and I brought 3,000 Holy Light Knights to the Great Voyage!]

There is a storm god in the Great Voyage, the Storm God has devoured a third of the Great Voyage, and my mission goal is to defend the Great Voyage Ancestral Island!]

[Cao!The gods of the weird world are so disgusting after they fall!]

【I've arrived at Ancestral Island!】

[My Great Feather Master Priestess told me that there are rumors about the Ancestral Artifact in the Great Voyage, and that the Protoss Artifact is extremely powerful, and the Ancestral Artifact may be on the Ancestral Island!]

[Hmm, strange! There is actually a terracotta warrior on the Ancestral Island! This thing should be called a terracotta army, right!]

Lord's Channel.

Luo Guangming complained.

Luo Guangming sent a screenshot.

The screenshot shows a terracotta warrior standing on a cliff on an island.

【Great Route?】

[The mission of the Temple of Life?]

[The god of storms has fallen?]

[There are terracotta warriors and horses on the Ancestral Island? Huh? I thought of Li Yaoyang, the son of our richest man! Li Yaoyang's initial race is the Golden Crow! So is there a possibility, the terracotta warriors and horses are also a type of troops, a special type of troops!]

[Terracotta Warriors?

Instantaneous (BCDC).

All kinds of information swiped.



Chen Ge swept the screenshot of Luo Guangming's hair.

Subconsciously use the Eye of the Arcane to sweep it.


Suddenly!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

A foggy island ahead!

A black light rises into the sky!


The black light spreads in the air!

In an instant, he became a million soldiers!


Chen Ge was stunned.





Millions of soldiers shouted in unison!




In a split second!

Rain of arrows is formed!

Overwhelming rain of arrows!

The god of storms who flocked to the fallen gods!


The god of the fallen storm roars!

The giant body of the meat ball that occupies a third of the great route!

A dense mouth appeared!

It's like an abyss opening up!

It seems to be forcibly devouring the overwhelming rain of arrows!


And in the next second!

An overwhelming rain of arrows shot through the fallen storm god!

Shoot the god of the storm who has fallen from the gods!

The Fall of the God of Storms is over!

The God of Storms has emerged!

The Storm God body was stunned!



The God of Storms body has exploded!

Divine blood!

Scattered on the Great Passage!




Three divine lights lit up!

A godhead!

A blue crown!

A blue staff emerges!

This is the Godhead of the Storm God and the divine authority!



The millions of soldiers turned into black light are gone!

There is only one terracotta left at the moment!

Terracotta warriors soar into the sky!

Tear through time and space!

Great Voyage!

In smooth water!

"It's like... The strange legion just now, a volley of arrows, directly terminated the fall of the gods... The rain of arrows just now directly erased the law!"

On the deck of the God Emperor, the swan princess Sophia was extremely surprised.

"Terracotta... From the legendary Chaos God Domain..."

Mermaid princess Adjani whispers.

"I'm Cao! I'm so strong! This baby's Fallen Angel Legion doesn't seem to be able to beat the Eastern Legion just now! I feel like this baby's Fallen Angel Legion will be killed in seconds!"

The little fallen angel Emile blinked wildly.

Little Seraph Avril frowned.

Yumir, the Angel of Death, also looked thoughtful at this moment.

"Special Troops. "

Chen Ge nodded lightly.

The next second.

Lord's Channel.

Luo Guangming's scream rang out.

【I'm Cao!】

[I missed the opportunity to recruit special troops!]

Do you know what I just saw?! The terracotta warriors and horses on the Ancestral Island suddenly flew into the sky! A terracotta warrior turned into a million soldiers! A million soldiers killed the god of the storm who fell in a round of arrows!]

[Strange World!Terracotta Warriors and Horses must be a special class!It must be the top class in the Chaos God Domain!Too strong and too fierce!]

[I'm so excited!I'm so excited!Godhead!I've seen the Godhead of the Storm!And the God of Storm's Divine Authority Artifact!]

[I, Luo Guangming, am about to inherit the throne of the God of Storms, and I am about to take over the authority of the God of Storms, and I have picked up a shocking leak!]


Pick up the leak?

Do you deserve it too?

On the deck of the Divine Emperor, Chen Ge snapped his fingers, and the 100,000 Angel Legion flew out and landed on the Ancestral Island where Luo Guangming was located!.

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