Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 122: Rijkaard, are you following?

Between the thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth rounds of La Liga, there was a full week of time.

But the thirty-eighth round to the Champions League final is only three days away.

So, this week is not so much preparation for Sevilla, but also preparation for the Champions League final.

Gao Shen and everyone in the coaching staff spent almost all day and night in Valdebebas, dizzy.

Every day is to rent to Valdebebas, two points and one line.

In the middle, the high-level route trajectory only deviates twice.

Once, he went to the city after get off work, brought a bottle of good wine to Carlo, went to the teacher's house to eat, and also sent five tickets, not only for Carlo, but also for him as a favor. Send a Gift.

These are all the finals tickets that Gao Shen has been awarded.

According to the past practice of Real Madrid, every Bernabeu game will be distributed to the first team players, and each person can apply for 50 tickets to give to family and friends.

But this time, it was very popular, and it was hard to get a ticket, so the club also reduced the tickets allocated to the players one after another.

Gao Shen had no friends, so he only took five, and didn't ask for more, but he did ask for a lot for others.

In fact, the popularity of this final can also be seen from the club's "stingy" level of players.

"Recently, not only the outside Real Madrid members have gone crazy for tickets, but also inside the team." Gao Shen really did not expect that Real Madrid fans would be so fanatical.

The Stade de France can accommodate nearly 80,000 people, and Real Madrid has allocated more than 20,000 tickets. In addition to the internal distribution and gifts of the club, there are about 17,000 tickets, but there are more than 8 Real Madrid members who want to buy tickets. Wan, you can imagine how fierce the competition is.

Carlo has also experienced it himself. Many people have found him, but he also knows that Gao Shen is busy, so he didn't cause trouble to Gao Shen, but he didn't expect that Gao Shen took the initiative to give him five tickets.

Not much, but enough for him to arrange.

According to the current market price, these five tickets are worth more than 10,000 euros.

"The most important thing for you now is to maintain a normal mind. No matter what the result of the battle this weekend, you can't be in a mess," Carlo reminded.

Gao Shen gritted his teeth and nodded.

He was nothing, but felt a little unwilling.

Just because of the 0-3 at the Bernabeu, he now has to succumb to Barcelona, ​​which makes it difficult for him to balance.

More importantly, this is an outpost.

In four days, two champions, if you lose La Liga, it will also be a big blow to the Champions League final.

But Real Madrid is now involuntarily.

"If you think so, it's difficult for you, and Rijkaard is equally difficult. Although they have an advantage in strength, he is more worried than afraid." Carlo saw the deep worry and explained.

Real Madrid has been chasing after being very behind, and in terms of overall morale, it is better than Barcelona.

If Barcelona made a mistake in the last round and were really reversed to win the championship by Real Madrid, it would inevitably cause an immeasurable blow to their morale. At that time, Rijkaard was afraid that he would go crazy.

Therefore, his current pressure is not much lighter than that of Gao Shen, and it may even be greater.

The most important thing is that Gao Shen took Real Madrid and pushed Barcelona too hard, not even giving Barcelona time to breathe.

From the twenty-sixth round to the present, Real Madrid has only one draw.

If it weren't for that draw, the current leaders would not be Barcelona.

"Don't worry, at the critical moment, I can hold my breath!" Gao Shen smiled lightly.

Sacchi and Valdano had mentioned this to him before.

In fact, everyone knows that it is impossible to be without pressure, and every decision made is not 100% safe.

But there is no way, the more at this time, the more responsible the head coach is.

"No matter what the result is, no matter what others say, at least in my heart, you are already quite outstanding." Carlo smiled in affirmation, which was also an encouragement.

Gao Shen smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

Ask yourself, Real Madrid can drag the suspense of the La Liga title to the last round and reach the Champions League final, which is a miracle no one can imagine.

At the beginning, when Gao Shen took over Real Madrid, what kind of tragic situation was that?

A six-to-one loss to Zaragoza, conceivable?

That's a broken team!

But now, Real Madrid has survived, which is amazing enough.

Gao Shen knew that he had such self-confidence, and he knew better what he had done.

But he was still not satisfied.

At this time, he will not be reconciled to give up the championship.

"Mr. Carroll."

Carlo raised his head, looked at Gao Shen, and found that the expression on his face became unusually determined.

"I will definitely bring the champion back!"

"Two!" Gao Shenbi pointed out two fingers, "There will be no less than one!"


Another time when Gao Shen deviates from two points and one line is to go to the Bernabeu.

Don't get me wrong, it was not a contract renewal or negotiation with Real Madrid, but a temporary ticket draw held at the Bernabeu with captain Raul and several superstar players.

The tickets originally allocated by Real Madrid have been sold out, but there are still too many fans who want to get tickets.

So, Real Madrid temporarily applied with UEFA, and finally squeezed around, only to buy 2,000 copies.

But this is a drop in the bucket for Real Madrid fans. Where is enough?

As a last resort, only draw lots.

Taking into account the emotions of the fans, Gao Shen and Raul and other players came to the scene to appease the fans.

Gao Shen and the superstars were warmly welcomed by the fans at the scene. Chairman Martin and Vice Chairman Butragueno attended the lottery. After all, they were also worried that so many fans at the scene would make trouble if they couldn't get tickets.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Martin, in particular, is running for president of Real Madrid this summer.

At the scene, media reporters also interviewed Martin.

The President of Real Madrid expressed his gratitude to the fans, and also promised to do his best to coordinate, hoping to win more tickets for the fans, so that more Real Madrid fans can go to the Stade de France.

But he also said that due to the limited capacity of the final stadium, it is impossible for everyone to go, so Real Madrid will broadcast live at the Bernabeu, so that all members can enter the Bernabeu and watch the Champions League final together.

When the media mentioned whether to renew the contract with Gao Shen, Chairman Martin still played Tai Chi, saying that the management was studying it.

Real Madrid also prepared a lot of gifts on the spot, and gave them to the member fans who came to draw lots. Gao Shen signed autographs for many people and took photos. For the upcoming two focus battles, he said that the team has made full preparations.

"I don't think we don't have a chance in the league, on the contrary, I've always been a firm believer that Barca will make mistakes, they've always been, they're naturally afraid of a team like Athletic Bilbao. "

"Against Osasuna, against Athletic Santander, they dropped a lot of points, and the possibility of dropping points against Athletic Bilbao is very high, so we will take Sevilla and wait for Barca to drop points. news."

Gao Shen always had a confident smile on his face and was interviewed by media reporters, looking very confident.

And when the media reporter asked, what if Barcelona beat Athletic Bilbao and successfully won the La Liga title?

"It's impossible." Gao Shen shook his head without hesitation. "Of course, if Rijkaard can really beat Athletic Bilbao, I'll give him the Spanish throne that will belong to me."

At the critical moment, he finally couldn't help but complain about the King of Spain.

Not only did the media reporters laugh at the scene, but Raul and other Real Madrid players also laughed out loud, and the fans even burst into laughter.

Look how confident people are!

Just take the Spanish throne and bet it!

Rijkaard, are you following?


The high-level remarks quickly spread in Spain, European football, and even the world.

Is there anything more gimmicky than taking the Spanish throne directly to bet on a championship?

Media reporters are simply frying, right?

Nima, who has been a reporter all his life, has never seen such a big bet.

There are even many media reporters who have not forgotten the connotation of King Juan Carlos. Who made you threaten to give up the throne to Gao Shen?

Well now, people love the country and the championship even more, so they directly bet with Rijkaard!

The frenzied hype of the media and the heated discussions of the fans have brought unprecedented attention to the last round of La Liga.

Everyone is looking forward to these two simultaneous duels.

The Catalan media have found Rijkaard and Barcelona executives one after another, hoping they can make some responses, but Rijkaard did not accept media Instead, President Laporta came forward , expressing his confidence in the team.

Cruyff, the godfather of Barcelona, ​​said in a column that this is a clumsy psychological war.

"In my eyes, the 25-year-old young man from Real Madrid is playing tricks that he thinks are smart but are actually clumsy. He can't influence Barcelona, ​​and he can't stop Barcelona from winning the championship!"

Cruyff said that as long as Rijkaard follows the team's original plan, it will not be difficult to beat Athletic Bilbao away.

At this critical moment of hitting the championship, there have been some scandals in La Liga in the past, and this time is no exception. This is also after the media's stalking, it has been taken seriously by the Football Association and the professional league, and they have stated that they must resolutely suppress and strictly supervise the two. In the game, strive to be fair, just and open.

The head coach of the Basque Lions, Javier Clemente, also said in an interview with local media that Athletic Bilbao will never show mercy to any opponent in its own home.

"I don't think we have no desires, because at our home, we will always fight for glory!"

The implication is that Athletic Bilbao will not stay, but will go all out.

Sevilla coach Juan de Ramos also accepted the media's promise that Sevilla will fight for the top four in the league, and there is no possibility of releasing water. The team will definitely do its best at the Piscuan Stadium Attack Real Madrid.

Two games determine the ownership of the La Liga title this season.

The championship battle between Real Madrid and Barcelona has reached a **** bayonet battle, and no one will keep their hands.

The key is to see, in this final battle, who can persevere to the end and have the last laugh. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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