
Asakura only snorted softly.

"The last time I saw Chen Ge and Princess Swan in the greasy New World, I accidentally saw something, I should... I'm not mistaken! Chen Ge will definitely be able to open this keyhole, we just need to turn around! Of course, if you are not afraid of the long needle eye, you can not turn around!"

Selena explained.


Anya, Bo Saixi, and Shen Xingyue suddenly realized.

The three big beauties glanced at the keyhole in the gate of Source Fort.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Silently turned around.

"A few beautiful women think really differently. "

Chen Ge shook his head lightly and gave the Queen Eve beside him a look, and the Queen Eve flew to the gate of the Source Castle, raising a magic mark in her right hand and appearing.


The gate to the source fort is open!


Selena was stunned.




Anya, Bo Saixi, and Shen Xingyue stared at the queen Eve.

This woman.


It's not like any class.

I can't see through the other party's extraordinary level at all.

This woman feels like a goddess in a strange world.

It's just hard to imagine.

In just two months.

Chen Ge actually got a figure who was suspected of being a goddess.

"How many troops do you have now?"

Bo Saixi asked.

"Guess. "

Chen Ge gave 12 Bo Saixi a look, took Ymir, and flew into the Source Fort.



There is bonus information!


[You are the first Cadet Lord to enter the Source Fort this class!]

[You have been rewarded with 100 million lord points!]

Not bad!

Chen Ge nodded lightly, his gaze swept over the interior of the Source Fort, the originally dim and dull interior of the Source Castle suddenly lit up, and what he saw in his eyes was like an ancient large library.

Over here?

Just the first layer of Fort Source?

Chen Ge was curious.

The five big beauties in the back, with their respective characters, entered the source fort.


"This is the first level of Source Fort?"

"Is the first level for us to read?"

A voice of curiosity rang out.


A mysterious light flashed.

The books in the stacks actually flew up.

And one by one they grew angel wings.

"It's so cute!"

Selena's eyes lit up, and she subconsciously wanted to grab the nearest angel wings book, but before she could touch that book, that book suddenly turned into an unspeakable monster!


Unspeakable monsters pounce on Selena!

Selena retreated!

The Abyssal Witch beside her threw a dagger!

Kill the unspeakable monster!

Bang dang!

An item drops!

"Demigod items?"

"So as long as you touch these angel winged books, you will trigger various events, it is possible to spawn monsters, and you can get rewards for killing monsters? "

Anya and Bo Saixi's eyes lit up.

"What is good luck, I've been eliminated. "

Selena smiled wryly.



What do you mean?

Several big beauties were stunned.

"A message appeared in front of my eyes, this is the first level of the Source Castle, each of us has an infinite chance to touch the Angel Wings Book! Once the Angel Wings Book we touch becomes a dark creature, we will be eliminated!

These angel wings books are essentially no different from blind boxes, we actually draw blind boxes, and if we are lucky enough, we have the opportunity to get extremely cherished troops!"

Selena smiled wryly again.


Several big beauties frowned.

"I'm pretty good at drawing blind boxes. "

Chen Ge smiled.


A few big beauties swept over.

"I'll try. "

Anya raised her hand and pointed to an angel wings book in the air.


An unspeakable monster pops up in the book!

The demigod elf beside Anya raised his hand!

One Arrow!

Shoot the unspeakable monsters!

Bang dang!

There are items dropping!

It's also a demigod item!

"I was eliminated too. "

Anya sighed, and a message appeared in front of her that she had lost her qualifications to explore the Source Fort.

"Why don't you try Chen Ge?"

Bo Saixi looked at Chen Ge.

"Ladies first. "

Chen Ge smiled.

"Then I'll do it first. "

Bo Saixi thought for a moment, swept the angel wings book in the large library in front of him, and headed to the northwest for a little book.


An unspeakable monster flew out of the book!

"It's ugly!"

"This thing looks weird!"

"How can there be a monster of this shape!"

Sarina exclaimed subconsciously.

The demigod mermaid beside Bo Saixi, one raised his hand, released a magic, killed the unspeakable monster, and with a clang, an item fell.

Demigod items.

Another demigod item.

"I... Also eliminated ... Why is it so hard... If there is a holy relic that can see through, is this level invincible?"

Bo Saixi was a little unhappy.

Source Fort.

This place.

Just listen to the name and know that it's not easy.

I finally got a chance to explore.

but only got a demigod item.

It can be said that this opportunity was purely wasted.

"I'm coming! I trust my luck!"

Asakura Yui raised his hand and grabbed an angel wings book, only to hear an angry roar, and a monster flew out of the book.

"I'll go!" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"This thing!"

"Why is this thing again!"

"It's disgusting!"

Selena complained wildly.


Yui Asakura raises his hand!

A bolt of lightning burst out!

Kill the monster!

Bang dang!

A demigod item drops!

Asakura Yui's face is cold!

No doubt!

She was also eliminated!

At this moment, the six Blue Star Trainee Lords who entered the Source Castle, only Chen Ge and Shen Xingyue had not yet made a move, Shen Xingyue thought slightly, she closed her eyes, and seemed to be going to have a real blind box!

She raised her hand a little!


The angel wings book she was pointing to!

Fly out a monster!


Selena spits again!

Anya and Bo Saixi blushed!


Next to Shen Xingyue!

Jin Crow opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of sun real fire!

Monsters turn to ashes!

A demigod item drops right after!

"I was also eliminated, I had always been lucky before, but I didn't expect to be eliminated in the first step of the first level of the Source Fort. "

Shen Xingyue sighed.




Anya, Bo Saixi, Selena, and Asakura Yui stared at Chen Ge!

Now there is only one Chen Ge left!

Will Chen Ge also be eliminated in an instant!


Eye of Arcane!

Give me a sweep!

With a faint smile on his face, Chen Ge silently urged the Eye of the Arcane to sweep over all the angel wings books in the big library!


These angel wings are above the book!

One message after another popped up!





Ancient relics!

Million Gold Coins!

Five million gold coins!

Millions of gold coins!

50 million gold coins!

Juggernaut Artifact!

Printed black silk!

Crystal heels!

Angel of Origin!


Chen Ge saw a hint!



This must be a class!287 You don't have to take anything else!

The class must be taken!

[Chen Ge, what are you waiting for, can you do it!]

Bo Saixi's big beauty suddenly came to the lord channel!


[What do you mean?]

[Ma Dan! How many times have you said it!Don't broadcast your and Chen Ge's affairs live on the lord channel!]

[You shameless woman!]

[You contrast table!]

[The first beauty of Yanlong Academy, you have fallen!]


Lords Channel!

There was an uproar!

[Chen Ge, what are you waiting for, can you do it!]

Inside the Source Fort!

Selena's eyes lit up!

I also posted a sentence on the lord channel!


[Selena, what do you mean?]

[Selena, you know, I've been pursuing you since I was in Blue Star, and you're actually... You're actually messing with Chen Ge!]

[Isn't it?Chen Ge?Bo Da Beauty?Miss Selena??The three of you are in the same place now?]

[Broken Heaven, Land of Sacrifice, or Which Place?]

Lords Channel!

Another uproar!

[I'm really good!]

Inside the Source Fort!

Chen Ge smiled!

Posted a sentence on the Lord's Channel!

Raise your hand at the same time!

A little to the angel wings book with the Angel of Origin!


The light is shining!

Angel Wings Book!

Fly out an angel!

This angel!

Dressed in a purple robe!

Stand out!


[Congratulations to Blue Star Lord Chen Ge for obtaining the only class Origin Angel!]

The next moment!

A merciless voice rang out in the Source Fort!

I'm Cao!

One and only class!

Anya, Bo Saixi, Selena, Yui Asakura, and Shen Xingyue were stunned!.

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