Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 102: Green Luo Cao? !

   After all, he asked in a low voice, "How about the safety of the wilderness area?"

"Don't worry, every area is monitored. The Grand Master of the barracks are all arranged to enter, and the standard armor they are assigned to wear this time is of the T-3 model, and even the attacks of the low-level demon generals can withstand them." The battalion commander smiled.

   "That's good!" Shen Jing was relieved, but he still asked again hesitantly, "Captain Chu, are you sure there are no demon generals in the entire wilderness area?"

   Battalion Commander Chu said helplessly: "Master Zhou has personally sensed every area, and he has not let go of the deeply hidden Shadow Worm."

   Hearing this, Shen Jing was completely relieved. He smiled and said: "If Master Zhou checks, then there is no accident."

   Battalion Commander Chu patted Shen Jing on the shoulder and looked at his watch, “There are still ten minutes left. Please explain to your students if you have any instructions. Once you enter the wilderness area, don’t interfere.”


   said, Shen Jing turned around and returned to the students in the training class.

   "In this cleaning operation, each of you has to kill at least three monster soldiers. If you don't meet the requirements, you should consciously quit the training class!"

  His voice is not low, so the students in other classes and other high schools all heard it.

   "Fuck, which high school is this, it's too cruel!"

   "Kill the three demon soldiers? It's crazy, for the sake of face performance, don't you care about the lives of the students!"

   "I know them, they seem to be the key training courses of Qucheng High School. It is said that they have introduced the virtual cabin of Yanjing Base City!"

   "So, no wonder you dare to set the kill target of the lowest three monsters, but it's still too big!"

   "It feels like shouting slogans. If the demon soldiers were so easy to kill, the warriors would have already made a fortune!"

   The other students talked a lot.

   "Distribute standard armor!!"

   Suddenly a loud voice came out, and one soldier came to every student carrying a standard armor.

   The warrior squad not far away were surprised when they saw this scene.

   "I'll take it, it's actually a T-3 standard armor!"

   "This is a military-standard armor, which can withstand the attacks of ordinary demon generals. The military area is too willing!"

   "It is a waste to give to a group of students, it is better to give it to us!"

   These warriors are a bit dissatisfied. Not only are military-standard armors expensive, they are also not for sale, and they can’t be obtained without certain relations.

   As for the training team, Zhou Hao, Xu Ling, Yuan Cheng and the others also noticed the difference in armor.

   "It's a T-3 type armor. It seems that the military district doesn't make a decision blindly. It still cares about the safety of our students!" Yun Yan and other geniuses are not low in status, so they naturally recognized the level of armor at a glance.

   Other students also recognized it, and the expression on their faces suddenly became a lot more relaxed.


   At this time, the heavy metal door slowly opened.

   "In this cleaning operation, teams are prohibited from fighting each other in the wilderness area. If they are found, they will be severely punished!"

  The warrior squad took the lead, and the voice of Battalion Captain Chu shook open, making each of them trembled, and some thoughts were suddenly dispelled.

   More than 1,000 students from the four high schools formed a team to follow closely behind.

   As soon as he left the gate of the South Station, the traces of the animal tide on the high walls of the base city and the three lines of defense were clearly displayed in front of every student.

   Even though a large number of the corpses and limbs of monsters have been cleaned up, the blood on the ground is still not dry, and the stench is exuded from time to time, and there are many debris on the three lines of defense that have not been cleaned up.

   "Oh..." Some students couldn't help but retched.

The soldiers standing on both sides did not squint In the training class team, all the students were silent. From the traces of the war, they could imagine the tragedy when the animal tide came, especially It is a huge claw mark on a high wall, which is shocking!

   "If it weren't for Master Zhou, I really can't imagine how terrible the consequences of the beast tide breaking through the high wall and rushing into the base city!"

   "Not only Lord Zhou, but also the soldiers in the base city are worthy of respect!"

   "Yes, they used their lives to stop the attack of the beast wave!"

   After entering the wilderness area a kilometer away, many students came back to their senses and said with emotion.

   Zhou Hao glanced at Zhang Yi and Xu Ling, and when he was about to ask which area to clean, a sound rang in his ear.

   "Xu Ling, we lost to you in the last virtual actual combat drill. This time in the actual combat in the wilderness area, dare you to continue the comparison?"

   It was Fang Yu who spoke surprisingly, with unwillingness in her eyes.

   Xu Ling frowned.

   "Compared, I'm afraid you won't make it, but we have to be a little bit lucky, otherwise we are not interested!" Zhou Hao said lightly.

   Fang Yu snorted, flipped his wrist, and there was a turquoise four-leaf clover in his palm, but the leaves had blood veins, like human meridians.

   "Green Luo Cao?!"

   Xu Ling just wanted to scold Zhou Hao, and she couldn't help but exclaim when she saw this four-leaf clover.

   The other students also stared at the four-leaf clover.

   Zhou Hao said in surprise: "Xu Ling, this is the green grass that can greatly increase the vitality and blood, and increase the chance of breaking through the martial artist?"

   Xu Ling nodded, "Yes, although Qing Luo Cao is not a high-level training resource, it is more difficult to find. In general, Qing Luo Cao has only three leaves, but this plant has four leaves, so it is better to take it!"

   There is a deep envy in her words.

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