[It turned out to be true...]

Chen Ge subconsciously said something on the lord's channel.


[Can you Chen Ge say it directly, don't be a riddler!]

[I hate Riddler the most, my strength will soon exceed one million, and when the time comes, as long as I get the War Relic, I, Norton, will represent the Blue Star God Academy and launch a lord war against you Chen Ge!

I am about to gain the fourth faith! I will become a believer in the fourth Creator! I will not be a riddler, as long as I complete this task, I will become a believer in the goddess of mysteries!

The identity of the goddess of mystery is extremely mysterious, I have already found out clearly, the temple of mystery has a class called the secret maid, the secret maid can easily open the seal of the true god level, and easily solve all kinds of puzzles!]

[I'm Cao! I'm over the ground!Suddenly a golden crow flew over!Is this Miss Shenxingyue's golden crow!]

Lord's Channel.

A variety of sounds.




The Land of Sacrifice.

In the mist.

Indescribable faces emerged.

These are all evil gods.

The evil "Four-Seven-Zero" gods stared at Chen Ge.

"This sacrificial altar is real, but I don't recommend you to sacrifice to this altar, the god of this altar is an extremely powerful god in the Chaos God Domain, mysterious and ancient, even above the Exterminator!

The sheep-headed evil god who led Chen Ge last time groaned and reminded Chen Ge.

"I want to try. "

Chen Ge smiled.


Eye of Arcane!

Look at the results of the sacrifice!

Let's just test that thing first!

Chen Ge urged the Eye of the Arcane.


[If you sacrifice the True God Artifact to Emperor Wa, you won't get any response!]


Test it with another one.


Try Holy Angels!


[If you sacrifice the Holy Angel number to Emperor Wa, you will not get any response!]


Can't fancy the Holy Angel?


Swap for a dirty mask!


[If you sacrifice a Dirty Mask to Emperor Wa, you may get a response, but it will definitely not be a good result!]


Dirty masks don't work.


Swap for dirty stockings?

Chen Ge activated the Eye of Arcane again.


[If you sacrifice Filthy Stockings to Emperor Wa, you will get a 100% response, and you will most likely get a strength card!]


Wa Huang!

She's interested in dirty stockings!

Bonus Items!

It's likely to be a troop card!



Chen Ge chose to sacrifice.


Mystery shines brightly!

A Strength Magic Card has appeared!

The Wa Huang Sacrifice Forum is gone!


"Troop card?"

"Young man, although you got a good thing, but the strength card has a positive multiple and a negative multiple, if you turn to a negative multiple, then you will lose blood!"

The unspeakable gods whisper in the mist.


Eye of Arcane!

Scan this troop card!

Chen Ge unleashed the Eye of Arcane again!

At a glance!

See through!

He raised his hand and flipped through the force magic card!


"Triple the number of all classes?"

"Luck, young man!"

"I'll go! I've been in the place of sacrifice for tens of thousands of years! It's the first time I've seen someone sacrifice to Emperor Wa and get something good!"

"Young man, you've made a lot of money!"

The evil gods exclaimed.

"It's only three times the strength, so there's no need to be so surprised. "

Chen Ge took the triple strength card and used it directly.


[You used a triple force card!]

[Triple the number of all classes in your territory!]

[The total strength of your territory has exceeded 30 million!]


It's still a troop card!

The fastest thrash in a short period of time!

It's just this thing!

If you don't have the Eye of Arcana's clairvoyance!

That's a big gamble!

Once you get to the negative multiplier force card!

That's a rollover!


Feel the Territory Class!

Witch of the Stars!

Oriental Heavenly Maiden!

Angel of Origin!

Bunny Girl Singer!

These are very special classes!

The number has also tripled!

And the forbidden class of Blood Angels!

The number skyrocketed from five million to fifteen million!

The Blood Angel occupies half of the territory's forces!

Hemp eggs!

I really want to fight a god war!

God War!

God War!

Gods Chat Group!

Can there be a master god or a pillar god?

Take the initiative to wage a divine war against me!

It's okay to have a cow and horse god!

When will I unlock the function of launching a god war!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

30 million troops made Chen Ge's blood surging!

At this stage!

Spooky world!

Other Blue Star Cadet Lords!

Is there a total force of more than one million?


Luo Guangming?



Bo Saixi?

God Star Moon?

At this stage, the other surviving lords of the weird earthly world, all the troops combined, should be destroyed by my angel legion in one look!

"It's time to consume a wave of godheads. "

Chen Ge smiled slightly.

Blood Angels don't need a godhead.

All other Angel classes are at the starting level after they are doubled.

Wait until you return to the territory!

You can consume about 20 million godheads at a time!

More than 36 million godheads in stock!

Not consuming is purely moldy!

Or consumption makes people feel happy!


Go to the Temple of Sacrifice!

Sacrifice the filthy white silk!

Chen Ge sped up his speed and flew in the direction of the Sacrifice Temple, and the evil gods were a little confused, what did this kid mean by consuming the godhead fiercely.

The evil gods silently followed.

A moment later.

Chen Ge arrives at the sacrificial temple...

He directly took out the dirty white silk he had purchased from the Queen of God chat group.

Throw it at the sacrificial temple.


"That's what women wear?"

"How does it feel like something a woman wears?"

"Young man, you threw this filthy thing into the sacrificial temple, you are too bold, aren't you! you are really not afraid of being erased by the sacrificial temple!"

"Good, very good, young man, are you interested in joining our evil god camp? I have a hunch! You join our camp! There is definitely a chance to become the destroyer!"

The evil gods' eyes widened.

Hemp eggs!

This young man!

Aren't you really afraid of death?

How do you feel that he is an evil god!


The Temple of Sacrifice has responded!

Something flew out!

"Black Silk!"

"Young man, your actions have obviously upset the sacrificial temple!"

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The gods let out a hey laugh!


Chen Ge frowned slightly, and threw the black silk thrown out of the sacrificial temple into the sacrificial temple again.

"This scene is so familiar!"

"Last time, young man, you got a Dominating Godhead, didn't you? This time, I don't believe you can get something good! The sacrificial temple is obviously angry! Stop it, young man!"

"You took advantage of the sacrificial temple once, and you have already created the history of the sacrificial place, and I can't let you take advantage of it again!"

The gods shook their heads.


A flash of light!

The Temple of Sacrifice responded!

Something flew out!


A dress?

Chen Ge swept it with the Eye of the Arcane, shook his head slightly, and threw his skirt into the sacrificial temple.



There is a response!

Fly out a pair of socks!

"Can you be a little more refreshing?"

Chen Ge swept over the socks, which were worn by some goddess, and he threw them towards the sacrificial temple.

"I'll go!"

"Young man, you actually bargained with the sacrificial temple for 0.3!"

"Shocked! You're the first to bargain with the Temple of Sacrifice!"

The evil gods' eyes widened.


Next second!

The Temple of Sacrifice responds!

A big guy fell in front of Chen Ge!


The big guy is a magic ship!

There is a golden crow statue on the bow of the magic ship!

The magic ship suddenly lit up!

"I'm Cao!"

"Sun God Fire!"


"What a terrifying magic ship!"

"It must have something to do with the Chaos Sun God!"

"Young man, you sent it!"

In the mist!

The gods screamed in amazement!


Chen Ge is in front of him!

Information appears!


[You have obtained the magic ship of the Sun God Bird!]

[This magic ship is said to be the lost thing of the Chaos Sun God!]

[This magic ship has uniqueness!]

[This magic ship can easily travel through the Chaos Sea!]

【Magic Ship Rank Exterminator!】

[The magic ship carries 500 billion troops!].

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