
The aura of decay permeated the entire battlefield of the gods.

This seems to be the Creator's Domain.

Chen Ge obviously felt that he was being eroded by a force, but he had the Chaos Heart Strength Talent, as well as the blessing of various super talents, and that corrosive power was instantly canceled out.

300 million Blood Angel Legion.

This time there was no need for Chen Ge to summon.

Already arrayed in the Divine Battlefield.

"You're the one who domesticated the blood angels? Huh, you don't seem to be one of the gods, you seem to be an earthly lord?"

"You are the earthly lord of this strange world, is there such a powerful guy as you in this year, are you the mysterious emperor?"

"You are shrouded in a layer of fog, and I can't even see through you, but since you have agreed to my divine war, then you and your Blood Angel Legion are destined to write the ending today!"

"I am the Lord of Decay in the Abyss, I hold the authority of the Corrupt Gods, I am called the Three Gods in the Abyss, I have been as famous as the Goddess of the Night, Satan, the Lord of the Abyss!"

"I have 500 billion battle believers, and I can easily suppress your 300 million blood angels!"

"Mortals from Blue Star, you don't think that the Blood Angel is an invincible class, right?"


Ten thousand miles of God's country!

The wild laughter of the Lord of Decay was heard!


A flash of black light!

500 billion battle believers descend on the battlefield of the gods!

Five hundred billion!

This is an extremely exaggerated number!

In Chen Ge's eyes, this is also a very beautiful number!

This time!

The Blood Angel Legion slaughtered the Lord of Decay with 500 billion troops!

It's not too much to breed 50 million!

"You should have 080 on your body a holy relic that can resurrect the blood angel, and it is very likely that it is still an ancient holy relic, but it's a pity young man, you agreed to launch the divine war, then the resurrection holy relic belongs to me!"

"Young man let me tell you what divine warfare is, what cruelty is, what despair is, and what death is!"

"Are you ready for death?"

The voice of the Lord of Decay rang out again!

Confidence to the extreme!


Five hundred billion battle believers moved!


Cover the sky!

"Mikami God... I thought there was a female demon god named Mikami in the abyss. "

Chen Ge only chuckled and snapped his fingers casually.


300 million blood angels!

Raise your hand!

Great Forbidden Spell!

A photo!

The 500 billion troops of the Lord of Decay were killed in an instant!

All exploded into a blood mist!


[The Angel of Death class tower in your territory has automatically transformed 30 million Angels of Death!]

Hints appear!

Of the 500 billion battle believers of the Lord of Decay, 30 million are legends or above, which is a so-so level in Chen Ge's opinion!

But there are 30 million more troops at once!

It's still enjoyable!


Thousands of miles of gods have been shocked!


Within the kingdom of God!

There was the voice of the Lord of Decay in astonishment!

"The three gods of the abyss, the goddess of the night, I also approve of the lord of the abyss, Satan, (bcdj), but your lord of decay is at most at the creator level, not even the original creator, you are also worthy of the title of the three gods? "

Chen Ge smiled faintly.

He didn't let the Blood Angel Legion attack the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Miles.

He was pondering a question.

Spike talent.

Spikes of the same level.

The 300 million blood angels are basically true god ranks, and the Lord of Decay is the creator, three god levels higher than the blood angels. According to the description of the instant kill talent, three god levels higher, within a million attacks, a one-hit kill must be triggered.


But test it!

The number of attacks is counted separately!

Or can they be stacked on top of each other at will?


Blood Angel Legion!

Fight me against the Lord of Decay!

Chen Ge gave an order!


300 million blood angels began to besiege the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Miles!




The kingdom of God is shaking wildly!



"I am the Creator!"

"Your Blood Angel Legion is nothing but true god combat power!"

"Three god levels missing!"

"The difference between the abyss!"

"In the history of the weird world, there has never been a True God Combat Force Legion that has committed the following crimes of hunting the Creator!"

"Not in the past, not now, and not in the future!"

"Do you think you can work miracles!"

"You can't!"

Ten thousand miles of God's country!

The Lord of Decay sneered!


And in the next second!

The kingdom of God is falling apart!

The Blood Angel Legion has demolished the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Miles!

The Lord of Decay is manifested!

It's a pitch-black throne!

On the throne of God!

There's an extremely ugly-looking guy!

The upper body is human!

The bottom half is an octopus-like monster!

"It turns out that you look like this, and the honor of a creator is indeed a little ugly. "

Chen Ge shook his head slightly.

"How could the Blood Angel dismantle my kingdom!"

The Lord of Decay frowned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)



A roar!

The Lord of Decay has skyrocketed!


10,000 meters!

100,000 meters!

The Creator Kamui!

Pour out at this moment!



Over the Battlefield of the Gods!

Thunder rolls!

However, Chen Ge didn't move, the 300 million blood angels were expressionless, and they didn't react at all!

"Start the test, I want you to kill the Lord of Decay in ten minutes. "

Chen Ge said casually.

Here it comes!

Blood Angel Legion!

Under the blessing of the black silk attack speed artifact worn by the goddess of light!

Unleash the attack speed of the primordial creator level!


A thousand hits!


It should be a thousand hits in an instant!

"Hmph, I don't believe that a mere blood angel can hurt my body... What!damn it!why does it hurt so much!bastard!how can this be!wait!"

"I've heard that there is an ancient giant god in the Chaos God Domain, and every attack is pure damage that ignores defense, is it your blood angel!"


The Lord of Decay roars!

100,000 meters of divine body is crazy and twisted!




Billions of octopus tentacles like something hit!

Want to destroy the Blood Angel Legion!

But the Blood Angel Legion didn't feel any pain at all!


Lord of Decay!

Just the Creator!

Can't break the physical immunity talent enjoyed by the Blood Angel Legion!

Chen Ge didn't speak, he used the Eye of Arcane as a supercomputer at the moment, recording the number of attacks of each of the three hundred million blood angels!


One hundred and fifty thousand!

Two hundred thousand!



Half a million hits away!

In a minute!

The number of attacks of the Blood Angel alone can reach millions!

It will definitely trigger the one-hit killing effect of the instant kill talent!



The moment the number of attacks of a single blood angel reached 650,000!

Hints appear!


[Your Blood Angel Legion has satisfied a million attacks!]

[Your Blood Angel Legion has triggered the one-hit killing effect of the instant kill talent!]

What the!

Chen Ge was surprised!


A flash of blood!

The Lord of Decay is falling apart!


The Lord of Decay exploded into a mist of blood!


The fire of the gods is extinguished!

A godhead dropped!

An artifact like a voodoo jar drops out!

Declare the official fall of the Lord of Decay!

I'm Cao!

Chen Ge blinked wildly!

The Eye of Arcane sees it clearly!

The number of attacks of a single Blood Angel is exactly 600,000!

Not a million times!

But the message just now is a million attacks!


There is only one explanation!

The number of attacks of the Blood Angel Legion can be stacked!


It's not a fixed stack!

Rather, it's a purely random stack!

And this means that when the Blood Angel Legion encounters the Exterminator, it does not need to attack a billion times alone, as long as it is randomly stacked to a billion times, it can hunt and kill the Exterminator!

This means!

The time it takes to achieve the one-hit kill effect has been greatly reduced!

The shorter the time!

Legion of True God Combat Power!

Hunt and kill the owner!

Greatly increased chances!.

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