Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 130: greatest comeback

Real Madrid reversed Barcelona to win La Liga, causing a frenzy throughout Madrid.

According to the information released by the police station, when the result of the game at the San Mames Stadium in Bilbao came out, Real Madrid fans gathered all over the city center of Madrid, and they celebrated the team's victory in various ways. .

Especially as more and more people gathered, the atmosphere became more and more lively.

Around the Bernabeu Stadium, Real Madrid fans celebrated wildly. At the same time, countless fans spontaneously went to the Madrid Capital Airport to welcome the triumphant return of the players, which even caused serious traffic jams at the airport.

According to statistics after the event, there were about 10,000 Real Madrid fans gathered near the airport. Many of them did not know where the team bus would come out. They could only use the method of blocking all entrances and exits, and then evacuated with the intervention of the police.

Around the Bernabeu Stadium, a total of more than 30,000 fans gathered, singing and dancing, celebrating the team's victory.

Not only that, in the surrounding area of ​​Madrid, there are also many Real Madrid fans spontaneously gathering and celebrating.

According to media reports the next morning, even at four o'clock in the morning, the center of Madrid was still crowded with people, and everyone was celebrating Real Madrid's first championship trophy in three years.

Marca reported on the front page of Real Madrid's reversal to win the championship, thinking it was the greatest reversal in La Liga history.

"The last day of February, the twenty-eighth, remember this legendary day."

"The greatest reversal miracle in La Liga's history started on this day."

Marca believes that the high-level coaching was the beginning of Real Madrid's counterattack. His arrival was controversial, and it could even be said that he took over a mess amid the cynicism of everyone. More importantly, no one believed him at that time.

"Players, fans, media, management, and even Real Madrid President Martin, who handpicked him to take over, no one believes that he can lead Real Madrid out of the quagmire and out of the predicament."

"He's just a trivial tool for stakeholders to gain leverage for themselves."

"But after taking over Real Madrid, Gao Shen, with incredible courage, first challenged the superstars in the locker room, led the team to a victory in the city derby, and then made an incredible comeback in the second round of the Champions League round of 16 knockout. Eliminated Arsenal at Highbury."

"These two victories have given Gao Shen a firm foothold at Real Madrid."

Marca gave a very detailed introduction to the various experiences and decisions made by Gao Shen after taking charge of Real Madrid.

From the management of the locker room, to vigorously promoting the youth training, to repeatedly overcoming strong enemies on the field, repeatedly creating unpopularity.

They explained in great detail how Gao Shen won the locker room step by step, won the fans, won the recognition and trust of the media, and how at the last minute, he led the team to reverse Barcelona and win the La Liga championship this season.

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Marca believes that Gao Shen coached at Real Madrid and wrote a legendary history of counterattacks.

"Our King Juan Carlos I once said that if Gao Shen can lead the team to defeat Juventus, he will give up the throne to Gao Shen, and before the words fall, Gao Shen will lead the team to eliminate Juventus."

"Barcelona's godfather Cruyff once asserted that in the history of La Liga, no team has ever been able to turn around and win the championship even though it is ten points behind, so he firmly believes that Barcelona will definitely win the championship, but now the championship belongs to Real Madrid."

Marca said that in Europe's top leagues, the most legendary reversal was Ferguson's 1992 class, but at that time, Manchester United was only nine points behind Newcastle (Newcastle lost the game in the second match) .

But now, Real Madrid has reversed Barcelona and won the La Liga championship when they are ten points behind.

"This has never happened before in the history of the top European leagues!"

Marca also deeply analyzed the process of Real Madrid's reversal of Barcelona this season, and believed that Real Madrid's counterattack was more because of Gao Shen's management of the locker room and the strong support for young players.

This Real Madrid mouthpiece believes that Real Madrid, which has many superstars, has no doubts in terms of strength. After Gao Shen took over, he has sorted out the relationship in the locker room and built a united team from the inside.

At the same time, he vigorously supported young players to take the lead.

"Negredo, Soldado, De La Reid, Abeloa, Felipe Luis, Callejon, Juan Mata, Parejo, Javi Garcia..."

"Real Madrid has a strong youth training that disdains Spain and even European football, but in the past, it has always suffered from no way to rise, and the arrival of the high-level has provided the youth team players with a path to the first team and the main lineup. the way."

Marca believes that with the outstanding performance of this season, players such as Negredo, Soldado, De La Reid, Abeloa and Felipe Luis can basically play the main role in Real Madrid, while the Lejon, Juan Mata, Parejo and others are also basically worthy of trust and cultivation, and should be expected by the team.

Marca revealed that what Gao Shen won for Real Madrid was not only a La Liga championship, an unprecedented reversal legend, but also an invaluable wealth, a group of outstanding young talents.

Real Madrid's mouthpiece believes that this summer, the Real Madrid presidential election is in full swing, and each candidate has their own unique tricks, and everyone is contacting the world's famous coaches.

"But why, no one thought about giving Gao Shen a chance?"

"With his performance and his contribution to Real Madrid, isn't he worthy of a contract extension?"



At the same time that Marca issued an appeal, Aspen also shouted for Gao Shen.

Editor-in-Chief Alfredo said in the column that Real Madrid should now seriously consider the issue of contract renewal.

"According to the information disclosed by my friends in the Real Madrid team, Gao Shen has a very high status in the Real Madrid locker room. Although it took less than three months, he has conquered everyone in the locker room, except Carlos."

"Now, he led the team to reverse Barcelona and won the first La Liga title in three years. For this, he deserves a contract extension from the club."

Alfredo revealed that Martin has always emphasized that he is a profound Bole, but at critical moments, he has not given a clear statement. Instead, there have always been news that he is contacting England national team coach Eli. Kerson.

"Listen to how many Real Madrid fans were shouting at the player at the Madrid Capital Airport last night. His position in the hearts of Real Madrid fans is no longer what he was when he first took over the team. Real Madrid fans have recognized his strength."

Alfredo said that the team is about to go on an expedition to France. If the club officially gives a clear statement before the team leaves, or even starts contract renewal negotiations with Gao Shen, it will undoubtedly be a way to stabilize the military.

Zidane is about to retire, Carlos will not be reused, Ronaldo is no longer what he used to be, even Raul does not have the aura of the golden boy...

Today's Real Madrid has long lost its glory at the peak of the Galaxy Battleship, and must start a round of reconstruction. Judging from the team's performance in the past three months, with the high-level team as the core, it is completely possible to build Real Madrid in the future. year's lineup.

"Is Casillas is still at his peak, Felipe Luis, Abeloa and Ramos are all young, but very strong, as long as we introduce a high-level central defender, complemented by Woodgate and Elgra, This line of defense can definitely become more unbreakable."

"The double midfielders of Gravesson and Delared are looking forward to, especially Delared, who is very general. The team only needs to make up for the vacancy after Zidane left the team, plus the teenager Juan Ma Players such as Ta, Parejo and Borja, as well as powerful stars such as Baptista, can completely eliminate the need to introduce reinforcements in the midfield."

Alfredo believes that if it operates according to this line of thought, Real Madrid does not need to invest too much at all, but it can turn the team into the most competitive and youngest team in La Liga.

"And the key behind this is profoundness!"

Alfredo has to admit that Real Madrid has never had a tradition of reusing and promoting young players, but only deeply trusts and reuses this group of young players, and they have shown enough tyrannical strength.

In this case, if the team suddenly changes a head coach and everything starts all over again, who can guarantee that these young players will not become the next Portillo and Pavin?

Alfredo appeals to Florentino has stepped down and Real Madrid's era of galactic battleships is over.

At a time like this, it would be foolish to continue blindly chasing superstars and ignoring this group of great players on the team.

"Although we have reversed Barcelona, ​​we have to admit that in the past few years, Barcelona has done a very good job in promoting youth training, such as Xavi, Puyol, Valdes, Iniesta, Ti Yago Motta, Messi, etc."

"Rijkaard's team has created a new round of brilliance for Barcelona with the cooperation of superstars like Ronaldinho in the local youth training. This is also worth learning from."

Alfredo called for the team to renew the contract and give him a coaching contract.

"I believe that Gao Shen will repay the club's trust in him with better results and more championships!"



The two major mouthpieces issued an appeal at the same time, which basically represented the voice of Real Madrid fans.

At the same time, Spain and the world's major media have also reported Real Madrid's reversal to win the championship, and they have also given a very high evaluation to the high-level coaching.

Everyone knows that in the professional league, there has always been a tradition of attaching importance to stars and ignoring the head coach, and Gao Shen coaches a superstar-studded team like Real Madrid, which has affected the media and fans' evaluation of Gao Shen to some extent.

But even so, miraculously reversing and winning the championship, this transcript made Gao Shen extremely amazing.

Not only Spain, European football, and even world football, it is also the first time that the high-level coaching ability is truly recognized. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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