Immortal First Emperor!

According to the Chaos Sun God!

After the Brilliant Divine Mother was promoted to the Transcendent 16-star, the Brilliant Divine Mother killed the exterminator of the mechanical clan in seconds, and led to the origin ancestor of the mechanical clan! The two 16-star creatures of the Chaotic Divine Domain were beaten into darkness, and the avenue was about to be wiped out!

And just when hundreds of millions of living beings were about to be waved, the Immortal First Emperor made a move, shocking the Brilliant Divine Mother and the Origin Ancestor of the Mechanical Clan~!


The Immortal First Emperor is the top-level figure in the Chaos God Domain!

That's right!

First time to the Great Voyage!

I've seen an extremely special terracotta army!

Terracotta Warriors!

It should be the Immortal First Emperor's class!


The Immortal First Emperor?

What is he going to pawn?


Chen Ge was full of curiosity, and he had a lot of questions in his heart, whether the Immortal First Emperor of the Chaos God Domain in the Strange World was related to the First Emperor in the history of his hometown Blue Star.

【Pawnshop of the Gods... Is it on again... The previous owners of the pawn shop have gone bankrupt, aren't you, the new owner of the pawn shop, afraid of bankruptcy?]

A voice rang out.

Chen Ge saw a figure.


Is this the Immortal First Emperor?

How is it so different from what you imagined?

Shouldn't the First Emperor be dressed in a black dragon robe?

Isn't it the image of a domineering middle-aged man?

This Immortal Emperor in front of you!

How can you be so young!

How is it so handsome!

[I have a lot of divine stones. 】

Think for a moment.

Chen Ge replied.

There are three hundred million divine stones in stock, to be precise, it is two hundred and ninety million divine stones, and the maximum number of one million divine stones to buy a crystal coffin is one million.

Go belly up?

Excuse me!

It doesn't exist at all!

[Oh, you have a lot of divine stones, let me think about what I can pawn... In this era, a vein of divine stones is gone, and divine stones have become scarce items, and the supreme will is really whimsical to make such a show. I have a divine law that I want to pawn, how many divine stones are you going to take to collect it. 】

The Immortal First Emperor smiled faintly.


The Law of the Gods?

[Is there a law of gods, it depends on what kind of color it is. 】

Chen Ge responded.

[The color is okay. 】

The Immortal First Emperor pulled out the pawn item.


[Immortal First Emperor pawns an eight-colored god law!]

A prompt message appears.


The Law of the Eight-Colored Spirits?

As soon as it was shot, it was this kind of high-end goods.

He is worthy of the immortal first emperor.

In the weird world, the law of the gods is the cornerstone of the path of the gods, the lower limit of the three laws is the creator, the lower limit of the five-color law is the original creator, and the lower limit of the seven-color law is the destroyer.

The Law of the Eight-Colored Spirits.

Chen Ge saw it for the first time.

Of course!

He himself has two laws of the nine-colored gods!

So after a short period of surprise, Chen Ge had regained his composure, and the Immortal First Emperor seemed to want to shock himself as soon as he came up, but it was a pity that no matter how precious the law of the eight-colored gods was, it was like that in his eyes.

[Eight-color god spirit law, I don't want a 500,000 god stone, it's not too much. 】

The Immortal Emperor himself made a quote.

500,000 Divine Stones!

Pawn an eight-color god law!

[Hmm, do you think the asking price of 500,000 divine stones is too high?]

The Immortal First Emperor didn't get Chen Ge's response immediately, and asked with a chuckle.


It's small!

The pattern is smaller!

Chen Ge sighed.

A person as strong as the Immortal First Emperor would actually feel that the asking price of 500,000 divine stones was too high, and he actually had no confidence in his asking price!

It seems like!

Immortal First Emperor!

That's it!

I have 290 million divine stones!

If the First Emperor is a woman!

I really want to spend 50 million, or 100 million, to deceive the Immortal First Emperor!


The Immortal Emperor is a man!

[500,000 divine stones, this price is very fair, I accepted the eight-color god law. 】

Chen Ge made the transaction directly.


The transaction is completed.


[You have obtained an eight-color divine spirit law!]

【Please choose whether to absorb or not!】

The Law of the Gods.

appeared in front of Chen Ge.





The eyes of many goddesses swept over!

At this moment, the collective is confused!

I'm Cao!

Your Lord!

Where did you get an eight-color god law!

"Your Excellency... Got the Pawnshop of the Gods?"

The Valkyrie-King statue blinked.

"The Pawnshop of the Gods... Who pawned this law of the gods?"

Inside the Dao Breaking Temple, the Chaos Moon God opened his eyes and asked. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The Immortal First Emperor. "

Chen Ge glanced at the Chaos Moon God.

"God of Destruction..."

A flash of horror flashed in the Chaos Moon God's eyes.


God of Destruction?

Who is the God of Destruction?

Many goddesses in the weird world are puzzled.

【God of Destruction...】

Chen Ge was also stunned for a moment, and subconsciously posted three words on the lord's channel.

【God of Destruction?】

[Have you watched too many cartoons?]

[Hmph!Fool!The God of Destruction mentioned by Chen Ge refers to Manus, the god of abyss destruction in the ancient era of the strange world!Manus, the god of abyss destruction, was the first lord of the abyss, and was later usurped by Satan! Amon, the ancient god of the abyss, is said to be the mastermind behind the scenes!]

[Chen Ge, have you obtained the inheritance of the God of Destruction Manus?]

[Can Chen Ge tell me, how many troops you have, and what your initial class is! By the way, the third wave of impact is coming, what is your title!]

Ask for flowers


Quite a few responses.


[You have fused the law of the eight-colored gods!]

Chen Ge is here.

Devour and fuse the law of the eight-colored gods.


His gaze swept towards Sif, the Angel of Origin. The Angel of Origin is a god-level class from the Fort of the Source, the Angel of Origin can refine the source matter, and the source matter can upgrade the law of the gods.

Last time.

Explore Fort Source.

A source substance was obtained.

Directly upgrade the seven-color god law to the nine-color god spirit law.


It takes three months for an Origin Angel to refine a Source Substance!

Other words!

Right now, there's no way to raise the eight-color god spirit law to nine-colored!

"Eight colors and nine colors... Is the nine colors the top... Is there anything above the nine colors..."

Chen Ge whispered.



There is another pawn information prompt!


[The Immortal First Emperor pawned a terracotta warrior!]

Next second!

The voice of the Immortal First Emperor sounded!

[You, the new pawn shop owner, seem to have some financial resources. I used the creatures of the previous era to create a terracotta warrior, how much do you think it is worth if you accept it?]


Terracotta warriors!

Chen Ge immediately thought of special troops!


Eye of Arcane!

Sweep it!

Chen Ge didn't quote directly!

Silently activate the Eye of Arcana!

[Terracotta Warriors: It can be seen as a special type of troops, this thing is very dangerous, please recruit carefully!]

A message appears!


This product is very good!


Bid a million god stones!

Chen Ge directly traded.

[Oh, the price of millions of divine stones, the price is so high, yes, yes, you, the new pawn shop owner, still seem to have a bit of eyesight. 】

The Immortal First Emperor smiled faintly, accepted Chen Ge's offer, and completed the transaction.


Terracotta maid!

Airborne into Chen Ge's territory!




All kinds of eyes swept in!



Extraterritorial fog!

Start holding back!


Two hundred miles!

Three hundred miles!

Five hundred miles!

Eight hundred miles!




The goddesses were shocked!


Crystal coffin master!

The record is that the fog retreats three hundred miles!



The hearts of many goddesses are racing!

Your Lord!

Got a statue back!

How is it so scary!

Could it be that it is a god-level factory higher than the owner of the crystal coffin!.

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