[I'm Mexi!]

[Got rich!]

[I got 90 million gold coins!]

[I'm Cao! It's so cool!90 million gold coins explode 900~10,000!]

[My total strength has exceeded 10 million!]

【King of Greed YYDS!】

Lord's Channel.

Seminary Mehi screamed.



[That's tens of millions of troops?]

[Has it surpassed Chen Ge's troops?]

[Tens of millions of troops... Is it that simple... Then the question is, Luo Guangming, Xerxes, Gonzalez, do you know how many soldiers and forces a god in the weird world has!]

There was an uproar.

This way of directly taking gold coins to explode troops, as well as the speed of exploding troops, is indeed amazing.

【The King of Greed... Gold Blast Talent... That's amazing. 】

Chen Ge couldn't help but reply on the lord's channel, saying that he used the Eye of the Arcane to sweep the projection of the gods that descended in front of him.

The King of Greed!

Projection of the gods!

It's a pity it's not the ontology!

If it's the ontology!

Ymir should be able to slaughter the Lord of Greed!


There is an Ancestral Form!

Has a pure damage talent bonus!

It's not hard to kill a Creator!

That's right!

After returning to the territory!

Throw Ymir directly a Creator Godhead!

Get Ymir promoted!

Ymir is the main force of the main forces of the territory!

"True God level Blue Star Lord, there is also an Angel of Death by your side, you seem to have a lot of secrets, I see endless wealth in you!"

"You should know who I am, that's right, I'm the king of greed, one of the seven original sins of the abyss, I have a crush on you, young man, come and respect me as my lord and become my believer!"

"As long as you become my believer, you can directly explode troops with gold coins, and I can reward you with a billion gold coins to put you ahead of all the other Blue Star Lords!"

Projection of the gods!

Take the initiative to recruit Chen Ge!

"You don't even know my true god level, and you still want to recruit me as your disciple, you are not at the level of the king of greed. "

Chen Ge shook his head slightly.

He knew that this was the blessing of the strange power of the Dao Breaking Temple in the territory.

Ordinary gods couldn't perceive his true transcendent god level at all.

The King of Greed.

The Seven Original Sins of the Abyss.

A Creator.

That's all there is to it.

This product is very ordinary.

"Huh, are you a real god? aren't you a true god?"

The King of Greed was stunned for a moment, his greedy eyes swept over Chen Ge, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Ymir. "

Chen Ge shouted casually.



Straight into the Ancestral Form!

In a split second!

Incarnate 10,000 meters!

Overlook the King of Greed projection!

"I, Cao, Ancestor Form, you Angel of Death... Wait a minute, you, the Blue Star Lord, won't you be the Emperor of Secrets?"

The King of Greed projection is stunned!

"I am not an emperor. "

Chen Ge shook his head lightly and added in his heart, I am now a god king!



Let's do it!

Giant Death Scythe!

A wipe!

King of Greed God Projection!

Instant shattering!

Bang dang!

An item drops!


Greedy relics?


Not a relict of greed!

Dropped is a golden card!


[You have obtained the Greed Gold Card!]

[You can use the Greedy Gold Card to blast troops directly with gold coins!]

[The Greedy Gold Card can only be used once, the Greedy Gold Card has a gold limit of one billion, and the ratio of the Greedy Gold Card is one to one!]

Chen Ge made a move casually, and the golden card was started, and a prompt message appeared in an instant.


Great stuff!

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.

So far, there are two guys who have revealed the talent of the King of Greed, one is Norton and the other is Mehi.

Norton is 10 million gold coins and 400,000 soldiers.

Mehi is a million gold coins and a million soldiers.

And this greedy gold card.

The ratio is one to one.

A billion gold coins!

Explode a billion!

It's so easy to use!


Can only be used once!


There is a gold cap!

If only there was no gold limit!

Inventory 200 billion gold coins by yourself!

Two hundred billion soldiers at one time!

Hemp eggs!

In one day!

Take down all areas of the Wary World!

In one day!

Take down the whole territory of the abyss!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


[I, Luo Guangming, has finally taken off!]

[I, Luo Guangming, have become a believer in the King of Greed!]

[Now I believe in the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Fate, plus the King of Greed, I believe in the four creators of the strange world!]

[I got the Gold Blast talent!]

[One million gold coins can explode 100,000 soldiers!]


[I, Luo Guangming, can finally rise!]

[I got 50 million gold coins in the land of greed, and I directly took all the troops to explode, and exploded 5 million Holy Light Knights at once!]

[My path to becoming a god can finally be refreshed!]


Lord's Channel.

Luo Guangming screamed.


[Another King of Greed Gold Coin Explosive Talent?]

Am I Xerxes not qualified to be a believer in the King of Greed!]

[Lord of Greed, please accept me Medivan as a believer!]

[Lord of Greed, I, Gonzalez, am also willing to be your believer!]


All sorts of exclamations.


Another greedy king believer?

[Uh... The King of Greed wanted to take me as his follower, and I refused. I don't know why I refused, but it was as if something in my subconscious helped me make a decision. 】


Selena came along.


Chen Ge smiled.

Selena and the mysterious man have exactly the same head, Selena should have awakened something... That mysterious human head is really evil.

If the mysterious person is put on the lord channel, those male students of the God Academy will definitely go crazy.


Get down to business!

Use the Greedy Gold Card!

Chen Ge raised his hand!

The gold card in your hand turns into starlight!


[You used the Greed Gold Card!]

[You triggered the Greedy Gold Card effect!]

[You used a billion gold coins!]

[The total number of troops in your territory has increased by 1 billion!]

[Your military strength has exceeded 2 billion!]


Greedy Gold!

It's so easy to use!

It's a pity that there is only one!

It's a pity it's a one-off item!


Another billion troops!

I have special classes such as the Star Witch, the Sky Dome Guard, the Origin Angel, the Infinite Dragon Maiden, the Oriental Heavenly Maiden, the Bunny Girl Singer, and the Moon Angel!

Has the number grown!

Chen Ge opened the lord panel!

Sweep through the number of major classes!


Hemp eggs!

Special Classes!

One didn't grow!

Chen Ge complained in his heart!

Scan through the stats of other classes!

Holy Blood Gryphon Lady,!

Holy Blood Black-skinned Female Elves, the number is five million!

Angels of Light, Angels of Darkness, Angels of Death, Angels of Destiny, these archangelic legions, the total number of these archangelic legions is more than 300 million!

Blood Angel!

Quantity 1.6 billion!



Blood Angel's growth rate is too fierce!

Two explosions in today's day!

The Blood Angels are doubling up!



All cast into the abyss!

Search for the kingdom of the King of Greed!

Find me the Lord of Greed!

Chen Ge ordered with a move of his mind!

The next moment!

Gods Chat Group!

The Abyssal Demon God Bar screams!

"Damn it!"

"There are more and more blood angels!"

"More than a billion blood angels!"

"Lord of the Gray Mist, Lord of Splendour, Lord of Killing, Lord of the Astral Plane, Lord of the Sky, Lord Lucifer, join forces to hunt down the Blood Angel!"

"My kingdom has been discovered by the Blood Angel!"

"I, Bal, am also a pillar god, and I can't kill these blood angels, and the blood angels are immune to my demon god forbidden curse!"

"Something is wrong! Something is wrong! There is something wrong with these blood angels!"

"Call the Goddess of the Night!"

"Call the Goddess of Thunder!"

"Calling the Lord of Time!"

"Call Adam the Tyrant!"

"Call the Goddess of Mystery!"

"Please descend to the abyss with the five primordial gods!"

"Eradicate the Blood Angel Nine!".

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