The next day.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The weather was a little gloomy, with dark clouds rolling, hiding the sunlight and making the world a little dim.

In the room.

Only Chen Tianyu was left at this time. Xia Yutong was going to help at Rambo BBQ today, and it seemed that there were more customers.

Chen Tianyu took a quick look at the ancient books on both sides, because he was still very interested in this aspect in his previous life, and he could understand most of the ancient books recorded in the"Blood Immortal Records". Although he only read the first part, Chen Tianyu also got a horrifying news.

This ancient book once recorded an appalling thing.

King Xia was not only dissatisfied with the fact that those immortals used the mortal world as a breeding warehouse!

Those immortals... are monsters! They are monsters disguised as"immortals"!

And Wang Delong probably didn't fully understand this ancient book, because the text itself is extremely profound, and the faults in this world are serious.

"I... maybe I understand why King Xia risked his life to seal this"Immortal Gate".

Chen Tianyu held the ancient book in his hand, staring at the contents of the ancient book, and got goose bumps all over his body.

He recalled what he had just seen and translated it from modern text.……

「The gate of immortality opens, immortals appear, and the world admires immortals. Female immortals are extremely beautiful, and male immortals are handsome and handsome. They are all extremely powerful.」

「But I, the Xia Dynasty, admire the immortals, but I saw with my own eyes that the immortals feed on the genius of the Xia Dynasty.」

「At first, people in the Xia Dynasty broke through the divine realm and reached the"supreme divine realm". They were taken to the fairyland by the immortals and were euphemistically called"ascension"."」

「The people of the Xia Dynasty were also extremely happy about the immortals opening the gate to immortality, and they worshipped the immortals as gods.」

「But as more and more people from the Xia Dynasty broke through the"Supreme God Realm", more and more people from my race ascended to the immortal world. At first, I didn't care.……」

「When I was about to break through the"Supreme God Realm", King Xia came to me.……」

「King Xia told me a secret that I could hardly believe, which was... Ascension was a trap, the fairyland feeds on us humans!」

「I didn't believe it at first, but King Xia was extremely determined and took me to a hidden underground base for a breakthrough. To my surprise, I was not the only one here!」

「King Xia brought many humans who were about to break through the divine realm here, and taught us a method to restrain our aura, and told us not to release our aura unless our lives were in danger.……」

「Only then were we allowed to move freely. Seeing King Xia so serious, I felt something was wrong.」

「Until one day... I was cutting bamboo shoots and I ran into a female fairy. She had skin as white as cream and a stunning beauty. She also talked to me in a way that was very congenial to me.」

「We walked and talked, and passed by a tea stand in the suburbs. However, the tea stand was not doing well, and there were no customers. The fairy and I sat in and drank some tea.」

「When the old man at the tea stall was serving tea, I discovered that he was actually a being of the"Supreme Realm". I looked at the fairy woman in front of me and remembered what King Xia said.……」

「Ascension is a trap. The immortal world feeds on our human race.」

「There was nothing abnormal about the fairy at this time, but I was still a little curious, so I told her that I was leaving first... But in fact, I was hiding on the hillside not far away, looking at the tea stall.」


「The immortal walked into the tea-making room of the tea stall, knocked the old man unconscious with one blow, picked up a knife, cut the old man into eight pieces, swallowed a mouthful of the old man's heart alive, and then put the rest of the meat into a wrapping cloth... It seemed that he was going to go back and continue to enjoy it.」

「At this moment, I was scared!」

「I was really scared!」

「I was so scared that I kept running back! I kept running... I didn't dare to stop, for fear that I would be the next one to die!」

「I never expected that the beautiful fairy who was just chatting and laughing with me turned out to be a man-eating monster!」

「Monster... At this moment, I believed it! I believed what King Xia said!」

「Ascension is a trap, the immortal world feeds on our human race!!!"

Chen Tianyu just read this and closed the book. After all, there is too much content and he needs to digest it.

"If this thing wasn't some weird gossip novel...this fairyland is too scary, isn't it?"

"Immortals eat people...are all immortals like this, or only some?……"

Chen Tianyu murmured.

This immortal... Isn't he afraid of the Nguyen virus?

He rubbed his temples, thinking that this immortal was not just an immortal, or that he was not an ordinary immortal at all!

This guy... is more like a monster than an immortal! A monster in human skin!

With a beautiful human skin coat, but a terrifying monster inside!

Logically speaking, cannibalism should be infected with the Nguyen virus, but the other party is not afraid, so there are only two possibilities.

First, the other party has a way to cure the Nguyen virus or is not afraid of the Nguyen virus.

Second, the other party is not a human at all!!!

"Damn, those guys can't be human! Could it be that immortals also have cannibals? Too outrageous, right?"

Chen Tianyu muttered to himself, feeling very unbelievable. This ancient book really broadened his horizons.

Although he was a special forces soldier, his experience in the previous world was limited after all, and this parallel world was obviously much more exciting in all aspects.

"Superpowers, strange beasts, and now this weird……‘Immortal’?"

Chen Tianyu shook his head and put the"Blood Immortal Record" in his hand into his own space.

He picked up his phone and checked the time. It was a little after nine o'clock.

"It's almost time to go to the old man's house."

Chen Tianyu murmured.

He changed his clothes and walked out the door.


Half an hour later.

Chen Tianyu walked leisurely on the path.

Autumn has arrived. Today's weather is not very good, and the sun is not very strong, but it is cooler.

"It's autumn, right?……"

Chen Tianyu murmured.

A red maple leaf fell from the tree and swayed in the air in front of Chen Tianyu.

Chen Tianyu reached forward and the maple leaf fell into his hand.

He looked at it carefully. The ripe maple leaf was bright and blood-colored, which was particularly eye-catching.

After a brief look, Chen Tianyu threw the maple leaf away.

The maple leaf was like a burning flame, dancing in the autumn wind, and finally fell to the ground.

"Woo woo woo ah……"

A burst of crying came from not far away, and this crying sound made Chen Tianyu feel very familiar.

Chen Tianyu frowned, listened carefully, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"This is...Yan Yu's voice?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he ran forward.

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