Starting with Hundred of Millions of Guardian Spirits

Chapter 902: True or false! Is what she said true?

Early the next morning, Li Yang woke Xia Yan.

After leaving the tavern with Xia Yan, Li Yang seemed quite lively along the way.

At this moment, she didn't seem to have the weight of yesterday, she was extremely brisk.

The morning light of the rising sun shone on the girl wearing a white dress and walking in the crowd, she was like a beautiful landscape.

A hint of doubt flashed in Xia Yan's eyes.

Li Yang looked at him with a smile.

"Mr. Xia, I thought about it for a long time last night."

"What did you think about?"

"I just thought, if my uncle becomes this emperor, it seems to be a good choice."

"For the people of the Dali Dynasty, a wise king is better than anything."

"Uncle, he can be here in the north and is admired by all people. I think if uncle is allowed to manage the Dali Dynasty, the people of Dali will be very happy."

Li Yang smiled.

The voice suddenly became much lower.

"Actually, I never wanted to be this emperor."

"Very tired and helpless."

"In this world, I have no friends, the only person closest to me is the master, and no one can say something to me."

"So, I didn't want to be this emperor from the beginning. I didn't like it, and I didn't want to. I couldn't do it either."

"Today's Dali Dynasty is not the Dali Dynasty I want to see."

"Internal troubles and foreign troubles, under the prosperous environment, it is full of struggle."

"Even the imperial city can't escape this, let alone outside."

"But after I came to the north, I discovered that Uncle can do it, only Uncle."

"He is more suitable for this throne than me."

Listening to Li Yang's psychological words.

Xia Yan suddenly thought of what happened last night.

A gleam of light flashed deep in his eyes, but Xia Yan didn't say much.

All beings have their own destiny and their own processes.

As long as it does not interfere with oneself, there is no need to intervene.

Maybe too much intervention will only have a counterproductive effect.

At this point, Xia Yan didn't tell Li Yang what happened last night.

At this moment, the crowd on the street suddenly burst into chaos.

The people yelled, there was noisy front, and they were all heading to a certain place.

Li Yang curiously grabbed an older brother.

"Brother, what happened before?"

"What are you doing in a hurry?"

The big man had a look of impatience at first, and the people in the north were sturdy. It could be said that he could move his feet if he didn't agree with him, let alone being caught by someone.

But when the big guy saw that it was a pretty girl who was holding him, his face suddenly filled with a kind smile.

"Oh, girl, say ahead."

"That's a big deal. Just last night, the guards caught a lot of people who came to assassinate the prince."

"I heard that they are all caught fish of the barbarians. Today, I will be attacked in public."

"Hehe, of course we have to go over and take a look, these bastards, barbarians who kill people without blinking, it's good to die!"

Listening to what the big man said, Li Yang cast a questioning look at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan smiled faintly: "This is your first requirement, so wherever you want to go, I will take you there."

Li Yang grinned.

"Then let's go and see."

The group soon came to a large square.

Because of the presence of Xia Yan, the vitality spread out invisibly, automatically opening a way for him and Li Yangkong.

The two easily passed the crowd and came to the forefront.

At this glance, I could see a dozen people kneeling on the square.

More than a dozen people were wounded on their bodies, disheveled, and were so embarrassed.

Behind them is the executioner with the ring-headed sword.

Asked to cut.

There are more than ten barbarians.

With the masters of the prince’s mansion sitting in town, and hundreds of elite soldiers surrounded, the common people could not break in.

But the common people wanted to kill the hearts of these barbarians, they couldn't hide it at all.

Everyone is chanting.

"Kill! Kill!"



The shouting and killing sounded loudly, and the ferocious hatred in people's eyes was extremely strong.

These barbarians were extremely fierce and slaughtered all the soldiers and civilians in Luocheng.

People who live in the frontier are not so hypocritical.

They know that the two sides have different positions, and it is up to them to live or die.

But if you fight on the battlefield, you will die, and you will die. Each speaks according to his ability and cannot blame anyone.

But what about the massacre?

In that city, there are not only soldiers, but also unarmed people, babies waiting to be fed, women old and young.

Even if these people were killed, the barbarians deserved to die.

"Kill all these barbarians, kill them, and sacrifice our people in blood!"

"Kill! These bastards!"

The people screamed, wishing they could kill these barbarians alive.


"Spuff a centimeter postal search!"

There was the barbarian who screamed out loud.

However, most of the people here don't understand what they are saying in the barbarian language, and those who understand it react even more strongly and directly scold their mother.

At this moment, a little girl in ragged clothes suddenly shouted: "They said, they didn't kill it!"

"They are innocent!"

"You executioners! Murderer!"

"You are the blood feud that destroys our clan!"

The little girl spoke the language of the Dali Dynasty.

Although her voice was not loud, it was mixed in the sound of killing sounds, which seemed extremely harsh.

People couldn't help being silent, and everyone looked at her.

"Bone Absorption Thought Institute, that expansion!"

The dozen or so barbarians kneeling in the square suddenly struggled violently. They stared at the little girl with horror and worry on their faces.

They are afraid.

Not afraid of death.

But for fear of her coming to die.

Although people don't understand the words, they can tell what they mean in their eyes.

They were persuading the little girl to run away and go quickly, shocked at her appearance, and at the same time panicked, for fear of her accident.

The little princess in the wasteland, she shouldn't have such a life...

Li Yang in the crowd clenched her fan fists unconsciously, her face was full of doubts, her eyebrows frowned, and she did not know why, she always had a bad premonition.

Seeing that the little girl was firmly grasped by the soldiers, she buckled her shoulders, and led them to a dozen barbarians who were kneeling on the ground.

With a smile on the face of the little girl, she looked back at the people behind her and whispered: "Vaguely lost."

Li Yang's delicate body trembled suddenly.

She understands one of the few barbarian languages.

There is this sentence.

We die together.

"She, is what she said is true?" Li Yang couldn't help thinking of what the little girl yelled earlier.

It seems to be talking to himself and it seems to want an answer.

"What she said is true."

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