Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 164: German mighty!

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The league system in European football is like a pyramid.

The giants are at the top of the pyramid, and down there are the mid-level teams of the five major leagues, the giants of the second-tier leagues such as the Netherlands and the Portuguese Super League, and further down are the downstream teams of the five major leagues.

This is a competitive system in which big fish eat small fish and small fish eat millet.

In the whole pyramid system, the newly promoted horse of Serie B is actually a role that is not in the mainstream. Even if they have the once-prominent golden signboard of Naples, they still lack competitiveness.

Naples at this time was like a start-up company. Players who wanted to join would have to be nervous, for fear that when the boss of this company would run away with his sister-in-law, there would be nowhere to get his salary.

But at this time, suddenly, the CEO of a top company in the industry came by air and threatened to build it into one of the most competitive corporate teams in the industry within three years, which immediately caused a fierce controversy. .

The Italian media took the lead in attacking.

In Italy, the media's **** is either sitting in the position of the three heroes in the north, or sitting in the position of the city of Rome, and for Naples further south, it is just the mud-legs, hillbillies and savages they despise at all. .

Suddenly one day, this savage said, I also want to live in the biggest house, eat the best food, and sleep with the most beautiful woman... How can these gentlemen believe? Where would you give up?

The beauties let you sleep, what do we sleep for?

In addition to the butt, there is another very important reason, the Italian media has been suffering for a long time.

Watching their counterparts in the UK and Spain hyping up all kinds of traffic and making a lot of noise, the sales volume is rising steadily, the Italian media has long been coveted, and they are looking forward to a traffic star when they come.

Alright now, first came a wave of phone calls. Although it was a tragic blow to the foundation of Italian football, for the media, this wave of traffic was leveraged, and another La Liga and Champions League double champion came. what!

The key is that Juventus, a giant in the north of Italy, took the lead in extending an olive branch to the double-crowned comrade. House, food, and women were all offered with both hands, but the comrade was unmoved and resolutely chose the south. of barbarians.

What a great spirit this is!

For the traffic of our Italian media industry, this comrade from China also fought hard!

As a result, all major Italian media rushed forward, and there was a rhythm that I would be sorry for you if I didn't spray you to death.

But now the fact that the Italian media is not strong, at least there is still a big gap in strength with the Spanish media, not to mention the British media, the ancestor of the paparazzi.

The main thing is that they spray too much in the same way.

However, it is also understandable that they have never played this set before, take your time, I believe they will upgrade their skills soon.


When informed that Gao Shen signed for Napoli, Juventus general manager Blanco expressed regret in an interview with Torino Sport.

"Yes, we have had contact with Gao Shen. I think he is a coach who can bring great changes to the team, but unfortunately, we couldn't negotiate some details with him, which made me Very sorry."

But Blanco also said very gracefully that he was very much looking forward to seeing Gao Shen coaching in Naples.

As for speaking, Gao Shen threatened that Naples' goal is the Serie B championship. Blanco said that it is a good thing to have this desire.

"Hope is always good, but he has just arrived in Italy, maybe he doesn't know the football here, the Serie B is not as easy to deal with as he imagined."

Juventus sporting director Alessio Seco was more direct.

As a former press officer, he revealed through his media reporter friends that the biggest difference between Juventus and Gao Shen is the transfer rights of the team.

This is something Juventus will never allow.

Seco believes that coaching Napoli is a very stupid decision.

"I can't believe that a coach who has just led Real Madrid to a La Liga and Champions League double would choose to coach a newly-promoted Serie B team. I wouldn't use words like self-indulgent to describe him, but I Can't understand this behavior."

"Perhaps, because Naples gave more money!"

Secco's remarks actually have another layer of meaning hidden, that is, the double crown achievement achieved by Gao Shen is not worthy of the name.

As for Gao Shen shouting that he wants to compete for the Serie B championship and lead the team to the Serie A league, Seco scoffs even more.

"This is not what a normal person would say. I think he should be crazy now. He originally wanted to coach a giant like Juventus, but he could only coach a newly-promoted horse like Naples. He couldn't bear it."

"I don't think anyone would believe what he said?"

As soon as Seco's remarks came out, it immediately aroused huge repercussions in Italy.

It turns out that Gao Shen has really had contact with Juventus.

Did he really choose Naples after being frustrated in coaching Juventus?

In this regard, Naples President De Laurentiis accepted an interview with the media at noon that day, and publicly bombarded Seco for being untrue.

"The fact is that our first meeting with Gao was in China, when he had no real contact with Juventus, I don't know where Secco's remarks came from and how many times I got it, but He was clearly mistaken."

"Also, the contract salary we offered was not high, maybe even lower than Juventus' intended contract, but Gao chose Napoli without hesitation. Why? Because we gave him enough freedom and space."

"I am a filmmaker, I know the importance of a director, and I will respect professionals. Of course, as an investor, I will express my opinion, but I will not easily interfere with the director's decision and professionalism, but Seko obviously no."

"Oh, by the way, what's his major? Press officer? PR? Sports? Or something that can't be said to the outside world?"

"What? Say it? No, no, I'm not that kind of person. I'll never tell you how Seco became the sporting director of Juventus. I won't tell you if I kill him."

This round of bombardment by De Laurentiis immediately triggered a high tide of media.

Nima, this is too fierce, isn't it?

Do you mean, what's the inside story?



When Gao Shen saw this report by De Laurentiis, he and Lucas were in a hotel in Basel, Switzerland.

The news has quickly spread all over the world through the Internet.

Before the league started, Naples and Juventus started a war, and the Serie B in the new season is hot before the war.

"Our treacherous boss is quite protective of his shortcomings." Lucas said with a smile, and almost jumped out and shouted: The German is mighty!

He has long been disliked by Juventus' Seco.

At this time, he did not hesitate to offend a domestic giant like Juventus, stand up and defend the profound, and if nothing else, just this, De Laurentiis did a very good job.

Gao Shen nodded slightly, this was De Laurentiis' character.

But if in the future, he doesn't like you anymore, he will scold you like Seco.

Therefore, a boss with this character can share the joys and sorrows, but not the wealth.

Of course, his partnership with De Laurentiis will be unbreakable until there is real success in Naples.

The premise is that he has to lead the team and show satisfactory quality.


Ruichao can only be regarded as a third-tier league in European football. As Ruichao's strong teams, Zurich and Auxerre are both regulars in European competitions, but they have always been ignored and have no sense of existence.

There is no way, Ruichao only has ten teams in total, and the number of fans is also limited, so the competitiveness will naturally not increase.

But last season, Basel, the runner-up in the Swiss Super League, performed well in the UEFA Cup, reaching the quarter-finals before losing to Middlesbrough in the Premier League.

Of course, this is actually nothing to say, after all, the current League Cup has no influence at all.

As the head coach of the La Liga and the Champions League, when Gao Shen called Bernhard Hessler, the general manager of Basel, the latter was shocked and honored. He never expected that Gao Shen would suddenly visit.

Even when Gao Shen took Lucas and took a taxi to the Basel office, Hessler accompanied Basel Chairman Kessela Orly and a number of the club's executives to greet him.

Like everyone else, everyone in Basel was surprised at the first impression of Gao Shen.

"I heard for a long time that Mr. Gao won the La Liga and the Champions League at a young age, but I didn't expect that he was so young!" Chairman Orly laughed.

He's only in his fifties, but interestingly, he's German.

He is not very experienced, but he knows big people. For example, he had a chat with Beckenbauer once, and now that the World Cup is being held in Germany, Beckenbauer invited him to watch the World Cup in Germany.

I was coaching Real Madrid again before, and I was dealing with people in the clouds of European football. Basel is a small team, and it always sounds The opening chat was very good, and I didn’t want to talk too much. Delay, his time is still very precious, so he goes directly to the topic.

"I came this time mainly to get to know a player in your team." Gao Shen said with a smile.

Everyone was stunned.

If Gao Shen can come in person, then this person must be extraordinary, not ordinary.

But after hearing this, Hessler immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Gao, Mathias Delgado has already signed to Turkey's Besquetas, you are one step behind."

Gao Shen was stunned.

Mathias Delgado is Basel's leading scorer, an Argentine but Italian nationality, who scored 18 goals and 11 assists in 33 Swiss Premier League games last season He scored seven goals and two assists in twelve UEFA Cup games.

Such a report card was really inconspicuous in the era of President Luo and the coal boss, but in 2006, it was like heaven. The key is that this guy has Italian nationality and belongs to the EU player, so his worth is naturally higher.

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What's more terrifying is that he is only twenty-two years old!

From the perspective of age, strength and nationality, Delgado is a veritable dessert, so he is naturally the top star in the Basel team. There are not many teams that come to the door of the five major European leagues, and they are all running towards him. come.

After trying to understand this layer, Gao Shen smiled wryly and shook his head.

"You misunderstood, I'm not here for Matisse Delgado."

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