Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 106: Champion 1 must belong to Real Madrid!

On the evening of April 23, Madrid Bernabeu Stadium.

When the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, there were again bursts of boos from the fans in the stadium, and finally intensified. Almost the entire stadium, 75,000 Real Madrid fans were madly booing the team.

And bear the brunt of the depth in front of the home team's coach.

He stood on the sidelines the whole game, without any extra movement, without the slightest expression, watching the stadium silently.

One to one!

This is the final result of the thirty-fourth round of La Liga, Real Madrid vs. Villarreal.

The Yellow Submarines were the team that reached the semi-finals of the Champions League, and they just beat Barcelona 0-0 at Camp Nou and Real Madrid 1-1 at home, which is not a bad result.

What's more, in the game against AC Milan, Real Madrid's players consumed a lot, and Gao Shen was in a big rotation tonight, and none of the four superstars in the frontcourt even played. The combination of Moss, let Woodgate rest.

With such a remnant, the home game against Villarreal is a one-to-one score.

But not only Real Madrid fans, but also Gao Shen himself are very dissatisfied.

Because, this afternoon, Barcelona drew 3-3 away from Sevilla.

Rijkaard's side struggled to score their third goal until the 91st minute.

Barça draws again!

As long as Real Madrid win Villarreal tonight, they can reverse Barcelona to the top and become the leader of the La Liga standings.

This will greatly reduce the morale and fighting spirit of Barcelona in the next few games.

Judging from the current situation in La Liga and the Champions League, Barcelona is not only Real Madrid's number one competitor for the La Liga title, but also the biggest obstacle for Real Madrid to hit the tenth Champions League title.

If they counterattack tonight, it is entirely possible for Real Madrid to overwhelm Barcelona in one go, successfully counterattack on both the La Liga and the Champions League fronts, and then win the double crown.

But at this critical moment, Real Madrid drew!

What really makes Gao Shen unacceptable is that if the team is not strong enough and is tied by Villarreal, then there is nothing to say.

The crux of the matter was that Real Madrid were ahead for more than an hour and were not levelled until the very last minute of the game.

In the 88th minute, the bipedal Fran sent a cross from the left, Riquelme missed a pass in the middle, and the full-back Venta who was plugged in later threw off Raul Bravo and got the ball over the par. Wen, when he kicked and shot furiously, the ball hit the hand of Ramos, who was desperately filling the position.

The Real Madrid central defender was sent off with a red card and gave Villarreal a penalty.

Diego Forlan calmly takes the free throw to tie the game.

Let me ask, is such a draw acceptable?

Real Madrid only fell back after being the leader in the real-time standings for more than 60 minutes.

That's where the boos from the Bernabeu fans came from.

Gao Shen was also very depressed.

What a great opportunity this was so missed!

He even had the urge to scream up to the sky, and ruthlessly vent the depression and grievances in his heart.

But after a few deep breaths, he held back!


"Good job!"

Gao Shen reached out his hand to meet Guti who was walking off the stage.

Followed by Robinho, Negredo, Cassano, Baptista and others. Among them, Baptista was the hero of Real Madrid's goal tonight, and his back plug received Negredo's header. Ferry, knocked Villarreal's goal with a head hammer.

Guti is the team's delayed playmaker tonight, and his performance is also commendable.

This conceded goal looks like Ramos' handball, but in fact, everyone knows that Ramos's mistake was due to anxiety, and the reason why he was in a hurry was because Raul Bravo and Pavin were easily caught. The other party shook it.

If Ramos does not block in time, the opponent will just kick up in the penalty area, and it is still possible to score.

Therefore, whether it is a penalty kick or a red card, Ramos is actually not a big problem.

Pavin and Raul Bravo, both frustrated, hung their heads and followed behind their teammates.

When they came to Gao Shen, the two of them didn't dare to look up at them one after the other.

Especially Raul Bravo.

When Carlo was coaching before, he was still the main player of the team, but during Gao Shen's coaching, he kept losing his position, and he was not even as good as Felipe Luis, who was promoted by the second team, which made him somewhat dissatisfied.

But now, Gao Shen has given him a chance, he can't catch it, and he still makes such a mistake, who can be blamed?

Both of them were even ready to bear the deep anger.

"It's okay, it's okay, raise your head, cheer up, don't look listless." Gao Shen didn't scold, but smiled and encouraged.

Both Pavin and Raul Bravo were surprised. They looked at Gao Shen again and found that he had a smile on his face.

"Don't pay too much attention to the result, the one-to-one score is also very good, within our expectations." Gao Shen shouted with a smile.

Lucas and Buenaventura were standing behind Gao Shen. They had been paying attention to Gao Shen's expression since they lost the penalty just now. No one knew Gao Shen's thoughts more clearly than them.

He looked peaceful and drizzle on the surface, but blood was dripping in his heart.

But what can be done?

As the head coach of the team and the manager of the locker room, is it difficult to get angry at this time and scold the responsible person or everyone? What does this make up for?

The ball has been lost, the game has been leveled, and it is pointless to say that now.


"Just now, I was really worried that you couldn't help it." After sending the player away, Lucas said with a wry smile.

Buenaventura also nodded, and he was so worried.

"You have to endure it if you can't help it. If you get angry but have no effect, it is incompetent and furious. Why bother?"

However, after this game, he really understood that many players in Real Madrid no longer have the strength to play in Real Madrid, including Pavin, Mejia, and even Raul Bravo.

This group of players undoubtedly had strength and potential when they first debuted, but in the past few years in Real Madrid, they have not had the opportunity to exercise, and their strength has not improved with age. As a result, the overall strength has now fallen short of the team's requirements.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as hurting Zhongyong.

There is also Portillo on the front line, who is almost twenty-four years old. In the hands of Gao Shen, he can't get a minute of playing time.

Sometimes professional football can be so cruel.

If Gao Shen gives them a chance because of sympathy, it is cruel to himself.

Like tonight's draw.


At the post-match press conference against Villarreal, Gao Shen rarely did not push the pot to the toolman Maqueda, but attended it himself.

He also completely felt the ability of the Spanish spray.

The media like Aspen, Marca, and El Pais are actually pretty good, but there are some small newspapers that are not particularly famous, as well as mortal enemy media such as Daily Sports and World Sports. The problem is one. sharper than one.

For example, the Daily Sports Daily directly asked Gao Shen, after the draw this round, Real Madrid has lost the best chance to catch up with Barcelona, ​​can they disarm and surrender in advance? In their view, Barcelona is unlikely to drop points in the last four rounds.

At home against Cadiz, away against Celta Vigo, at home against Espanyol and away against Athletic Bilbao.

Judging from these four games, I am afraid it is difficult to pose a threat to Barcelona.

In contrast, Real Madrid's schedule is much more difficult.

After playing AC Milan, there are two consecutive away games, the opponents are Osasuna and Santander.

These two teams are also very difficult to deal with. Osasuna is currently ranked fourth in La Liga, aiming to keep the qualification for the Champions League.

Everyone knows that participating in the Champions League represents a gain of more than 10 million euros. For a team like Osasuna, it is impossible to give up, so they will do everything to keep their fourth place in the league.

Sporting Santander is a relegation team and will definitely try their best.

In these two games, Real Madrid must die.

Next up is the home game against Málaga, a relegated team that is not very difficult.

But the last round is an away game against Sevilla. This team is currently competing with Osasuna for fourth place in the league and will definitely fight Real Madrid in the game.

In other words, the three away games are all the most difficult games to play, and the opponents are also stronger than each other.

Barcelona's recent consecutive loss of points, that is, lost to Osasuna, Santander and Sevilla, are all away.

This is equivalent to that Real Madrid will have to pass every hurdle of Barcelona's recent period of time.

Even if it is all over, whether it can win the championship depends on Barcelona's face.

is it hard?


Very difficult!

As tyrannical as Barcelona, ​​all of these teams have failed.

No matter how difficult it is, Real Madrid has to pass!

In the face of the Daily Sports reporter's questioning, Gao Shen always smiled and maintained his demeanor.

Gao Shen didn't answer until the other party finished asking, the team's next schedule is really difficult, every game is difficult.

"However, how can anything in this world be easy?" Gao Shen changed the subject and asked the media reporters at the scene, especially the Catalan reporters who bore the brunt.

"Is it easy for you? It's not easy for you, for news, for sales, and to please readers, isn't it?"

"I don't think there's anything about The opponents in the game are not easy to play, so they will play game by game, and pass one hurdle after another."

"I don't know, what qualifications do you have to say these words in front of me, are we not as good as Barcelona?" Gao Shen asked.

"When I took over, we were ten points behind Barca, but now? We almost came back and you're here to tell me we have no chance?"

Gao Shen was not angry, but his tone was strong, firm, and sonorous.

The press conference scene also became silent, and everyone paid attention to Gao Shen, focusing on his every word, every expression, every body movement.

He became the center of attention of the audience, and also the focus of fans throughout Spain, Europe, and even all over the world.

"When we were ten points behind, we did not despair, and we will not now!"

"I can say here now, if Barcelona want to win the title, then they have only one way to win all the remaining four games, otherwise, the championship must belong to us Real Madrid!"

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