"Help me!"

Wrapped in the wings of the nine-colored gods, the female creator let out a murmur, and the blood in Chen Ge's body was ignited by a divine fire in an instant.


The wings of the nine-colored gods skyrocketed!

Inside this temple with no end in sight!

One by one, the coffins have escaped into the ground!




Deep in the Temple!

Heavy stone doors are falling!

It seems that he wants to stop the invasion of the nine-colored god wings~!

However, Chen Ge didn't have the slightest idea of invading the temple, he had already begun to devote himself to helping the female creator, dredge and dissolve the curse.


Land of Greed.


A mountain of gold has collapsed!



A golden rain fell in front of Bo Saixi.


[You have obtained 100 million gold coins of the weird world!]

A hint appeared in front of Bo Saixi's eyes.

"Gold coins... Without the talent of the King of Greed, you can't directly use gold coins to storm soldiers, and the biggest use of gold coins at this stage is to spend them in the Hero Tavern. "

Bo Saixi frowned slightly.

She used an ancient artifact to open a random place to explore, although she got 100 million gold coins.

"What is this guy Chen Ge doing... How many gold coins does this guy have... If this guy gets the talent of the King of Greed, how many soldiers can this guy be able to fight at one time?"

Bo Saixi thought of Chen Ge.



A flash of gold!

Something is coming out of the ground!

That's a palm-sized gold coin!


[You have obtained Greedy Gold!]

[This holy relic allows you to directly riot with gold coins!]

[This relic can only be used once!]

[The use of this holy artifact will be perceived by the King of Greed, and will be branded by the King of Greed, and the King of Greed will default to you being his follower!]

A message appeared in front of Bo Saixi's eyes.


Greedy for gold?

Use all the gold at once?



Bo Saixi's eyes lit up, and he thought a little, using greedy gold coins!


A flash of gold!

She stocks 100 million gold coins and consumes them all!


[Your total strength has increased by 5 million!]

Next second!

Another message has appeared!

Bo Saixi blinked!

The talent of the King of Greed!

It's really powerful!

No wonder that Norton thug soldier at the Academy of God is so fast!

Rich is the master!

If the wealth of the Blue Star and the wealth of the weird world are equal, if the richest man in the Blue Star comes in with all his worth, will he be able to explode hundreds of millions of soldiers in one second!

"Hey, hey!"


There was an evil laugh.

I saw a divine phantom airborne into the land of greed.

The phantom of the gods overlooks Bo Saisi.

"The King of Greed!"

"The Seven Original Sins of the Abyss!"

Beside Bo Saixi, the demigod mermaid and the demigod witch have changed their complexions!

"Hey, hey, use the greedy gold, that's my believer! Let me see, you seem to be a very good believer!Hmm? wait!I'll go!Mom! When I haven't been here!Farewell!Don't say goodbye!"

The King of Greed was in the shadow of the gods, looking at Bo Saixi, but the King of Greed suddenly changed color and was shocked, like a frightened quail!


The shadow of its gods was shattered!



The demigod mermaid and the demigod witch look stunned!

The King of Greed!

How did you run away all of a sudden!

"The Lord of Greed seems to have taken me for some kind of god..."

Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and let out a whisper.

A few hours later.

The Temple of the Creator's Coffin.

Everything is back to normal.

But the Creator is gone.


[You have gained the authority of the sun god!]

[When you enter the day of glory or the day of destruction, you will not be rejected in any way, nor will you be harmed in any way!]

[Fire types such as the Golden Crow of the Chaos God Domain will feel close to you!]

Suddenly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is information to appear.

Followed by.

Some information appeared in Chen Ge's mind.


Creator of Woman?

She turned out to be the ancient Sun King?

Chen Ge's eyes flashed with surprise.

Gonzares of the Seminary, who mentioned it on the Lord's Channel not long ago, got a book on the theory of fate with an introduction to the title of the Strange World.

Among them, in the strange world, there have been two earthly co-masters in history, one is the ancient Sun King, and the other is the Alpha Emperor.


Inside this temple of the Creator's coffin?

Actually picked up the corpse of the ancient Sun King?


Hemp eggs!

The ancient Sun King wouldn't be a man to a woman, right?

A thought popped up in Chen Ge's mind, he thought of a evil book in his hometown of Lanxing before, in which there was a god who turned male into female.

Hemp eggs!


But I think I'm thinking too much!

The ancient Sun King was supposed to be a woman!

It's just not known to the world!

"The power of the sun god can enter the day of glory and the day of destruction, which increases the affinity of fire classes such as the Golden Crow. Illusory authority and real authority can open the Temple of Supreme. "

"It is said that the Goddess of the Night and the Goddess of Thunder have opened the Supreme Temple together, and now the two primordial-level goddesses should be in the Supreme Temple. "

"Can I open the Temple of the High now?"

Chen Ge pondered.

Raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Attempt to open the Temple of the Highest.

But there was no response.


The power of two divine powers, illusory and real!

It's not teleporting into the Temple of the Highest!

This is not an opportunity to explore!

Here's the key!

Must be face-to-face!

to open the Temple of the High!


The Temple of the Highest?

Where is it?


While Chen Ge was thinking, the creator's coffin suddenly lit up with a white light, and he was instantly teleported by the white light, and the next second the person had already returned to the territory.

"Sure enough, there is a woman's scent again! The lord is really disappointed!"

Emile, the little fallen angel, flew over, sniffed, and flew away with a soft snort.

"My lord, what did you taste again?"

The statue of the Valkyrie King winked at Chen Ge for a while.


[Your Blood Angel Legion has opened the abyss passage!]

[Your Blood Angel Legion has entered the abyss!]

[Your Blood Angel Legion has caused an abyssal panic!]

[You have gained 100 million lord points!]


A hint has appeared!

"I'm Cao!Blood Angel!There's an army of Blood Angels who have gone into the abyss!Where I go!Everything has turned to dust!Blood Angel!Forbidden Angel!Who is raising Blood Angel!Who wants to be the enemy of the gods!"

Next second!

Gods Chat Group!

The Abyssal Demon God Barr roars!


"Blood Angels Attacking the Abyss?"

"Blood Angels!Forbidden Angels!Forbidden Angels!Should Not Exist in the World!Must All Be Erased!"

"The blood angels have all come out, and there is indeed a huge conspiracy!"

"Hehe! The guy who tamess the blood angel is a fool! The man who domesticates the blood angel must be targeted by the gods! He is dead! But before he dies! I still have to hunt all the blood angels! This thing grows at a terrible rate!"

The gods have swiped!


Chen Ge chuckled!

There is information in front of me again!


[Your Star Witch has caught a ton of stardust!]

[Your Star Witch has caught a seal!]

[Your Star Witch has caught a tiny star!]

[Your Star Witch has caught a sealed god!]

[Your Star Witch has caught a messenger!]

[Your Star Witch Fishes a Sun!]


My witches?

Caught a sun?

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