Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 272: King's return

King's return!

This is after Naples rout Udinese 5-0 away, Naples local media [IIMattino] published such a news on the front page, and the cover is a high-level suit, jumping up and throwing fists, celebrating The moment the team scores.

The media congratulates Naples, after two rounds of Serie A, they have successfully climbed to the top of the standings and become the new leader.

Whether it is them or the local fans of Naples, they all believe that Gao Shen is the number one hero of Naples.

This amazing young coach took Naples from Serie B to the position of the Serie A leader in just over a year. Such an achievement is a miracle!

The local media analyzed that before the season, the whole of Italy, including European football, believed that Napoli’s goal this season should be to avoid relegation, which is also very consistent with Naples’ decision to sell top player Gervinho before the season.

"But no one would have thought that so far this season, the three-game winning streak in the cup has included an 8-0 rout of Cesena's slaughter, two Serie A victories, and now another 5-0 away slaughter of Udinese. A feat."

"Napoli started the season aggressively, with Gao Shen and his young team trying to upend the traditional pattern of Italian football."

What is the traditional pattern in Italy?

Standing in 2007, going back 20 years, most of the Serie A championships were taken away by the top three in the north.

Among the twenty-one league championships before and after, only Roma and Lazio have won one each, Naples won one each in 1987 and 1990, and one was taken by Sampdoria in Genoa, which is also a northern team. Genoa's team.

In other words, Naples is the only team in southern Italy that can compete with the north and the capital.

But in the past six years, this team has gone through bankruptcy and nirvana rebirth. From the lowest level of the league, all the way, it has finally climbed to the Serie A league again and appeared in front of the world again.

Except for Naples, no one knows how difficult it is for this team to get to where it is today, and how many difficulties and obstacles it has gone through.

No one would know that when Naples sank into the lowest level of the league, local fans still walked into the stadium one after another to support the team's feelings.

Even now, Naples is the most attended stadium in Serie A, and every game is full.

Only the local media can understand and understand that the city of Naples has feelings for this team, their expectations for this team, and at this moment, they have a deep understanding of the team leading the team to the Serie A leader. Respect and gratitude.

"He is becoming another hero of the city after Diego Maradona!"

The local media also revealed a very interesting thing, that is, in Naples' opponent Udinese, the three strikers of the frontcourt Trident are all from Naples.

This is somewhat surprising.

Quagliarella, Di Natale and Flores, all three players were born in Naples.

This is something that Gao Shen did not know before.

It sounds like a coincidence.

Napoli slaughtered Udinese 5-0 to top the Serie A table.

The news quickly spread throughout the Italian football world, attracting strong attention from countless media and fans.

Although these media are frantically outputting [high-level panic] on weekdays, they can't ignore the real results of Naples, and they all give extensive reports.

Gazzetta dello Sport, with the title [Naples from another world], believes that this is the first time Naples has taken the lead in Serie A after nearly 20 years of absence, especially after going through bankruptcy and restructuring, all All of this seems hard-won.

The newspaper from Milan focused on Gao Shen, believing that Gao Shen's formation and tactics completely overwhelmed Marino, the Italian young coach who coached Udinese in the game.

"If it is said that, against Cagliari in the first round, Gao Shen let everyone see his on-the-spot command and targeted substitutions, then against Udinese in the second round, Gao Shen's formation before the game has already The death penalty for the opponent was announced early."

Gazzetta dello Sport believes that this is not a game that can objectively reflect the strength of the two teams, because Udinese was not in its own rhythm and state throughout the game, and was completely pressed and played by Naples. walk, lose autonomy.

"Marino made a very stupid mistake, he blindly thought that his team could play against Napoli, but in fact, the advanced team has never been afraid to play against each other, and this has been realized last season. Proof!"

"The coach of Udinese definitely didn't have a good review. Roma played the second leg against Napoli last season, otherwise, he would not have made such a bad decision!"

"It was him who caused the great defeat of Udinese!"

Gazzetta dello Sport also reiterated that Gao Shen is the number one hero of Naples, but this leader is not solid.

AC Milan drew Fiorentina 1-1 at home last night, which gave Napoli at least two weeks in the lead, that is, until the third round results came out, but everyone knows that the league has just begun.

"Both Inter Milan and AC Milan didn't start very smoothly, which gave Napoli an opportunity, but I believe that after adjustment, these two teams will soon enter the state."

Gazzetta dello Sport concluded that Napoli's good state will be interrupted by two weeks of national team game days, followed by a difficult schedule. "It is difficult for them to stay in the leading position for too long!"

The La Repubblica from Rome used the title of [0 to 5], thinking that this was the most beautiful offensive football played in the first two rounds of Serie A this season, a masterpiece from Naples.

"Gao Shen and his team continued the style of offensive football last season and continued to reap the results in Serie A."

The La Repubblica believes that Napoli showed strong attacking firepower in the first two rounds, and the defensive end was equally good, which helped them to take the lead and completely subvert the outside impression.

"However, we must also remind Gao Shen and his Naples that Serie A has just begun, the results of the first two rounds are not convincing, other teams are still adjusting, and the next challenge will be more difficult."

The Repubblica believes that it is necessary to raise the season expectations for Naples, but it is basically impossible for this barbarian team from the south to reach the top of the Serie A in the new season.

"He has to beat Inter, Roma, AC Milan and Juventus first!"

The Repubblica said the league is not a cup competition.

Roma are determined to avenge last season's 6-0 defeat to Napoli and believe Spalletti's side will learn a lesson in Serie A when the two sides meet.

"They haven't had a real challenge yet!"

Turin Gazzetta dello Sport is more unconvinced, believing that Naples was a fluke.

The northern media revealed that the strongest attacking team in Serie A is Juventus, scoring a total of eight goals, and Juventus is obviously better from the first two games.

The media close to Juventus even believe that Cagliari did not do his best in the first round against Naples, but left enough energy to play the second round against Juventus, so he fell behind twice. A tenacious move to equalize twice.

But in the end, Juventus won their opponents and showed their super strength.

"This is how a Serie A champion should behave!"

"On the other hand, Naples, in the two rounds, almost never encountered a real challenge!"

Turin Sports Daily revealed that neither the Juventus management nor the season report submitted by Ranieri has never regarded Naples as a competitor to win the championship.

"Juventus' opponents are very clear, Milan and Roma, never including Naples!"

The implication is also very clear. Even if he takes the lead in Serie A, it is only temporary. Gao Shen and his team will not be able to become a big climate in the new season.

In addition to causing a national uproar in Italy, the news that Gao Shen led Naples to the top of Serie A has quickly spread to the entire European football and even the world.

When I was in Serie B before, whether it was the Coppa Italia or the Serie B league, the influence was very limited.

But this time, Naples directly defeated their opponents in Serie A and became the leader, which undoubtedly completely subverted the outside world's impression of them and shocked the media and fans all over the world.

Many people thought at first that Gao Shen and his Naples were born out of nowhere, but as the media dug deeper and the fans got to know more, they discovered that this team was so amazing as early as last season. .

After helping Real Madrid win the double crown, Gao Shen turned to coach low-level Naples. In the eyes of many people, Gao Shen has gradually faded out of the mainstream media and fans' vision, and many people even speculated that Gao Shen is likely to leave the front line. .

But after a lapse of one year, UU Reading Gao Shen used a Serie A leader to announce to the media and fans all over the world that he is back!

At the beginning, people questioned his double, thinking that he was leading Real Madrid, that Real Madrid made him, not him.

So now, with a bankrupt and reorganized team, it took him a year to get promoted from Serie B to become the leader of Serie A. How do you say this?

Isn't that convincing enough?

The French team specially wrote an article to introduce Gao Shen's coaching of Naples on stage and behind the scenes.

"Mancini's Inter Milan is as strong and stable as ever; Carlo Ancelotti's AC Milan is the defending champion of the Champions League; Red Wolf Roma is also a powerful force that cannot be ignored; Juventus has reorganized quickly with amazing investment. A mighty Bianconeri..."

"Now, one more, Gao Shen and his Naples!"

"This is bound to make the new season of Serie A more intense than ever!"

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