
"I hope that one day, you will have a divine battle with Uriel, who is the third on the earthly cadet rankings, that product is too arrogant! That class of troops is also an angel, and it is still an extremely special class of angels!"

"Hopefully, one day, you'll be able to take out Uriel!"

"That's right! That product has been promoted to the Creator! It took 500 years to become the Creator! That product is the fastest to be promoted to the Creator Record!"

"Goodbye, I hope we never encounter each other on the battlefield!"

Zhou Mingyuan divine projection, and added a few more words, and the divine projection itself was shattered.



3rd in the ranking of earthly students?

The class is an angel?

500 years as the Creator?

Is 500 years the fastest promotion record?

I am now a pillar god, and I only need the Creator Godhead to be promoted to the Creator, how can I get the Creator Godhead in half a year.

It seems like

This so-called third place in the ranking of earthly students is like that.

Angel troops?

Can you beat my angel legion?

Chen Ge smiled faintly.

In today's first battle against the Golden Crow, the Blood Angel Legion directly killed the Golden Crow in seconds with a round of forbidden spells, and Chen Ge already understood that these so-called top troops were actually just like that.

Top class.

No matter how high the initial level is, it is impossible to destroy the Destroyer.

The really powerful ones are the big guys in the top classes.

For example, the big golden crow that pulls the chariot for the Chaos Sun God.

So 623!

Own Angel Legion!

Under the super talent of the major goddesses of the weird world, the female demon god of the chaotic god domain, and the owner of the mysterious crystal coffin, it can be said that he is absolutely invincible at the same level!

Kill all classes of the same level in seconds!

Regardless of whether you are a golden crow!

Or other top classes!

As long as it's the same level!

Then you will be killed by your own angel army in an instant!

Right now!

Own legion!

It's just a character who is afraid of surpassing the Exterminator!

For example, the Brilliant Divine Mother!

For example, the ancestor of the mechanical family!

Like the Chaos Sun God!

For example, the Immortal First Emperor!

If one day, you get a crystal coffin, and the owner of the crystal coffin has a super talent that is immune to all attacks, then you can unscrupulously throw the Blood Angel Legion into the Chaos God Domain!


[You have obtained 100 billion military exploits!]

[You've unlocked new exchangeable items!]


Information emerges.

The Battle Merit Exchange screen reappears.




Not a class!

Not an artifact!

Not a special recruitable character!

Nor is it Godhead!

The redeemable item unlocked this time is actually a knighthood!

God-King Title!

Trillions of war exploits can be exchanged!


Trillions of exploits?

I'm only 100 billion in battle?

How do I redeem this?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows.

Sweep the black mist rolling directly in front of the God-King Fortress.

There are no signs of a fourth wave of monsters attacking the city.

[I'm back to the territory!]

[I also returned to the territory, this time the third wave hit the Chaos God Domain assessment, I lost a lot, and I didn't get anything!]

[Has anyone gotten a godhead, a special class, a special recruitable character, or a title?]

[You should ask, are there still people holding the fortress in the Chaos God Domain?]

[Call Miss Shenxingyue!]

[Call Miss Bo Saixi!]

[Call Miss Anya!]

[Call Miss Selena!]

[Call Chen Ge!]

Lord's Channel.

All kinds of information swiped.

Almost all the lords who spoke suffered heavy losses.

[I, Luo Guangming, admit that I overestimated myself before and underestimated the difficulty of the third wave of impact assessment! This time the difficulty is extremely high, and I visually believe that it is impossible for someone to obtain the title of Chaos God Domain!]

[I have obtained the information of the Chaos God Domain title from the Temple of Destiny, and this time I will only brush out one kind of title, and its name is God King!]

[The God King of the Weird World is equivalent to the Creator, so you understand the gold content of this title!]

[And if you want to exchange for the title of God King, you need trillions of military merits, do you think any of us can get a trillion military merits!]


[My personal guess is that the biggest loss in the third wave of impact assessment is Chen Ge!]

Luo Guangming sent a voice. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Is Chen Ge here!]

[Chen Ge replied to the sentence!]

[Chen Ge, what's wrong with you!]

[If you don't speak, you're acquiescing!]

[Your forces (BCAE) won't all be lost in the Chaos God Domain, right?]


Almost all familiar faces called out to Chen Ge.


Why haven't you spawned the fourth wave of siege monsters?

Chen Ge ignored the information on the lord's channel, and only stared at the black mist rolling in front of the God King Fortress, it stands to reason that under normal circumstances, the fourth wave of siege monsters has already brushed out.


Is it time for the assessment?

Don't farm monsters anymore?


[Because the other students have all quit the Chaos God Domain!]

[The third wave of impact assessment will be over in one minute!]

【Countdown begins!】

Chen Ge in front of him.

There is a special message brushed out.

Hemp eggs!

It's really time for the assessment!

The rest of the students are all gone!

As a result, there is no more monster farming now!

What to do?

The title of the God King is just around the corner!

Can you just watch this thing!

That's right!

And the God-King Fortress!

I really want to bring this God-King Fortress back to the territory as well!

"Can you get any discount cards?"

Chen Ge's gaze moved, and he swept towards the messenger Monica.

"Discount card? Lord Lord, if you want a discount card for battle merits, you can really get it!, but it may cost a little more Divine Stone!"

Monica responded.


Shenshi can get a combat merit discount card?

Say it earlier!

Six hundred million god stones in stock!

Don't you spend it and keep it moldy!

"How many Divine Stones are needed!"

Chen Ge stared at Monica.

"This... Two million divine stones should be needed! Don't worry, Lord Lord, as the messenger of Lord Lord, I will definitely not take kickbacks! I am a messenger of principle, I can't do this kind of thing! If I take kickbacks, my body will immediately shrink into an airport!"

Monica quoted a price.


Chen Ge casually threw two million divine stones to Monica, and there were still twenty seconds left in the countdown!

"Right now!"

Monica took the Divine Stone, recited an ancient incantation, and the mysterious light flashed, and she didn't know who Monica had traded with, and the two million Divine Stones disappeared!


A blood-red card has appeared!


[You've got a Battle Merit Discount Card!]

【After use, the discount will be triggered randomly!】


Random discounts?

Depends on luck?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.


Ten seconds left in the countdown!


Chen Ge used the Battle Merit Discount Card!


[You used the Battle Merit Discount Card!]

[You triggered a discount!]

Hints appear!

Almost at the same time!

Discounts have appeared on the items on the Battle Merit Exchange Screen!

Originally, trillions of war exploits were exchanged for the title of god king!

Get a discount now!

Hundreds of billions of military exploits can be exchanged for the title of God King!


Three seconds left!


Chen Ge can be redeemed in one second!

Hundreds of billions of feats!

Take the title of God King!.

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