Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 141: His name is Ronaldo!

Since Ronaldo started the game against Sevilla, the outside world has basically speculated that he will be a substitute in the Champions League final.

It's actually not hard to guess. With the physical fitness of aliens, he can't play two high-intensity games in three days.

But even so, Ronaldo is still Ronaldo.

At his level, no team dares to ignore his existence.

Barcelona is no exception.

Rijkaard made a lot of arrangements for Ronaldo before the game, but when it came to the game, he was embarrassed to find that none of them seemed to be used.

Unless he's willing to weaken the offense, he really doesn't have a very good way to contain Ronaldo.

On the contrary, when Gao Shen replaced Ronaldo at this moment, it was more of a shock to Barcelona.

Gao Shen is to let Rijkaard know that Ronaldo may hit the Barcelona penalty area at any time, so that Barcelona can take it easy when attacking, but the problem is that Barcelona is now the one behind the score.

Rijkaard would have adjusted if Barca were ahead, but now... there is no time.


This is Ronaldo's first Champions League final.

He has played football for more than ten years, and it is the first time he has set foot on the stage of the Champions League final.

For the Stade de France, he has a heavy psychological shadow, because it was in this stadium that he was like a sleepwalker and made Brazil lose the World Cup final.

Although he helped Brazil win the World Cup four years later, it still couldn't make up for the defeat in 1998.

What makes Ronaldo even more nervous is that Brazil also used the home team's locker room.

Everything seems to be doomed.

Especially in the first half, after Barcelona scored the first goal, Ronaldo was even more nervous. He was afraid that the nightmare of 1998 would repeat itself, and he was afraid that he would fall before the championship trophy again.

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That feeling is really, really desperate!

Fortunately, the continuous adjustment of the head coach Gao Shen has brought Real Madrid back to life, scoring two goals in a row to reverse.

Before going on the court, Gao Shen didn't even explain his tactical tasks to him, but pulled him to him, looked into his eyes, and said word by word, "Don't let your nightmare repeat itself! I believe in you!"

This is not false, because Ronaldo saw trust in his deep eyes.

Ronaldo has never been a person who is good at communicating with others, and he has never been a person who likes to reveal his thoughts to others, but surprisingly, every time he sits down with Gao Shen, he can't help but chat about a lot of his own affairs, including some of his own. Reluctance to mention the past to people.

Gao Shen is an excellent listener, he is good at evoking the other party's desire to talk, and he will keep it strictly confidential for the other party.

Ronaldo felt that Gao Shen was like a hole in a tree, and it was worth confiding in.

Therefore, Ronaldo told Gao Shen before that he was nervous and under pressure, and the Stade de France was his nightmare.

And now, Gao Shen encouraged him to end this nightmare with his own hands!


After Ronaldo came on the field, he performed very hard and moved very actively.

This took everyone by surprise.

"We have to admit now that Gao Shen is like a mysterious magician who can make his players involuntarily do their best for him, just like Zidane, like Ronaldo."

"We can all see that Ronaldo is still bloated and fat, his speed is still not as fast as he was at his peak, his fitness still looks terrible, but he is really working hard."

"From the moment he came on to the present, he has been running and robbing."

"We really don't know what magic Gao Shen cast on Ronaldo to make him so obedient and hardworking, but one thing is for sure, Gao Shen is really amazing!"

"Being able to lead Real Madrid to the Champions League final, overturning Barcelona to win the La Liga title, and being able to make Ronaldo, Zidane, Raul, Beckham and other top stars in the world submit to him, we have to admit that Gao Shen is a genius."

"Twenty-five-year-old genius!"


In the stands, Carlo knew that Gao Shen was not a genius, he just did a lot of things that others could not do or were unwilling to do.

For example, communicate and communicate with superstars, listen to their needs and ideas, and give them help and support.

It is by no means an easy task to make this group of already established superstars do their best on the court.

On the contrary, looking at today's world football, how many famous coaches can do it?

Only when you really go into their hearts, really understand their demands, really read their hearts, and let them be willing to fight for you from the bottom of their hearts, will they be desperate on the court.

Carlo has also coached Real Madrid, so he understands better than anyone that this seems simple, but it is actually the most difficult.

Tactics, technology, physical fitness... these are not enough to reach people's hearts after all.

In football, the hearts of players are the most complicated.

And since he coached Real Madrid, Gao Shen has been working hard to capture the hearts of every player.

From youth players to first-team superstars, he's holding onto everyone and making them willing to fight for him.

Only at this moment, watching Ronaldo running **** the court, did Carlo admit from the bottom of his heart that he had been thrown away by Gao Shen.

At least, on the road of coaching, he can't catch up with the advanced.

Because he will never be able to let Ronaldo, Zidane, Beckham, Raul and others play for him like Carlos for Gao Shen.

This is the gap.


The Stade de France, for fans around the world, the most profound memory is the World Cup final in 1998.

So is the depth.

It was the first World Cup in his life.

Although he did not see the live TV broadcast at the time, he could only learn about this World Cup through newspapers, but this did not hinder his yearning for the World Cup, the final, Ronaldo, Zidane, Beckham, The admiration of superstars such as Raul.

And now, Zidane, the champion hero of France, Ronaldo, the ace of Brazil, David Beckham, the golden right foot of England, and Raul, the golden boy of Spain... are all playing for him.

What a pride this is! What an achievement!

When the ace superstars of the two teams in the finals played together, how powerful could they be?

Gao Shen is looking forward to it.

Ronaldo also lived up to Gao Shen's expectations and support for him. In just nine minutes of playing, he let the world vaguely see the alien who was galloping on the Stade de France back then.

And Zidane also makes people see that he is still young.


Real Madrid intercepted the ball at the front of their penalty area, Beckham crossed to Zidane, the Frenchman blocked Xavi with his body, turned around after stopping the ball, and sent a bounced ball to the frontcourt.

After Ronaldo received the ball in the gap, he ran with the ball all the way and rushed to Barcelona's big penalty area.

Puyol and Marcos both returned to the penalty area.

Two against two, with Negredo following.

But Ronaldo ran to the left, avoided Marcos, and chose to single out Puyol.

Puyol resolutely faced Ronaldo. He wanted to force Ronaldo to the left, narrowing Ronaldo's shooting angle and allowing Valdes to have more space to save.

Marcos stood behind Puyol and kept an eye on Negredo, who was behind. As long as Ronaldo passed the ball, he could come forward to block Negredo's shot angle at any time.

The two central defenders of Barcelona retreated again and again, and Ronaldo broke into the penalty area with the ball.

Seeing that he was about to rush in front of Puyol, Ronaldo suddenly continued to cycle, and his left and right feet continued to pull the ball. The whole person also changed directions one after another.

Just when the Barcelona captain wanted to keep the same, he saw that Ronaldo suddenly pulled the ball to the left with his right foot.

The shot came very suddenly.

From the continuous cycling and pulling the ball just now, to the angry shot with the left foot, the entire action was completed in the blink of an eye, in one go.

Valdés reacted quickly and went down to the ground to make a save. Unexpectedly, Ronaldo kicked a high ball with his left foot. The ball was almost close to the lower edge of the goal crossbar and got into Barcelona's goal.

After scoring the goal, Ronaldo opened his mouth and laughed aloud. At the same time, he stretched his arms flamboyantly. He didn't run out to celebrate, but turned around in Barcelona's penalty area and walked back.

Everyone in the entire stadium was stunned.

Including the heights on the sidelines.

This should be the biggest difference between unborn aliens and Earth people.

Even now when everyone thinks he's dead, even if he uses his worst left foot, even if everyone is not sure and has almost no angle, he can score!

It's so unreasonable to get in!

Because, his name is Ronaldo!


Crazy cheers erupted from the entire Stade de Not only Real Madrid fans, but many Barcelona fans are also cheering.

In the face of the extremely wonderful goal, all the fans have the same feelings.

Ronaldo's goal seems simple, but in fact, it is extremely difficult.

More importantly, this goal completely killed all the confidence and hope of Barcelona's counterattack.

Rijkaard can be desperate to attack, but he must consider the cost.

When Barcelona pressed out desperately, they encountered such an unreasonable Ronaldo, with a mysterious Zidane behind him, and a long pass from the superb Beckham. Can Barcelona stop it?

Gao Shen clenched his fists and applauded Ronaldo's goal.

Turning to look at the visiting team's coaching bench, he found Rijkaard covering his face and walking back to the coaching bench, looking really disheartened.

This is not surprising.

Rijkaard admired talent, so he put all his bets on Ronaldinho and let Messi, who is also a genius, help.

These two talents brought Barcelona the first goal.

But Real Madrid, relying on a group of mortals, worked hard to reverse the score to 2-1.

If this is the case, Rijkaard will not be convinced.

But the worst is that Real Madrid's genius also played a wonderful attack.

Zidane assisted, Ronaldo went to the meeting single-handedly, ate Puyol hard, and scored with almost no angle.

This is the most painful blow to Rijkaard.

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