Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 104: How easy it is

   The area of ​​268 is indeed far away. If Zhou Hao runs at full speed, he will be there soon, but with Xu Ling and Zhang Yi, he naturally can't reveal his strength, so he can only drive slowly.

   It took nearly fifty minutes before they finally reached the edge of the 268 area.

   "Huh, so tired, let's take a break first!" Xu Ling opened the helmet, her forehead was full of sweat and her hair was wet.

   The weather is hot, and wearing armor is even more sultry. Although there is an automatic temperature adjustment system in the armor, it consumes energy. Unless it is really unbearable, it will generally not be turned on.

   Zhou Hao handed Xu Ling a bottle of water, "washing your face will make it cooler."

   Xu Ling rolled her eyes, "Do I have that luxury?"

   "Don't worry, I brought a lot of water!" Zhou Hao smiled.

   "You won't replace all the food with water, are you?" Xu Ling was taken aback and couldn't help asking.

   Zhou Hao nodded, "That's right."

   Xu Ling was very speechless, "We are going to stay in the wilderness area for several days this time. You don't bring food, aren't you afraid of being hungry!"

   Zhang Yi said at this time: "It's okay, I have brought a lot."

   Xu Ling didn’t know. Zhou Hao and Zhang Yi had discussed it a long time ago. One brought only water and the other only brought food. She shook her head and said, "I really took you two!"

   Zhou Hao glanced around, and pointed to a back **** three to four hundred meters away in front of him, "Let’s go there to take a rest, there are dense old trees and weeds here, so the sight is not good!"


   Now the three of them stood up again, accelerated their pace and came to the back **** of a low hill.

When    just walked here and was about to take a break, Zhang Yi suddenly said, "Xu Ling, Zhou Hao, look, is the triangle purple scorpion under the stone?"

   Xu Ling and Zhou Hao hurriedly swept towards the stone pointed by Zhang Yi.

   With this sweep, they suddenly saw a palm-sized scorpion below. The scorpion was purple all over and had a triangular pattern on its back, which was very conspicuous in the shadow of the stone.

   "Is it really a triangular purple scorpion?!" Xu Ling was extremely surprised.

   "Quickly, grab it, don't let it go!" Zhou Hao reminded him quickly, and smiled in his heart. Three hundred lucky points were not wasted.

   Just now, he didn't choose a place randomly, but consumed lucky points and chose this back slope.

   Zhang Yi didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards the shadow of the stone.

   However, the triangular purple scorpion seemed to notice the movement, and the figure jumped out like lightning.

   Xu Ling suddenly shouted anxiously: "Zhang Yi, hurry up, don't let it go into the hole. The Triangular Purple Scorpion is best at drilling holes. Once it gets in, it is difficult to catch it again."

   As she shouted, she ran up from the side to stop her.

   However, Zhou Hao moved faster than her, a tumbling pounce, and it happened to pounce at the position where the triangle purple scorpion turned its direction.

   Xu Ling smiled and praised: "Not bad, I will seize the opportunity."

   Zhou Hao curled his lips, "This is called talent."

   "Go, say you are fat and you are panting." Xu Ling rolled her eyes with really good looks, and then stared at the triangular purple-striped scorpion with her scissors-like eyes.

   Zhang Yi walked over, his eyes also shifted to the scorpion, and couldn't help but breathe in: "The triangular purple-patterned scorpion is said to be the best supplementary medicine material. I don't know whether it is true or not?"

"Of course it is true." Xu Ling's cold and pretty face was flushed with joy and excitement. "This thing is dried and ground into powder and added to the refining of the pill. It can improve the quality of the pill by one to two levels. , The value is very expensive."

   Speaking of this, she glanced at her wrist with emotion, "We just came to the 268 area, and we encountered a rare creature like the triangular purple scorpion. It seems that lucky bracelets can really increase luck."

   Zhang Yi's eyes lit up and he couldn't help asking: "Xu Ling, how much can this triangle purple scorpion sell for?"

   "At least half a million." Xu Ling said authentically without hesitation.

   "What? Five hundred thousand?" Zhang Yi stared.

   And Zhou Hao handed the triangular purple scorpion to Xu Ling, "You take it."

   Xu Ling glanced at Zhou Hao, "You caught it, so naturally it belongs to you."

   Zhou Hao said hehe: "What do we two share with each other? Isn't mine yours?"


   Xu Ling kicked Zhou Hao, "Fuck you, it's skinny."

   Zhou Hao said solemnly: "It's useless for me to hold it. Your home is made of medicine. This thing is useful for you."

   "Okay, I will put it away first, and we will divide when we go back." Xu Ling hesitated, and put the triangular purple scorpion into the armor backpack.

   "Since it's a good start, let's continue, maybe we can find something better!" Zhou Hao suggested.

   Xu Ling shook her head, "How can it be so easy."


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