Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 181: This is your future!

"Starting with Real Madrid (

There is a saying in Italian football: Defense never goes out of style.

At first glance, many people will sneer at this sentence, but when you deeply understand the history of football technology and tactics development, you will find that this sentence is actually very reasonable.

In the words of the ancient Chinese ancestors, it is: change is inseparable from its origin.

The world of football is always changing, sometimes the flanks are prosperous, sometimes the middle is strong, sometimes four-four-two, sometimes four-three-three...

But no matter how the world changes, defense is indispensable on the football field.

Because the essence of professional football is winning and losing.

Some people say that the 2006 World Cup is Italy's revenge for two thousand years of European Cup.

In the 2,000-year-old European Cup, Germany failed to pick up the match, and its tactics were outdated; England was a perennial favorite and absent; the golden generation of the Netherlands and Portugal both performed very well, but in the end, it was Italy, which won by defense, all the way to the final.

But Italy lost to France 1-2 in the final.

After a lapse of six years, the two teams met again in the World Cup final. Zidane is no longer the Zidane of the year, but Italy is still the Italy of the year.

Relying on an almost unbreakable defense, Italy was devastated by the telephone door incident, and just won the World Cup, boosting the morale of Italian football.

Does this mean that Italian football will always be strong?


In fact, over the years, Italian football has gradually declined, especially in terms of youth training, and the supply of talents has been weak.

Even at the tactical level that Italy is most proud of, they are still criticized.

Ancelotti's use of Pirlo's front midfielder and back was unanimously appreciated, but the four-three-two-one Christmas tree formation he tasted was also questioned and failed. The reason is very simple, tearing.

Offense and defense are completely torn apart.

This has sparked heated discussions as early as the 2,000-year-old European Cup, and it is still being discussed to this day.

And everyone knows how much the impact on the team's tactics will be after the offense and defense are torn apart.

Being too paranoid and conservative will also bring about another problem, which is the training of players.

Take the center as an example, the most in Italy is the kind of center who can break through the opponent's defense, such as Tony, Iaquinta and so on.

And these types of centers spend more of their energy and stamina on the task of breaking down the opponent's defense, resulting in their contribution to the defense with little or no.

And this is a consequence of the tearing of offense and defense, and the tactics tending to defense.

Even in AC Milan's Christmas tree formation, it was the first three who really went into the attack.

Everyone knows that Italian football has entered a dead end. This was especially evident in the Champions League last season. Even winning the World Cup in Italy still cannot change this situation.

The key question is, how?


Four-two-three-one or four-three-two-one, essentially the same, five midfield configuration.

The former was first born to freeze a super 10 like Maradona, because a single midfielder can't stop a superstar like Maradona, so two people are needed.

And one extra person was taken down from the front line.

So, in the very beginning, the four-two-three formation was for defense.

However, after the passage of time and the changes in the football tactical environment, especially in Spain, after constant updates and iterations, 4231 has been given a different tactical mission from the past.

"Defensively, using an integrated pressing system, all lines moving forward together, as close as possible to the opponent's goal, grabbing the ball back, that's the Dutch all-out attack."

This is also the starting point of high pressing tactics.

But then there is another problem. When the team adopts high pressing and pressing, high center forwards like Tony and Iaquinta become tasteless, because they cannot provide the team with strong pressing and pressing in the frontcourt. .

They can score goals, but they can't defend, they can't even support, they can't make the ball, they can't be a tactical fulcrum.

The existence of such high center forwards not only cannot help the team, but drags down the team's overall tactics.

As a result, all teams that press and press from a high position will choose another type of center, a supporting center.

This type of center is very active on the defensive end. When they switch from offense to defense, they will immediately invest in counter-attacks. More importantly, they are good at making the ball and creating space for their teammates.

Yes, they don't score many goals, but their tactical effect is huge, even indispensable.


Gao Shen spent more than half an hour, from front to back, with Pellet, carefully rehearsing the tactical changes and the rise of the responsive center.

He wants Pellet to know exactly why and how.

"Actually, when I was at Ajax, from Petersson to Ronald de Boer to Kluivert, these players were not very efficient in scoring goals, only Kluivert was relatively Better yet, he was also hailed by Van Gaal as the epitome of the perfect centre-forward."

"You can see that these centers are not good at scoring efficiency, but more of a fulcrum. Even people like Litmanen, Bergkamp, ​​etc. have also played the role of supporting centers, and they often play the role of fulcrum. played an important role.”

"Nowadays, supporting centre-forwards are all the rage, I used Negredo to play that role when I was at Real Madrid, so Raul's goal rate went up immediately, and at Chelsea, Drogba was the best in that regard. ."

"When Benitez coached Valencia, he had Carew first, then Mista, and when he arrived at Liverpool, he was always looking for a support center, such as Baros and Crouch."

"Barça's Rijkaard has always been dissatisfied with Eto'o, because Eto'o can score goals, but he has never done a good job in support. He is also looking for a support center."

"Of course, there are other teams, other managers, a lot of them tend to do this, especially in the Netherlands and Spain, and I can even tell you with absolute certainty that the supporting centre will play an increasingly important role in the future. A tactical role, like Drogba's role at Chelsea."

When Gao Shen said this, his expression was very firm.

This is what he saw and experienced with his own eyes.

If nothing else, in a few years, who wants a center like Tony, Iaquinta, Trezeguet?

Even if it is as strong as Eto'o, in front of four or three, wouldn't he have to pull the side?

Diego Milito, Benzema, Drogba, this type of center is the mainstream.

Pellet certainly fits in this direction.

Over the years, Pellet has been in a daze, and has never figured out what kind of player he should become?

This is the first time someone has explained to him the past and present of the supporting center in such a systematic and complete manner, and it has also pointed out a path and direction for Pellet's career development.

"Boss, what do you think I should do?" Pellet asked with concern.

Gao Shen knew that he was moved, and immediately laughed, "You have to be the core of our frontcourt offense."

Pellet raised his head in disbelief, looked at Gao Shen, his face full of disbelief.

To use him as the core?

"The task of defense, as I have said just now, counter-attack on the spot, consume the opponent's central defender, etc., and once you grab the ball and switch from defense to attack, you must quickly move to a favorable position and become our team. The first point of attack."

"After winning the first point, there will be teammates around you to attack you. Your task is to distribute the ball reasonably to your teammates. After completing this step, the next thing you have to do is to respond or score goals. "

Through Gao Shen's remarks, Peleli clearly understood his position in the tactical system of Gao Shen.

He also believed in what Gao Shen said about the future of the responsive center, because there were so many cases in front of him, he had no reason not to believe it, not to mention that he had no choice at all now.

Over the years, he has been bumping into walls everywhere, and he has never been able to find his own position.

He is tall and strong, and has excellent skills at the feet. These are his advantages and the reason why many coaches have high hopes for him, but he has never been able to show it, and he has scored few goals.

Now, the route that Gao Shen planned for him may not be his way out.

Besides, Gao Shen is the head coach, and if he arranges it like this, Pellet can't resist, can he?

"I get it, and I'll do my best," Pellet assured.



Negotiate with Pellet, this is just the Gao Shen will then communicate with the coaching staff to arrange some targeted training programs for Pellet to help him familiarize himself with his new role as soon as possible. There is one that Ajax often uses when training players.

Five to three.

As the name suggests, five players play against three players, and five players attack with the ball.

This seems unreasonable right?

Don't worry.

The five-man side was spread out, four on the perimeter and one in the middle, surrounded by three defensive players.

To maintain possession of the ball, the person in the middle of the five-man team must not only move actively, but also observe the positions of the opponents and teammates around him at any time, shoot the ball with one kick, and transition the ball out as soon as possible, while the four outsiders must also actively run. Neutral to avoid the pass line of the person in the middle being blocked by the three parties.

This is a relatively rough training method, and the coaching staff still needs to adjust according to Pellet's habits and technical characteristics, but the overall training idea is like this.

The purpose of this is to train Pellet's ability to move the ball under high pressure defensive tactics.

Even, to a certain extent, this is the basic skill of a coordinating center.

When Gao Shen brought his ideas to the internal meeting of the coaching staff for discussion, both Carlo and Borrell also gave many suggestions for revision, especially Borrell, who is an expert in this field and has been immersed in Barcelona for many years. I even know a little about the training of Van Gaal and Kluivert in those days, so I am more familiar with it naturally.

Therefore, Gao Shen simply handed over the task to Borrell.

"Whether we can kill Juventus, it's up to you, Rudolph!" Gao Shen said earnestly.

Borrell and the others all had wry smiles on their faces.

Working for Gao Shen is still very stressful.

But the speed of progress and the sense of achievement are also full.

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