
Chen Ge and Lady Luck.

Teleported back to the territory.

"It's terrible, it's terrible..."

Lady Luck said dumbfounded.


Many people in the territory swept their eyes and stared at Lady Luck, what happened to Lady Luck?


The goddess of death directly reads the soul of the goddess of luck, and the goddess of death has a beautiful face.


The goddess of light, the goddess of love, the goddess of elves, the goddess of magic, the goddess of life, the goddess of fate, etc., also subconsciously read the soul of the goddess of luck!




What's going on?

Avril, Emile, Ymir, Ariel, Mermaid Princess, Swan Princess, Night Queen and other major combat forces were a little confused at this moment.


A goddess reacts so much?

"Shocked! Shocked! Stunned! I'm Cao! How is this possible! The lord is invincible!"


The Valkyrie King let out a scream.


Avril, Emile, and Ymir were even more confused.


Meryl, the blood angel, whispered.


How invincible?

Your Excellency?


Can't you see invincibility?

"Did you surpass the Chaos Sun God?"

In the Dao Breaking Temple, Sister Dali, the female demon god of the Destruction Master Realm, suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Chen Ge.

Calamity Witch!

The good side of the goddess of the night!

Goddess of Time!

Queen Eve!


These goddesses who are usually basically self-proclaimed!

All eyes open!

Keeping an eye on Chen Ge!

"The Chaos Sun God... Isn't it amazing?"

Emile, the little fallen angel, asked.

"The Chaos Sun God is the god of the gods, and the Sun God Bird that pulls the chariot for him is the Exterminator. I really didn't expect you to surpass the Chaos Sun God in this aspect. "

Sister Dali sighed again.


Avril, Emile, Ymir, and the others widened their eyes.

I'm Cao!

Chaos Sun God!

He actually asked the creature of the Exterminator level to pull the chariot for him!

It's too strong!


Here's the problem!

In what way did the lord surpass the Chaos Sun God?


[You received a private message from Lucifer!]

[Brother God of Knowledge, I'm so stunned! A god was born today, a god who doesn't know the origin, but as long as this god doesn't fall halfway, then he will definitely become the strongest god, even stronger than the Chaos Sun God in the Chaos God Domain!


Lucifer sent a private message.

"Who is it?"

"Whose Divine Spirit Law surpasses the Chaos Sun God of the Chaos God Domain!"

"Who the hell is Anonymous!"

The next second.

Gods chat group.

Tyrant Adam roared.

"Someone in the Chaos God Domain has obtained an extremely terrifying divine spirit law, and his divine path will go further than that of the Chaos Sun God!"

Followed by.

The deep voice of the Lord of Time rang out.

"I'm Cao?"

"How is this possible? Although the gods of our strange world have withdrawn from the Chaos God Domain for 100,000 years, they are still oppressed by the power of the Chaos Sun God! The Chaos Sun God is recognized as the first god!"

"Is it possible that some powerful person in our weird world has obtained an unprecedented divine law!"

"Goddess of the Night?"

"Thunder Goddess?"

"Which one!"

Messages from the gods floated by.

"I smell conspiracy!"

The Lord of the Grey Mist came along.

"In this era, such a god was suddenly born, this is not normal, this is too weird! Is the weird goddess here, does the weird goddess know who was born!"

The Lord of Splendor directly started the live broadcast.


[You've received a private message from the Chaos Sun God!]

[I, Cao! Brother! Someone's Divine Law actually surpassed me! I used to be the first! Now I have become the second! I was stunned! My Divine Spiritual Law has nine colors, and someone actually surpassed me in this regard!

I'm going to find out this guy!Hmm? I can't even spy on any information about this guy? By the way, brother, how many colors does your divine law have?]


The Chaos Sun God sent a private message.


This guy?

The law of the gods is nine colors?

The latest divine law I got in the Chaos God Domain is also nine-colored?

The same nine colors.

How am I ranked above the Chaos Sun God?

Chen Ge was slightly stunned.

[I, the Macang family, have captured a wizard tower and obtained a rare war relic, and I can choose a lord to launch a lord war! I want to challenge Chen Ge, who has a million troops, and I'm a little afraid of death, how should I choose!]

Lord's Channel.

Yui Asakura suddenly said.

[I support Yui Asakura!]

[Miss Asakura Yui, please directly launch a lord battle against Chen Ge, just to see what kind of troops this guy's million troops are!]

[Miss Asakura Yui, don't, you look so beautiful, I don't want you to die under Singer Chen!Miss Asakura Yui, I haven't even experienced your pushing and pressing foot skills!Otherwise, Miss Asakura Yui, you let me experience your foot skills first, and then you will launch a lord battle against Chen Ge!]

[Oh, Miss Yui Asakura, you're Asakura's cousin, right? You want to avenge Asakuraya?]

[Miss Asakura Yui, you are so beautiful, it would be a pity if you didn't leave a bloodline descendant! Miss Asakura Yui, I'll give you a move, you will find a way to give Chen Ge a child, and then launch a lord war against Chen Ge! Even if you die, Chen Ge will feel guilty for the rest of his life!]

[Damn!What kind of garbage ploy is this!I, Andre, am the first to disagree!]

Moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lord's Channel.

All kinds of information swiped.


Yui Asakura?

This chick with a world-weary face?

Want to challenge me?

Chen Ge shook his head slightly.


[Your angelic legion has captured the Holy Blood Underground Palace!]

[All classes in your territory can increase their bloodline level through the Holy Blood Underground Palace!]

The next second.

Capture information appears.


Condor Empire?

The Ancient Holy Blood Underground Palace has been taken?

Can all classes go in and improve their bloodline level?


Royal Griffin Female Knight!

Teleport all!

Chen Ge raised his hand and snapped his fingers!


Chen Ge and the Griffin Queen, the fifty thousand royal griffin female knights, teleported to the Holy Blood Underground Palace, and the Angel Legion automatically dispersed. Chen Ge swept through the so-called Holy Blood Underground Palace and found that this was a huge underground blood pool.

"Holy Blood Palace!"

The griffon queen's eyes lit up.


Take down this teleportation mecca!

The Griffin Female Knight can now increase the bloodline level!

"Your Lord!"

The griffin queen shouted at Chen Ge.

"Let's go in and level up the bloodline. "

Chen Ge smiled and nodded.


The Griffon Queen waves!

50,000 griffon female knights fly into a huge pool of blood!



The mysterious light is on!


[Your 50,000 Holy Storm Gryphon Bloodline Level Up!]

[Your 50,000 Holy Storm Griffons have evolved into Holy Blood Griffins!]

[Holy Blood Griffin's All Attributes Increased, Twenty Times!]

[All Holy Blood Griffins have gained the anti-damage talent!]

[All griffon female knights master the spear of the Great Forbidden Spell Holy Blood!]


The griffon has evolved!

Holy Blood Griffon!

There's a new talent!

And a new Great Forbidden Spell!

Not bad!



My Legion of Angels!

Isn't it possible to increase the bloodline level as well?

Anyway, the Blood Angel is already a forbidden class!

Is the Holy Blood Underground Palace effective against the Blood Angels!(Deli Hao)

Chen Ge thought quickly.


He was just about to let the Angel Legion enter the Holy Blood Underground Palace in batches to take a bath.

Suddenly, a message appears.


[Lord Asakura Yui used the ancient war relics to launch a lord war against you!]

[You can choose any class or choose all classes to fight!]

【Please Select!】


Yui Asakura?

Did this woman really use the War Relic to start a lord war?

That's it!

Gryphon has just been promoted to Holy Blood Griffin!

Just take this woman's class to test how much the Holy Blood Griffin has improved!


Fifty thousand holy blood griffin female knights!

Follow me to fight the women of the Asakura family!

Chen Ge made a choice!



He, the griffon queen, and the fifty thousand holy blood griffin female knights were pulled into a battlefield!


Next second!

On the other side of the battlefield!

Asakura Yui appears!

Yui Asakura's class is here!


Green Knight!

Nearly 50,000 Green Knights!

Except for the Green Knights!

And a golden angel!

Hmm, fire?

Golden Angels?

This is Yui Asakura's hole card?.

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