"Master, where are we going?"

Standing on the back of the Great Desolate Soul Beast, all the way up, as if to break through the sky, the monkey couldn't help but wonder.


Xia Yan said lightly.


The monkey was taken aback, and then reacted. If he said that, there was still a world above it.

"The good relationship with the little girl Agudo is not over yet."

Xia Yan murmured.


The monkey thought of the little girl begging them to take her, his face suddenly became weird, and he scratched his head.

Yuzao smiled, staring at Xia Yan's back, eyes full of worship.

From beginning to end, her master has not changed.

The things that are recognized must be done...


The Great Desolate Soul Beast came from above, it was a soul beast cultivated by an extremely powerful force.

All these Xia Yan knew from the mouth of the Great Desolate Soul Beast.

The forces above call themselves heaven.

They are the gods of the mortal dynasties.

Xia Yan couldn't help feeling a little.

These Heavenly Outer Heavenly Experts who have come to the spirit world for tens of billions of years seem to not want to go back at all.

It's right to think so now.

Here they must have discovered the hair of the soul, and the method of turning the soul into a great road.

In the outside world, since it is so difficult to follow the avenue, you may not be able to become the avenue.

What are you doing back then?

In this world, they have found another way.

Reaching the same through different routes can be the same as beings in the great great.

Later, the altars in various places were sealed up, either destroyed, or used as traps to kill the creatures outside the sky.

This can also create an illusion in the outer sky, that the spiritual world can no longer go.

In that way, there will be no strong people coming in again and competing with them for this discovery.

Xia Yan wanted to understand the reasons why these once strong people did this.

I have to say that they are very smart.

The way of ruling the souls of the spirit world is also extremely ingenious, self-reliant as a god, it seems to have been overthrown by the beings of the spirit world, which not only gave them hope, but also eased the conflict between the two sides.

From the original opposite, he became the **** in their minds.


Xia Yan can only say that these former powerhouses are indeed extremely clever.

But this has nothing to do with him.

He just needs to know that he has formed a good relationship with the little girl named Agudo.

That's enough...


Not long after, Xia Yan felt like she had passed through a thin barrier.

As far as I can see, he has come to a world of birds and flowers.

The sky is blue and the earth is wide, the greenery is full, and the vitality is many times richer than Xia Yan.

"Here is the heaven."

The Great Desolate Soul Beast transmitted voice.

"Let's go, go to worship the Moon Blood Demon Cult." Xia Yan said.

The Great Desolate Soul Beast stunned for a moment and reminded: "Master, that Moon-Worshiping Blood Demon Sect is not a new sect, but a sect that existed ten billion years ago. The Moon-Worshiping Blood Demon Lord is even more powerful. God's Destiny."

"Now, no one knows what level his cultivation realm has reached."

"Master, I think we still..."

"It's okay, let's go." Xia Yan said lightly.

When the Great Desolate Soul Beast heard this, he stopped saying more.

Leading Xia Yan and his group, they headed toward the Moon-Worshiping Blood Demon Sect.

In the heavens, the Moon Worship Blood Demon Sect is also a famous force.

Soon, Xia Yan and the others came here.

The Blood Demon Sect of Worshiping the Moon is not in the mountains, but in the downtown.

A huge city on the plain, there are about millions of people in it.

"The cultivation technique of the Blood Demon Sect of Worshiping the Moon is extremely weird, and it is known as the Dafa of the Blood Demon."

"Many of the millions of people in this city are talented evildoers captured from the mortal world, and there are some strange things in them."

"They will draw blood every day to worship the Yuan masters who worship the Moon Blood Demon Sect."

There are probably more than five million people in the city, but the total number of followers of the Moon Blood Demon Cult is only 30,000 or 40,000.

The rest are all the nutrients for the followers of the Moon Worship Blood Demon Cult!

Xia Yan's eyes flashed.

Then let everyone wait here.

He walked towards the city alone.

Xia Yan did not hide his breath.

A grand step into the city.

There is a tallest statue in the city.

And Xia Yan stood on top of the statue.

In an instant, he exuded his own breath.

The horrible breath quickly radiated out, in the hearts of millions of people in the city, as if a high mountain suddenly pressed down!

The faces of the residents in the city changed suddenly and fell to the ground.


"This is the strong Yuanzun?!"

The few believers in the city also noticed this breath.

A group of figures quickly flew towards the place where Xia Yan was.

Not long after, tens of thousands of people came to the area where Xia Yan was.

They were densely packed, all wearing blood-red robes.

Looking at Xia Yan standing on top of the statue, his face was extremely ugly.

That statue is the statue of their ancestor, creating the existence of the Moon Worship Blood Demon Sect.

Now being standing on the forehead, one can imagine how disrespectful it is to fall into the eyes of these tens of thousands of followers of the Moon Blood Demon Sect.


"Who are you, dare to blaspheme my master teacher!"

The scope of the Moon Worship Blood Demon Sect is very large.

Xia Yan really didn't bother to look for them one by one.

He chose this city because he intended to attract the attention of the Moon Worship Blood Demon Sect.

"Are you the leader in this city?" Xia Yan looked at the only old man who spoke among the tens of thousands.

The red robe he wore was even brighter and scarlet.

"This seat is one of the leaders of the 36 cities that I teach. Don't think that you are a strong master of Yuanzun realm and you can do whatever you want."

Xia Yan just smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, I will keep alive, and the rest will be fine with my eyes closed."

Ok? !

Threat? !

Is he threatening us?

Those tens of thousands of believers who worshiped the Moon Blood Demon Sect had just an incredible idea in their hearts.

Isn't this guy a lunatic?

However, at this moment, Xia Yan's aura suddenly increased by 6 times! !

At that moment, his breath was terrifying!

Far beyond the Yuanzun realm!



Tens of thousands of followers of the Moon Blood Demon Sect had not had time to give birth to horror in their hearts.

The vitality that is everywhere around it is like an invisible big hand.

Grabbed their throats!

Click, click, click...

One by one believers broke their necks!

After that, a gust of wind blew across.

Swept the tens of thousands of people.


The figure disappeared, turning into pure and strong vitality towards Xia Yan.

In the end, in front of Xia Yan, there was only a shivering young boy left.

He looks good-looking and clean.

However, who would have thought that this young man would be quite crazy when he swallowed human blood.

"Go ahead, tell those self-righteous guys, I am here waiting for you."


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