Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 144: I have no money now

If Martin hadn't come down to do the show, Gao Shen would have left Real Madrid in a more euphemistic way.

For example, he will announce that he will not renew his contract with Real Madrid, but he will not reveal the contradiction between him and Martin, and then find an opportunity to submit his resignation to Martin and end his Real Madrid coaching career.

But things didn't turn out as he wanted.

"Emilio, please believe that I have no resentment towards you, Real Madrid, Real Madrid players, Real Madrid fans, only gratitude, but this does not include Martin! Although I seem to be grateful to him."

Gao Shen did not look back, because he knew that Butragueno was standing beside him.

They can't leave the venue before the award ceremony, but the comprehensive interview area is already frying.

Martin is trying desperately to make amends, but he has chosen a very wrong way, that is, scolding.

In front of many media, he openly accused Gao Shen of being ungrateful, and accused Gao Shen of violating his previous promise to him, but he couldn't say what the promise was, because the two had no promise at all.

Yes, Martin could never tell everyone that he had contacted Eriksen before he won La Liga and the Champions League.

When Gao Shen led the team to an amazing record, he was always in touch with other famous coaches.

This is also a fact known to the media and fans all over the world.

On the one hand, he used Gao Shen's increasingly famous name to canvass for his summer general election. On the other hand, he refused to promise Gao Shen a future, and he was unwilling to make consecutive appointments. This was purely using Gao Shen as a **** in his campaign.

Two things completely angered Gao Shen, one was the locker room incident, and the other was after winning the league.

Even when he has already won the La Liga championship, when he knows that this summer's general election needs to be advanced, the promise he made is only the head coach of the second team or the assistant coach of the first team.

What does this take Gao Shen as?

If there is no such thing, Gao Shen will probably solve it privately, but now, he has no scruples.

He didn't want to keep swallowing his voice even when he left Real Madrid!


Just because Martin is president of Real Madrid?

I can go to yours!


Butragueno understood Gao Shen's mood at this moment very well. Even when Martin was at the door of the locker room, shouting and threatening to fire Gao Shen, Vulture was very worried that Gao Shen would resign and leave in a rage.

Fortunately, Gao Shen held back.

But now, Gao Shen doesn't want to bear it, and there is no need to bear it anymore.

"What are you going to do next?" Butragueno asked with concern.

He knows that Gao Shen has been busy preparing for the game for a while, and he has no time to pay attention to other things, let alone contact other teams, and Gao Shen has no agent.

"I don't know, take a rest first, anyway, I'm not short of money now." Gao Shen chuckled.

Butragueno was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and smiled bitterly, "It is estimated that Martin will scold when he returns."

Who said it wasn't?

The reason why Gao Shen is not bad money is the contract he signed.

In fact, in that contract, although Butragueno tried his best to improve his treatment, Martin refused to give Gao Shen too much.

Such as annual salary, length of contract, etc.

But in order to show the importance he attached to Gao Shen and at the same time let Gao Shen sign the contract, he gave a super high treatment in terms of winning the championship, mainly because under the circumstances at that time, who believed that Real Madrid could win the championship?

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Don't say anything else, just win the championship bonus, La Liga is one million euros, the Champions League final is one million, and if you win the championship, you will add two million. million euros.

After tax!

This is mainly because, at that time, no one thought that Real Madrid could win the championship!

"Actually, we didn't suffer, we made a profit." Butragueno laughed.

From Real Madrid's standpoint, that's true.

The total prize money for winning the Champions League is more than 30 million euros, plus the share of broadcast fees, Real Madrid can get at least 50 to 60 million euros, which is not counting the influence and potential commercial value brought by winning the Champions League and the double crown queen. .

These are all commercial areas. From the perspective of the team, the value of these young players who have been excavated so deeply has skyrocketed. For example, De La Reid has performed so well that Real Madrid will not be able to sell it for 20 million euros.

There are also players such as Abeloa, Felipe, and Negredo, all worth 15 million euros.

Gao Shen does earn a lot, but Real Madrid earn more.

If you really want to say a loss, it is estimated that you will lose a Martin.

"Seriously, Emilio, according to my observations, neither Martin nor Calderon are good things. Real Madrid have many problems now, but they have more opportunities. If the team can maintain stability and pick a suitable player Coach, rebuild a reasonable set of tactics, I believe, this team has a lot to do."

With the team left behind as the skeleton, and properly introducing high-level stars, the overall combat effectiveness of Real Madrid will be greatly improved.

Zidane will retire, Ronaldo will leave, Beckham will stay, Carlos will be sold, and other positions will be reinforced. Next season's Real Madrid will definitely be on a higher level than it is now.

But I am afraid that the president of Real Madrid will mess up and ruin such a good situation in vain.

"You are the technical director of the team. I can tell you now, trusting these young players. In the next ten years, they can become Real Madrid and become the backbone of Spain!"

This is what Gao Shen said.

There are many things he can't manage, and he doesn't want to manage.

People take tea to cool, one day the emperor and one courtier, God knows what will happen in the future?



After saying goodbye to Butragueno, Gao Shen walked to the coaching bench.

The coaching staff already knew about his resignation.

It's impossible to hide such a big thing, everyone noticed the abnormality in the comprehensive interview area.

"Jose, thank you for your assistance in the past, but starting tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to act as Real Madrid's head coach." Gao Shen smiled and shook hands with Maqueda, hugging the assistant.

Sima Yi finally made it out.

Although, when they first took office, there was some disagreement between the two, but after working together, it was nothing.

Breaking up is imminent, and Gao Shen is naturally also good to get together and break up.

After shaking hands with the other members of the coaching staff one by one, Gao Shen came to Buenaventura.

"I'm sorry Lorenzo, you are a very capable coach, but unfortunately we can't play together anymore."

Buenaventura took the initiative to step forward and hug Gao Shen heavily.

Gao Shen is his Bole, the real Bole, not Martin's.

From the day he came to Real Madrid, Gao Shen gave him the trust of the heart, which allowed him to show his strengths.

In fact, the Real Madrid coaching staff had long guessed that Gao Shen was leaving.

Especially that night, when Martin clamored for hesitating to fire him at the door of the locker room, there was only a block of doors, and everyone in the locker room saw Gao Shen standing in front of the door, clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth.

From that moment on, they knew this would be the outcome.

It should be the same result.

"I am very grateful for your trust in me, and sincerely hope that we will have the opportunity to continue to cooperate in the future." Buenaventura gratefully embraced Gao Shen again.

He is a family member, and he finally found the opportunity to coach Real Madrid. The salary is high, the treatment is good, and the name is famous. Moreover, his contract was signed with Real Madrid, and he is not a member of the advanced coaching team. Naturally, he will not follow Leave high.

On the contrary, it was Lucas, when he heard that Gao Shen had resigned, he also shouted that he would quit.

This kid is always so loyal.

Gao Shen lightly patted Lucas on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be so impulsive, stay in Real Madrid first, study hard, and when the training is over and you have achieved something, I have found a good place again, and I will find you."

"Remember, you are a famous coach, and I will be an analyst for you." Lucas still remembered this sentence.

Gao Shen hugged this good brother, said nothing, and was heartbroken.


The players who were celebrating on the field also gathered around one after another.

They all heard the news.

"I'm sorry, everyone, this was supposed to be a festive day for winning the championship. I disturbed everyone's mood." Gao Shen took the lead in apologizing, but this made the players even more sad.

In the past, they were able to concentrate on playing football because Gao Shen shielded them from the wind and rain in front, which even Raul mentioned more than once in the locker room.

The most typical example is the locker room incident. Martin wanted to rush into the locker room to scold the players, but was blocked at the door by Gao Shen.

All the players heard that Martin was scolding Gao Shen with the harshest words and foul language at the door, and even threatened to get him out on the spot, and everyone saw Gao Shen grit his teeth in hatred.

But in the end, he endured it!

Because, he and everyone in the locker room want a championship!

Not only did he endure, but he also had to continue to be with Martin and the snake, and be used as a **** in the campaign by the opponent.

Now, he doesn't want to and no longer has to endure it.

"Don't say such things, Gao, on behalf of all Real Madrid players, thank you!" After speaking, Raul stepped forward and hugged Gao Shen heavily.

"Yeah, Gao." Zidane also came over and hugged Gao Shen, "Being able to win these two championships before retiring, I am satisfied and have no regrets."

Gao Shen smiled and hugged Zidane, wanting to remind him that if he encounters that guy named Materazzi in the World Cup, he must be careful, but after thinking about it, forget it, there is no need.

Venus with a broken arm is more perfect.

Beckham, Ronaldo, Ramos and other players also came forward one after another, hugged Gao Shen, thanked him for his dedication and contribution to the team in the past period, and almost everyone was full of reluctance.

No matter from personal feelings or from professional development, no one wants to leave Gao Shen at this time.

Because they don't know who the next Real Madrid coach will be, and whether they are willing to continue to trust them.

Not every head coach is willing to give young players in their twenties a chance, even at the expense of making mistakes.

Gao Shen stopped at the point and gave every player some suggestions and opinions, but more from the perspective of career development and technical characteristics, he didn't say anything in other aspects, even including De La Reid's heart.

After coaching Real Madrid for more than three months, Gao Shen has always asked De La Reid to test his heart. Although Xiaohong cooperated, he was very puzzled.

Therefore, Gao Shen is reluctant to say too much, so as not to babble.

He was also worried that if he was exposed, he would be caught and sliced ​​for testing, which would be cool. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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