Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 156: core coaching team

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After meeting the two big bosses in Naples, Gao Shen bought two bottles of wine in the city, called Fernando Lucas, called a taxi, went straight to the hotel, and picked up Lucas, Went to Carlo's house.

Carlo treats them to dinner tonight.

The three sat at Carlo's house, eating the food Mrs. Carlo prepared for them, and Lucas accompanied Carlo to drink some wine.

When Gao Shen returned to China this time, he specially prepared gifts for Carlo, Lucas and others, one of which was tea.

After the meal, Carlo took out the gift of Gao Shen and served them with tea.

The air conditioner in the living room was blowing cold air, and as soon as the hot water rushed down, the smoke was faint, and the aroma of tea was overflowing.

"In the afternoon, I met again with Naples chairman De Laurentiis and technical director Marino." Gao Shen said lightly.

Carlo and Lucas both know this, and it is not surprising.

"What happened?" Carlo asked.

He always knew that Gao Shen was much more sought-after than him.

At least so far, no one has approached him to coach.

It makes him a little anxious now, and it is not a problem to continue to be unemployed like this.

Gao Shen talked about Juventus, and whether it was Carlo or Lucas, they frowned.

When a head coach coaches a team, the most feared thing is to be pitted by the management.

The management of Juventus is indeed a pit, even a sinkhole.

In particular, Alessio Seco, the sports director, holds the transfer power, which is nothing, because he is afraid that he will have problems with signings, or that he will not cooperate with the advanced players at all.

Therefore, for what Gao Shen said, he basically did not consider Juventus, and both agreed.

"What about Naples?" Lucas asked concerned.

Carlo also frowned, "This team is not even as good as Juventus, a newly promoted player from Serie B, the foundation is too weak, it can be said to be poor and white, and more importantly, is this chairman reliable? Is he really willing to invest ?"

For a team like Naples, strictly speaking, it is a brand new team. It has only been established for two years and has been struggling in the third tier. After finally being promoted to Serie B, the most important thing to do is to lay a solid foundation.

But since De Laurentiis did not use the current Rhea, he had to connect with high-level people, which is obviously an ambitious guy.

Such people have ambitions, but they are afraid of being paper tigers.

"You don't need to worry about this. From De Laurentiis, you can see his positioning for Naples. He is not the kind of local tyrant who burns money. He will care about it, but the investment will certainly not be small, especially in the early stage."

After a pause, he pondered the wording deeply, "I think he just wants to invest in a team that can reach the top three or even the championship in Serie A. That's for sure."

"As for the fact that Naples is poor and white, it's not a bad thing for me. A piece of white paper is better for painting."

Lucas kept nodding, he had a near-blind confidence in his profound ability.

On the contrary, it was Carlo, who was cautious by nature, did he think that the depth was a little too much?

Napoli has no money to burn, so they can only introduce younger players, which is similar to buying a lottery ticket.

Where does Gao Shen's self-confidence come from?

This point is not only Carlo, but even Sacchi and Valdano are very puzzled, and they have asked Gao Shen several times, but he is ambiguous about him, which makes everyone secretly guess, but what is really there The secret, right?

Or, as Secco of Juventus said, is the vision of high-level selection taking advantage of Real Madrid's youth training?

"So, you lean towards Naples?" Carlo asked.

Gao Shen smiled, "From the current point of view, they have given me the most power. First they went to China, and now they go to Madrid. The sincerity is enough, but I'm still thinking about it, and they are also considering some of the conditions I offered. ."

In order to keep up with Gao Shen, De Laurentiis and Marino even lived directly in Madrid, and it was estimated that the results would come out in two or three days.

"I see, you still have some lumps in your heart, do you want to teach Seco of Juventus a lesson?" Lucas knew Gao Shen best, he didn't believe it, Gao Shen could swallow this breath.

Gao Shen smiled, but did not deny it, "There are reasons for this."

Carlo saw two young people in front of him, talking about coaching a team so easily and freely, he was really speechless. I really don't know if they should be said to be lighthearted? Or is it a teenager who doesn't know how to worry?

"What if that De Laurentiis backs out, or defaults?" Carlo reminded.

Gao Shen nodded, "So, the contract is signed once a year, and I want the terms to be implemented into the contract one by one. Now the initiative is with me."

It can be seen that De Laurentiis is more anxious because of Juventus.

Gao Shen is not a rookie now, but a double champion coach of La Liga and the Champions League!

If nothing else, among the current head coaches in European football, how many are at the Champions League level?

"To be honest, I can't imagine that you, the head coach of the La Liga and the Champions League, went to coach the newly-promoted Serie B. If you say it, then you shouldn't let all the media reporters break their glasses? At that time, they will definitely say, you are in The top league can't go on, so I ran to the newly promoted Serie B, you are the best double-crowned coach ever." Lucas smiled wryly.

He is now more and more able to figure out the routines of media reporters.

Don't tell me, that's basically how it should be.

Gao Shen and Carlo looked at each other and laughed in unison.

"It's okay, if they dare to say that, I will slap them in the face again!" Gao Shen said confidently.

This time, even Carlo was convinced by Gao Shen Ansheng.

If nothing else, this confidence is truly admirable.

Since becoming the head coach of Real Madrid, Gao Shen seems to be reborn, always so confident and so calm.

That kind of feeling is as if in this world, nothing can beat him at all.

"By the way, what did you ask for De Laurentiis?" Lucas asked casually.

"A lot. One of them is that I want to bring a core coaching team of five people."


Not only was Lucas surprised, but Carlo was also a little surprised. This is too huge, right?

You know, like some famous marshals, they basically only bring three people, and Gao Shen will need two more at once, which is all about the expenses of salaries and bonuses.

But Gao Shen also has his own considerations.

It's okay now, but in the next few years, the competition situation facing the head coach will become more and more severe, and the techniques and tactics can almost be said to change with each passing day. Once they can't keep up, they will be eliminated immediately.

Relying on the head coach alone, in fact, the ability is very limited, so a team with division of labor and cooperation is needed.

When Guardiola was coaching Barcelona, ​​the number of coaching staff in the first team reached more than 30 people, which is a huge number. Later, when Roselle became the president of Barcelona, ​​he was quite concerned about it. Complain, cut a lot.

This is probably around 2010, and it's only four years from now.

Therefore, Gao Shen is also taking precautions, and he will do it in one step.

"I figured it out, Lorenzo Buenaventura continues to be the fitness coach, Fernando is the analyst, I also need an assistant coach who specializes in leading the team, a goalkeeping coach, and I want another technical coach."

Gao Shen had already planned this for a long time, and this was actually necessary.

Needless to say, physical coaches, analysts and assistant coaches, the reason for the goalkeeper coach is that Gao Shen has to adopt high-position pressing tactics, and the goalkeeper’s position is higher than the regular position, almost controlling the entire penalty area.

So here comes the problem, the current mainstream goalkeeping coaches can't do that.

The goalkeeper coaches from the Netherlands and Spain are more in line with the advanced requirements, because they both learn from the same person, that is, Van Gaal's goalkeeper coach Frans Hawke.

This person has completely subverted the training mechanism for goalkeepers in Spanish football, so over the years, the goalkeepers from Spain have basically met the needs of high-position pressing and pressing tactics.

Ball control is only the most common in the Western Super League, but the problem is that this is a big trend.

In the next few years, world football will continue to integrate ball control, and any team will emphasize ball control. This is one direction.

Controlling the ball requires three aspects, one is the overall strategy, one is running without the ball, and the other is the technique of the feet.

Players who can play in the top league, both aspects are not a problem, the key is training.

It's not difficult to pass one foot, the key is training.

Running without the ball is not difficult, the key is training.

The level of training, the quality of training, this is the key to determining a team's combat effectiveness.

Gao Shen can say with certainty that in the future, the division of the coaching staff of a team will become more and more detailed, and the coaching team will become larger and larger.

Is it necessary to dig those future big cows? Just like Lucas.

Gao Shen had never heard of his name in his previous life, but as Gao Shen led Real Madrid to win the double, Fernando Lucas, as an analyst, also began to become famous, and he was regarded as the number one person in the field of football analysis.

Someone once asked a question, why does Liu Bang's Pei County gather so many talents?

The answer is that talent is something that is cultivated.

Therefore, the top coaches have their own set of fixed teams, because these people are trained by the head coach.

Gao Shen is now also looking for and cultivating his own team.

Fernando Lucas and Lorenzo Buenaventura have already been counted, and he plans to make Carlo an assistant coach, but he hasn't mentioned it to Carlo.

The real problem is goalkeeping coaches and technical coaches.

"What do you think of Pedro Haro, Real Madrid's first-team goalkeeping coach?" Lucas suggested.

Forty-three years old, a native of Madrid, he played for Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid and other La Liga teams in his career. After retiring, he first worked as a goalkeeper coach in Atletico Madrid, and then worked for the Spanish U21 youth team for two years. Real Madrid came to Real Madrid in the summer of 2005. , it was a pleasure to work with Gao Shen.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Of course, this is mainly because Pedro Haro mainly trains Casillas, and there is no contradiction with Gao Shen, and it is naturally pleasant to cooperate.

"This suggestion is good, Pedro Haro is very strong." Caro also agreed.

But Gao Shen shook his head.

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