The night passed.

Chen Ge opened his eyes.

The elven goddess was found still asleep.

I found that the goddess of light ~ Ming was staring at herself.


Last night?

Inside the Seraphic Sanctuary?

It doesn't seem like there's a goddess of light, right?


[You have improved a god rank with the help of the blood of the elf goddess!]

[You have been promoted to the Pillar God!]

[You are the first student lord of Blue Star to be promoted to Pillar God-!]

[You've been rewarded with a Billion Lord Points!]

[Your current lord's points have exceeded three billion!]

Information emerges.

It's done!

Pillar God!

That's where the elf goddess comes in!

You don't need a godhead to break through a god rank!


Judging by the last promotion!

The fountain of life in the center of the territory should be expanding!

It's time to increase production, too!

How many times will the output be increased this time?

At this stage, it is a mass production of six thousand angels!

How many angels do you have energy after the ascension?


Wait a minute!

Chen Ge originally wanted to look outside the Sanctuary, but an instinctive will suddenly appeared, and he subconsciously gave the elf goddess a score for her delicious level!

98 points!

If only it was purely delicious!

The elf goddess is 98 points!

But the elven goddess is clearly more depraved than the goddess of light!

The delicious level can be added to the score by one more point!

99 points!

[There's something I think is weird!]

[We, the Blue Star students, have been in the weird world for two months, and so far, we don't seem to have encountered the territory of other lords, don't you think it's strange?]

[Is our initial survival position all random?]

Lord's Channel.

Someone asked a question.


[It must be random!]

[I, Xerxes, have found out the location of my territory, I am on the weird and earthly west coast, very close to Dragon Island!Oh yes, I was forced to sign an agreement by the Dragon Clan, although I can obtain the Golden Dragon Class, but I will have to work for the Dragon Clan for the next hundred years!

[I have also discovered my territory, I am on the weird earthly east coast!]

[I'm in the weird and earthly north, fishing and hunting resources are very rich, it's just too cold, I don't like ice and snow, I like the feeling of lush in the south!]


Various responses.


Not to mention.

I really didn't pay attention to this aspect before.

The area of my territory is already 20,000 miles.

In addition to the underground world, there are also more than 10,000 miles in radius.

I didn't even touch the territory of another lord.

The Legions of Angels have conquered several kingdoms.

How big is the weird earthly world?

Chen Ge pondered.



Territory Center!

The fountain of life!

Lit up with a brilliant light!

The Fountain of Life begins to expand!


[You have been promoted to the Pillar God!]

【Fountain of Life Expands!】

[Fountain of Life can produce 10,000 bottles of Fountain of Life per day!]

Here it comes!

Expansion complete!

Mass production of 10,000 bottles of Fountain of Life every day!

A bottle of fountain of life!

The Chaos Angel Class Tower can mass-produce 100 Light Angels or Dark Angels!

10,000 bottles of Fountain of Life can be mass-produced every day for millions of Angels of Light or Dark Angels!

Millions of troops are added every day!

Ten days is 10 million!

That's 30 million a month!

Close to 100 million in three months!


The Chaos Angel Tower's riot speed has been raised!

That's reasonable!

Just imagine, a true god-level god of thieves has 300 million combat believers, and a gold god who dominates the realm has 3 billion combat believers!


A pillar god!

Millions of angels every day!

Not too much!


[Your total strength has exceeded 10 million!]

[You can enter the Chaos God Domain at any time!]

Another message appeared.

Chen Ge directly ignored this information.

At this stage, entering the Chaos God Domain is basically a waste of time, on the one hand, as soon as the angel legion appears, Li Yaoyang and his brother Sun God Li Lieyang will definitely run away directly.

On the other hand, the Angel Legion can't handle powerful gods, such as pillar gods and creators, let alone the primordial creator and primordial gods.

It's better to develop in the weird world for a while.

When the time comes!

Billions of angels have entered the Chaos God Domain!



Mass production of millions of angels every day!

It still doesn't feel good enough!

The strength of the rioters is still a little worse!

Washed away the elf goddess last night!

The only opportunity that doesn't need to be promoted to godhood is used up!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Gotta find a way to get the Creator Godhead!

Queen of the Bright God.

Queen of the Dark Gods.

Queen of Chaos.

Then the sacrificial temple was offered in the place of sacrifice.

There is a chance to obtain the Creator Godhead.

I just want to open the sacrificial temple.

You have to whip the three gods before you have a chance to open it.

One last way to get it.

That is to kill the Creator.

It is basically impossible at this stage.

So you can only start with the first two paths.


[The Queen of God chat group is new!]

And just as Chen Ge was thinking, there was a message reminder in the queen chat group.


This time?

What items did the three women put on the shelves?

Chen Ge curiously opened the Queen of God chat group.

Dirty masks?

Dirty stockings?

Dirty white silk?

All price tag 100 Divine Stones?



Slightly more expensive!

One hundred divine stones, for a local tyrant like me with an inventory of 160 million!

What a thing!

One hundred divine stones is equal to a dime!


One hundred divine stones is equal to one penny!

That's a total of three cents!

Ask for flowers

There is no joy in spending money at all!


A sigh.

Chen Ge spent three hundred divine stones to buy three items.


Eye of Arcane!

Sweep three items!

[Mask of Stain: An item used by the Queen of Light, this is a one-time consumable item, which can be used to open any place in Shattered Heaven, the Land of Sacrifice, the Temple of Domination, the Land of Greed, or the Land of Nightmares!]


Can the mask open the place of sacrifice?

[Filthy Stockings: This is an item used by the Queen of Darkness, which can be taken to the place of sacrifice for sacrifice, with a very high chance of obtaining Godhead, and a very low chance of obtaining the Godhead of Domination or Pillar Godhead!]


Sacrifices can be made!


Unable to obtain the Creator Godhead!

[Filthy White Silk: This is an item used by the Queen of Chaos, which can be taken to the place of sacrifice for sacrifice, with a very high chance of obtaining a god-level magic ship, and a very low chance of obtaining a unique characteristic magic ship!]


Magic ship?

A unique feature of a magic ship?

Have you ever beaten the God Emperor?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.

Now he has three magic ships under his command, the Holy Angel, the Apostle and the God Emperor, the Apostle can sail on the astral plane, and the Star Witch uses the Apostle to fish for various items.

The God Emperor can carry 100 million troops.

The Holy Angel is a bit out of shape.

Do you want?

Going to the Land of Sacrifice to get a magic ship?

Chen Ge pondered.


Without warning!

The weird world is shocked!


[The Goddess of Night and the Goddess of Thunder in the Strange World have triggered the tide of light and darkness!]

[All Blue Star Trainee Lords will get a random chance to explore!]

Lords Channel!

The world of scarlet letters has passed through the brush!

【I'm Cao!】

[Light and dark tides!This is the first time this tide has appeared!Hmm?Wait!Haha!I, Luo Guangming, have a chance to explore the land of greed!I have teleported to the land of greed!Gold coins!It's all gold coins!I have at least 100 million gold coins in front of me!]

[I've also arrived in the land of greed!]

[I was randomly teleported to the place of sacrifice!The first sacrificial altar to be swiped out is called Hongjun Ancestor!There is no doubt about it!This is a low-level fraud of the evil god!I won't be fooled!]

[I was teleported to the Graveyard of All Races!I encountered the Golden Crow!I Cao!I seem to have a chance to get the Golden Crow Troops!I was just about to take off!]

[I was teleported to the Juggernaut Temple!]

[I'm Xerxes, I've been transported to the Great Voyage, I've encountered a pirate ship! There's a big beauty on the pirate ship, it's so big, it's big!

[I was teleported to the old world, I was so stunned, this is a black and white world, the visibility is extremely low, I can't see anything!]

All kinds of information swiped!

Next second!

Chen Ge is in front of him!

Information appears!


[You've got a chance to explore the Source Fort!]


Fort Source?

What is this place B?.

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