
That's a coincidence.

in their own territory.

There is a Dharma God Tower.

The Dharma God Tower is something left by the Dharma God in the strange world.

The magic sword array of the Fashen Tower.

At first, I thought it was related to the saint in the myth of Blue Star Yan Huang.

Later through the Eye of the Arcanes.

I saw the true face of the god of the Heavenly Law.

The god of the Heavenly Law turned out to be a woman.

And this moment.

Chen Ge saw the figure of the Heavenly Law God appear in front of him.

It feels like a video chat with the god of Tongtian.

The Heavenly Dharma God still wears that mask.


Eye of Arcane!

Look at the true face of the Dharma God!


It's still that face!

That face is exactly the same as Bo Saixi!

It's just that he probably doesn't know that the God of Heaven and Law will be a woman.


[Don't respond?]

[Don't accept crystal coffins?]

[Don't accept me and leave!]

A woman's voice rang out.

[Receive.] 】

Chen Ge responded with a move of thought.

Crystal coffin.

The gods considered it taboo.

Considered uncontaminated.

But for yourself.

The Crystal Casket is a wonderful item to get the Super Buff.

The first crystal coffin, obtained a mutation talent.

The second crystal coffin obtained the Valkyrie talent.

380 The third crystal coffin has obtained the pure damage talent.

The fourth crystal coffin has obtained the Extremely Giant talent.

The fifth crystal coffin, what kind of talent will you get.

Chen Ge was already a little impatient, but the first two times he bought a crystal coffin, once he bought it from the Brilliant Divine Mother.

The second time was a million divine stones, bought from the Chaos Ancestral Dragon.



It can't exceed a million Divine Stones!

[Oh, you are the owner of this year's Gods Pawn Shop? How many Divine Stones do you have? You open this pawn shop, then there will definitely be a steady stream of people coming to you to pawn. The owner of the last pawn shop went bankrupt because of poor management, and as soon as he went bankrupt, he fell, do you have enough divine stones to guarantee that you will not go bankrupt. 】

The woman's voice rang out again.


Pawn shop?

Will it go bankrupt?

Will it fall once it goes bankrupt?


Wait a minute!

I have three hundred million god stones in stock!

Will I go bankrupt!

My arcane eye resonates once in a while!

If you give a tip, you can return the Divine Stone!

I'm going to go bankrupt!

The gods are long dead!

[I don't have the word bankruptcy in my dictionary.] 】

Chen Ge responded.

[Hmm, so confident, this crystal coffin, I want to pay three million divine stones, do you accept it or not?]

The woman was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect the owner of the gods pawn shop to be so confident this time, and opened her mouth to quote a price.


Thirty thousand god stones as soon as you come up?

Let's be honest!

Inventory of 300 million!

Three million divine stones is equivalent to three dollars!


(bced) Crystal coffin!

Under normal circumstances, it is not worth much!

Spending 500,000 yuan to buy the crystal coffin of the Brilliant God Mother, and spending 1 million to buy the crystal coffin of the Chaos Ancestral Dragon is actually to give the Chaos Sun God face!

That's right!

There's something weird!

Now as the owner of the pawnshop of the gods!

Chen Ge subconsciously wanted to bargain!

[Three million Divine Stones, as far as I know, the richest Golden Ancient God Emperor in the Chaos God Domain, is all worth three million Divine Stones. And the crystal coffin is something that most people will not accept, and it should be said that no one in the Chaos God Domain will basically accept it. This lady, your price of three million divine stones is a little higher. 】

Chen Ge responded with a smile.

[Hmm? The price of three million is high? A million!]

The Heavenly Dharma God groaned and quoted again.

[One million divine stones, I gave it, but it's still that problem, this thing will basically not be accepted except for me. 】

Think for a moment.

Chen Ge said softly.

[One million is still high?How do you feel that you are a profiteer's words? But one thing you said is right, except for you, the pawnshop of the gods, you really can't find a place to accept this thing. 500,000 divine stones, this price should be okay. 】

Under Chen Ge's eyes, the Tongtian Law God raised his eyebrows slightly, and quoted another price.

[This lady, do you want to go to the secret casino stud?]

Chen Ge did not respond directly, but changed the topic.

[Huh, you're not going to be the owner of a mysterious casino, are you?

The God of Heaven asked rhetorically.

[500,000 divine stones, I took this crystal coffin. The rules of the pawn shop, the lady should understand, a classic pawn, can no longer be redeemed. 】

Chen Ge changed the topic again, took out 500,000 divine stones, and traded directly.

[Except for you, a pawn shop, who would collect this kind of thing.] 500,000 divine stones are sold, thank you for the divine stones, and come to you next time. 】

The god of heaven agreed to the deal in a second, left a sentence, and disappeared.


[You have obtained a pawn item!]

[You are the master of the pawnshop of the gods!]

[As long as you don't go bankrupt!]

【You can use pawn items as much as you like!】

Information appears.


The fifth crystal coffin!

Come to my territory!

Chen Ge's thought moved.


The fifth crystal coffin!

Airborne Territory!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)




All the goddesses opened their eyes!

Staring at the fifth crystal coffin!


Extraterritorial fog!

Retreat three hundred miles at once!


[Your army of angels has discovered the Temple of Eternal Night!]

[Your army of angels begins to attack the Temple of Eternal Night!]


Chen Ge in front of him.

There is also an information prompt.

Chen Ge only smiled faintly.

Wait for the binding message to appear.

This time!

Crystal coffin master!

What a super talent it will bring!

What kind of improvement will it bring to my class!

Bang dang!

Bang dang!

Bang dang!

Break the Taoist Temple!

The four crystal coffins moved!

It seems that he will cheat the corpse casually!


The fifth crystal coffin!

Flew into the Taoist temple!

This moment!

Five crystal coffins are side by side!

The goddesses trembled!

Don't dare to speak!


Sister Hercules, the female demon god, sighed.

The Chaos Moon God looked thoughtful.

As for the kindness of the Seraphim, the Goddess of Time, the Queen of God, and the Goddess of the Night, after sweeping the five crystal coffins, they also showed a thoughtful look on their faces.

"Lord Lord, take off!"

The Valkyrie-King statue suddenly let out a shout.


For her.

The crazier you are, the more excited you are.


[Your Broken Dao Temple is forcibly bound to the mysterious crystal coffin!]

[You and all your people have gained the talent of instant kill!]

[+1 Population of Your Territory!]


Spike talent?

How is it a spike?


Eye of Arcane!

Check out the specific description of this talent!

Chen Ge urged the Eye of Arcana!


[Spike Talent Effect 1: Direct Spike at the same level!]

[Spike Talent Effect 2: One level higher than the god tier, a spike must be triggered within a hundred attacks!]

[Spike Talent Effect 3: Two levels higher, a spike must be triggered within 10,000 attacks!]

[The second kill talent effect 4 is three god tiers higher, and a second kill must be triggered within one million attacks!]

[Spike Talent Effect 5: Four levels higher, a spike must be triggered within 100 million attacks!]

[Spike Talent Effect 6: Five levels higher, a spike must be triggered within a billion attacks!]

【Spike Talent!】

[The upper limit kills the owner in seconds!]



Wait a minute!

This talent!

Seems to be something!

Chen Ge's brain was spinning fast!

If you understand correctly, judging from the talent effect, the blood angel of the true god level will kill the true god in 100% seconds! There is a 1 percent chance of killing the master in seconds, and then as long as the number of attacks is 100 times, he will definitely be able to kill the master!

And so on!

Pillar God!


Primordial Creator!



In other words, if the True God-level Blood Angel is against the Exterminator, there is a 1 in 1 billion chance of killing the Exterminator in seconds!

If the Exterminator stands still and lets the Blood Angel attack, the Blood Angel will definitely be able to kill the Exterminator if the number of attacks reaches a billion times!

I'm Cao!




Chen Ge's rare heartbeat is racing!


Ten trillion blood angels can't kill the exterminator!

Ten trillion blood angels will be killed by the Exterminator in seconds!

But his own blood angel is different!

Your own blood angel can be reborn infinitely!


If one of the destroyers is careless!

Really let your Blood Angel Legion bombard indiscriminately!

Your own Blood Angel Legion can be the Exterminator!

Hemp eggs!

There is no such arrogant destroyer!

Give yourself a chance to try!

This spike talent!

It's like tailor-made for your own undead legion!.

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