
"I throw in the towel!"

"I'll make a divine vow now!"

"The war is over!"

"I'll give you all the wealth I've accumulated!"

"The god of knowledge begs to be spared...!"

Demon Blood Angel!

This moment is a rush!

The puppet god screams in terror!

The screaming stopped abruptly!

The puppet god exploded into a blood mist!

The fire of the gods is shattered!

The fire of the gods is eaten by the blood angels!


[You killed the puppet god!]

[You've gained a pillar godhead!]

【Godhead Critical Strike Ring Trigger!】

[Critical multiplier 99!]

[You have obtained 99 pillar godheads!]

[You have obtained a Juggernaut artifact!]

[You have obtained the wealth accumulated by the puppet god in his lifetime, five trillion gold coins!]

[You currently have fifteen trillion gold coins!]

[The Star Witch Troop Tower in your territory automatically devoured the flesh and blood of the gods!]

[You have a chance to summon the Witch of the Stars!]


Just crit such a little godhead?

Godhead Crit Ring Crit Multiplier 1-3000.

This multiple is too stretched, isn't it?


The higher the level of Godhead?

The lower the crit multiplier?

Chen Ge frowned slightly, very dissatisfied with this crit multiple, as for the puppet god's five trillion wealth, it can only be said to be so-so.

After all, the God of Gold has a wealth of ten trillion gold coins, and the God of the Puppet is one rank higher than the God of Gold.




The Blood Angel Legion that devoured the God of the Puppet 473 Puppet was lifted, the extremely giant form was lifted, and the mysterious blood lines on the body disappeared, and at this moment, the gods were arrayed on the battlefield, waiting for the will of Lord Chen Ge!


A flash of white light!

The Divine Battlefield automatically teleports Chen Ge and the Blood Angel Legion!


As soon as I returned to the territory!

There was a loud bang in the sky over the strange earthly world!

There is a broken kingdom of God falling towards the earth!


[The Puppet God of the Strange World has fallen!]

Lord's Channel.

The scarlet world notice has been swiped.

[I lost it!]

[Another god has died!]

[What's the situation!How do you feel like you're going to die every week!]

[Has anyone slaughtered the gods!]

[Hehe! This is the fall of the gods! I Luo Guangming has already found out through the Temple of Light! Unless it is to transcend the primordial and become the destroyer, even the primordial god cannot avoid the fall of the gods! The fall of the gods is the natural enemy of the gods, and the fall of the gods is irreversible once it happens!]

[Our Blue Star students, at this stage, it should be Chen Ge and Miss Shen Xingyue who have become gods, right, this means that Chen Ge and Miss Shen Xingyue are likely to suddenly fall one day, and then burp?]

[It shouldn't be so fast, after becoming a god, there should be something similar to the novice protection period!, such as a hundred years and a thousand years, or a god will not fall within 10,000 years!]


All kinds of information swiped.

"The god of puppets?"

"I remember the pillar god?"

"I think I died because of God's fall... The true gods, the masters, and the pillar gods have all fallen, is it the next turn of the Creator! Creators, don't you panic!"

"Under the crown of the Lord of the Gray Mist, under the crown of the Lord of Splendour, under the crown of the Lord of Killing, under the crown of the Lord of the Sky, under the crown of the Lord of the Astral Plane... Your Majesty Lucifer!"

"Under the crown of the goddess of light, under the crown of the goddess of death, under the crown of the goddess of life, under the crown of the goddess of fate, also be careful!"

"The Divine Fall happens too often, this is very abnormal!Lord of the Gray Mist, can you go and ask Her Majesty the Goddess of the Night to investigate!"

"Why isn't the god of knowledge the dead!"

"God of knowledge, you should also be a god!"

At the same time.

Gods chat group.

The gods swiped the message.

Chen Ge only smiled, looked at the Star Witch Rank Tower, summoned a Star Witch, and the soul communicated with Golia, asking Golia to directly use the Apostle to take the newly-born witch to the Star Boundary.

Right now.

There are a total of nineteen Star Witches.

There are three Infinite Dragon Maidens.

The Witch of the Stars is in charge of fishing.

The Infinite Dragon Maiden is in charge of guiding the route.

You should be able to harvest a lot of things in the astral plane.


Take stock of the main classes in your territory!

Griffon Woman Ride!

Dark Skinned Female Elf in the Night!

Angel of Light, Angel of Darkness, Angel of Death, Angel of Destiny, Angel of Blood!

Witch of the Stars!

Oriental Heavenly Maiden!

Sky Dome Guard!

Infinite Dragon Maiden!

Angel of Origin!

Bunny Girl Singer!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The back is full of god-level troops!

Or maybe a special auxiliary class!

Each has its own special natural abilities!

A total of 50 million troops!

The strength is far superior to that of other Blue Star Lords!

But that's not enough!

The god of puppets, a pillar god, has tens of billions of combat believers, and I am also a pillar god, only 50 million combat believers (BCAD) disciples, where is this!


You have to continue to fight the army!

Fierce Soldiers!

God War!

God War!


In order to unlock the function of the gods chat group to actively launch a god war!

All kinds of thoughts flashed, Chen Ge raised his hand, and distributed the pillar godhead, Avril Lavigne, Emile, Ymir, Mermaid Princess, Swan Princess, Ariel, and other available main combat powers, all of which obtained the pillar godhead!

A few seconds later!

All promoted!

After a little thought, Chen Ge threw a pillar godhead to the goddess of luck!

So many goddesses in the territory!

It's really the lowest god level of Lady Luck!

And the divine authority held by Lady Luck is very useful!

Level up Lady Luck!

That's right.

Kill the Golem God.

Didn't drop the divine authority.

The puppet god, the pillar god, is a bit collapsed.

No wonder the body has little combat power.


Blood Angel Legion!

Continue exploring the underworld!

Chen Ge waved his hand, and the blood angels poured into the underground world, and he speculated that within today, he would be able to take down all the underground world and open up the abyss passage.

Sweep around the territory.

Other legions of angels are exploring the mist.

No new strange earthly forces have been discovered.

For the time being, the Blue Star Lord forces have not been found.


[Thank you, Lord of Greed!]

[My Norton's total strength exceeded two million!]

[Only one War Relic is missing now!]

[With the War Relic, you can start a lord war, any of you who have a War Relic, you can trade with me, I can't wait to fight with Chen Ge!]

Lord's Channel.

Norton, the seminary, spoke in an extremely high-profile manner.

[That's two million troops?]

[The King of Greed believer is so cool?]

[I also want to be a believer in the King of Greed!]

[Abyss Seven Original Sins Demon King, which one is the strongest, arrogance is the first of the Seven Original Sins, isn't it the strongest arrogance?]

[I only know that the Seven Original Sin Demon Kings are all creators!]

Quite a bit.


Chen Ge's territory!

Swan Princess Sophia!

A mysterious light suddenly lit up on his body!

The robe on her body has changed shape!

Even more gorgeous!

More noble!

The next moment!

A strange fragrance spreads!


Many characters in the territory are eyeing Sophia!

How can it!

It smells so good!

This scent!

Larger than life!

Just smell it and it's intoxicating!

"Oh, the delicious level has been upgraded! I feel like I should have surpassed the three god queens!"

Eros's eyes sweep!

"Lord, go and try it!"

The eyes of the Valkyrie King statue are also bright!


Chen Ge is in front of him!

There is information coming!


[Swan Princess Sophia has completed a metamorphosis!]

[Swan Princess Sophia has awakened her endless delicious talent!]

[Swan Princess Sophia has unlocked the ability to open the Swan Man's Treasure Trove!]

[It is rumored that the Swan Man has built an island into a treasure trove, like a magic ship, drifting in a strange world!].

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