

In a blink of an eye, it was already early morning and dark. In order not to disturb the residents of the town, the ninja coalition and the White Army withdrew from the town and temporarily stopped searching.

A ninja coalition came forward and reported:”Shodaime-sama, we searched most of the town today, but did not find anyone from the Akatsuki organization.”

“It’s okay, we’ll continue the search tomorrow morning, and you can let everyone go to rest first.” Senju Hashirama waved his hand. Uchiha

Madara next to him said impatiently:”I told you earlier why bother so much, wouldn’t it be easy to find it by flattening the town with a ninjutsu? Even if you feel burdened, at most you can destroy the town and use your Wood Release to help rebuild it.”

“Absolutely impossible.” Senju Hashirama said firmly:”I want to protect the people of the ninja world. How can I destroy the ninja world and destroy the town? Madara, this is the difference between your philosophy and mine. Perhaps this is the reason why we turned against each other.”

“No, that’s not the reason.”Uchiha Madara shook his head, but didn’t say much.

The reason why he chose to leave Konoha was because it was written on the Uchiha stele that if you want eternal peace, you can only rely on the Moon Eye Project. The reason he left was to implement the Moon Eye Project, not because of his disagreement with Hashirama’s values.

However, it is not difficult to see from this point that Uchiha Madara is not a person who desires war. He can leave his family and village alone to find a way to make the ninja world peaceful forever, which shows that he also desires peace, but his means are too extreme.

“If I still can’t find it tomorrow, I won’t waste my time. If you don’t want to destroy the town, then let me destroy it. Then it will be useless no matter what you say.”Uchiha Madara-snorted. Just as Hashirama Senju was about to speak, Kakashi and Asuma Sarutobi ran over in panic and said,”Shodaime-sama, something went wrong. Two people didn’t come back. One is the Allied Ninja and the other is Yuhi Kurenai.”

“They haven’t come back yet? That’s impossible, I’ve already asked everyone to evacuate back to the town.” Senju Hashirama frowned. Sarutobi

Asuma said anxiously,”It’s true that they haven’t come back. We’ve sent people into the town to look for them but couldn’t find them. And we’ve lost contact with these two people. It’s like they disappeared inexplicably. Shodaime-sama, please think of a way.……”

Asuma Sarutobi was sweating with anxiety. Kurenai Yuhi was his fiancée, and he had spent a lot of time and energy chasing her. If something really happened, Asuma would probably explode.

“Don’t panic, we are here, nothing will happen.” Senju Hashirama thought for a moment and shouted,”Tobirama, come here.”

Senju Tobirama, who was organizing the staff, came over and said,”What’s wrong, brother?”

“There are two ninjas who haven’t come back yet, take them to the town to look for them.”Senju Hashirama said

“this……”Senju Tobirama seemed reluctant.

There were 100,000 ninjas here. To be honest, only two people were missing. He didn’t want to spend energy to find them. Anyway, the impact of just two people on the 100,000 ninjas was not that big. But he couldn’t say such a thing openly.

Senju Hashirama said calmly:”One of them is a senior ninja, the fiancée of the monkey’s son. She is very important. Go and take people to find her.””

“Really? I see. I’ll go right away.”Senju Tobirama immediately led a team into the town.

If it was an ordinary ninja, he might not be willing, but if it was the fiancée of the son of the Third Hokage, then it was a bit heavy. If they didn’t take care of it, they would definitely be criticized. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen had been the Hokage for decades and still had a lot of influence.


Senju Tobirama, with Hinata, Kakashi, and Asuma, entered the town and stood in the middle of the street.

“”The veins on both sides of Hinata’s temples bulged, and the powerful pupil power penetrated the entire town, taking in the whole picture of the town.

After looking for a while, Hinata shook her head and said,”Sorry, I didn’t find Teacher Hong. She doesn’t seem to be in the town.”

“This is impossible. Our mission is to search this town. Hong will never go anywhere else. She will not do anything else besides the mission.” Asuma said quickly.

Hinata bowed her head apologetically and said,”But I really didn’t find any trace of Teacher Hong. Not only in the town, but also in the forest around the town.”

“So why is this……”Asma frowned

“It’s a barrier.” Senju Tobirama said,”I guess they must be trapped in a barrier. The barrier created with the sealing technique can be immune to the Byakugan’s ability to see through things. This barrier was invented in the Warring States Period and is not rare.”

Senju Tobirama was right. It was indeed a barrier, and the one who set up the barrier was Kakuzu, a ninja from the same generation as Hashirama. Kakuzu had stolen this technique from Konoha.

“Which area did Yuhi Kurenai search? I guess she must have encountered someone from the Akatsuki organization and was locked up in a barrier by them. The area she searched should be the hiding place of the Akatsuki organization.”Senju Tobirama said with certainty.

“The northwest area of the town. Asma said immediately

“Let’s go.” Without saying anything, Senju Tobirama headed straight to the northwest area of the town.



At this time, in the room.

Although it was late at night, Hitani and the others were not sleepy at all. They were all sitting in the room, chatting, or studying their own ninjutsu. For example, Scorpion of the Red Sand was fiddling with his human puppet.

“There are still 30 hours left.”Rigu sat on the sofa and said,”Everyone hold on, after 30 hours we can walk out openly, no matter how aggrieved we are, we have to endure it.”

“Actually, it’s not that bad. I don’t feel depressed, and this leisurely feeling is quite comfortable.” Deidara said while fiddling with the clay

“30 hours?”Tsunade, who had already woken up and was tied to a chair, said,”You didn’t do anything. Just sitting here for 30 hours can deal with my grandfather and Uchiha Madara? Even if you want to comfort your companions, such a statement is too naive. No one will believe you.”

“You don’t understand Mr. Hitani, so don’t judge Mr. Hitani easily.”Deidara said lightly, but did not explain in detail.

They would definitely not believe what others said, that they would be able to deal with Senju Hashirama in 30 hours, but they believed what Hitani said, because Hitani’s methods were very strange, Zanpakuto, Kidōjutsu, they didn’t recognize any of them, maybe Hitani had other more strange methods that he hadn’t used?

“Hahahaha.” Tsunade suddenly laughed and said,”I didn’t expect that a group of renegade ninjas from various ninja villages would be led by our Konoha renegade ninjas. In a sense, this also seems to prove that our Konoha is the strongest ninja village.”

“This woman must have gone crazy.” Fei Duan, who was at the head of the bed, said with disdain:”She can still laugh in this situation. I don’t know if she is too brave or if she is very confident in her grandfather.”

“”Huh?” Xiaonan, who was staring out the window, suddenly said,”Someone’s coming again, Mr. Hitani, come and take a look.”

Everyone came to the window and looked at the street outside through the narrow gap. They saw Senju Tobirama, Hinata, Kakashi, and Asuma searching around the street, as if they were looking for someone.

“I guess the disappearance of Yuhi Kurenai aroused their suspicion, so they came here to look for someone.” Ritani said helplessly:”If I had known earlier, I would have killed Yuhi Kurenai and thrown her body on the street, so as not to expose the area we are in.”

“That little girl is a ninja from the Hyuga clan.”Konan looked at Hinata from afar outside the window and said,”Fortunately, Kakuzu set up a barrier here to prevent the Byakugan from spying, otherwise with the Byakugan’s reconnaissance ability, we would have been exposed long ago.”

“Even if the Byakugan can’t see us, it’s only a matter of time before we’re exposed.” Hitani said,”There are only a few houses in this area. Even if they knock on the doors one by one, they’ll find us soon. The situation is not good.” There’s only one Senju Tobirama and three jonin. Hitani can barely kill them, but if he does, it will definitely cause a lot of noise. Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara will definitely feel it and come to support, then the situation will become very dangerous.

“Wait and see what happens, and try not to take action if you can.”As soon as Hitani finished speaking, he saw Senju Tobirama and the other two walking towards their building, seemingly preparing to inspect the building.

“It seems that I can’t hide any longer.” Rigu said coldly:”Get ready to act”

“Yes.” Everyone picked up their own ninja tools and stared at the door with serious faces.


After a while, Senju Tobirama and his men brought Hinata and the others to the door of the room.���I asked Hinata beside me:”Are you sure this is the room?”

Hinata said firmly:”Yes, I am sure, this room is very strange, my Byakugan can’t see through it at all, it seems that there is a barrier blocking my sight.”

“Then there must be something wrong with this room.” Sarutobi Asuma immediately said,”Just go in, maybe someone from Akatsuki is in this room.”

“Don’t be reckless, make sure it’s true first. If it’s just a civilian’s room, then aren’t we bullying civilians? My elder brother will definitely not let me go if he finds out.”Senju Tobirama said, knocking on the door gently and shouting,”Is anyone inside? We are Konoha’s ninjas, and we have something to confirm. Open the door, thank you.”——”


Before he could finish saying thank you, a knife pierced through the door and stabbed straight at Senju Tobirama’s head.

Senju Tobirama reacted almost instantly and quickly turned his head to dodge. The Zanpakutō stabbed his cheek and cut off a few of his hairs.

“It’s the enemy!”After dodging the attack, Senju Tobirama immediately took a few steps back, looking at the door of the room vigilantly. The door of the room was directly cut open by the Zanpakutō. Hitani stood in the darkness of the room, looking at him with a pair of calm eyes, and said lightly:”We finally meet, the Second Hokage”

“This is indeed the hiding place of the Akatsuki organization!” Senju Tobirama immediately shouted:”Kakashi, go and inform my brother and the others, and ask them to come to support immediately!”

“”Yes.” Kakashi responded and prepared to leave immediately.

“Everything in the universe is reduced to ashes, and the blade is like fire!”Rigu swung his sword and shouted:”Fire the city!”


The raging flames gushed out from the blade, and this room and this corridor were instantly covered by flames and turned into a fire building.

0Seeking flowers

Boom, boom.

The beams and bricks on the ceiling were also burned and fell down piece by piece. The building was collapsing rapidly and would soon be burned down alive.

“This is really an extraordinary ability.”Looking at this scene, Senju Tobirama couldn’t help but sigh.

He was not sighing at the range of the flame, but at the temperature of the flame. He could feel that the temperature was dozens of times higher than that of ordinary flames, and such a hot flame could be released without any cause! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“”Master Nidaime, we can’t get out.” Kakashi said.

The building was in a state of disrepair and surrounded by a wall of fire. They didn’t dare to force their way out. The flames were too hot. If they forced their way into the sea of fire, they would probably be melted in an instant.

“Since we can’t get out, let’s kill him here!” Senju Tobirama threw out dozens of detonating talismans and shouted,”Multiplying detonating talismans!”

Boom boom boom boom!!

Dozens of detonating talismans exploded instantly, and the already shaky building collapsed instantly. A small mushroom cloud rose on the spot, splashing up dust dozens of meters high


A few minutes later, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Half of Senju Tobirama’s body was broken, but it was slowly recovering and soon returned to its previous state, looking uninjured.

The Mutual Detonating Talisman is a suicidal skill. It detonates a large number of detonating tags at close range with the enemy, killing the enemy and yourself at the same time. Only in the body of the Impure World Reincarnation can this move be used safely, so this move is listed as a forbidden technique.

“Cough cough cough. Kakashi, Hinata and others crawled out of the ruins, their faces covered in dust and in a state of disgrace.[]

“Are you okay?”Senju Tobirama asked

“It’s okay.”Kakashi and the others shook their heads.

When the detonating tag was detonated just now, Senju Tobirama deliberately adjusted the direction, so the firepower was not directed at them, but they were also affected, and their internal organs felt a little dislocated, and they wanted to vomit.

“”Sir, you are too arbitrary!” Asuma said angrily,”Kurena may still be in the room. You just blew up the building. What if you accidentally hurt her?”

Senju Tobirama said calmly,”Don’t worry. I only used fifty detonating tags. Normally, I would use five hundred. I deliberately controlled the number so as not to hurt my own people.”

Let alone Kurenai Yuhi. Tsunade is still in the hands of Akatsuki. Senju Tobirama came to save Tsunade. How could he be so brainless as to bomb with all his strength? If Tsunade was hurt, he would not know how to explain to Senju Hashirama.

“But fifty detonating tags should be enough to injure the rebel ninja. Where is he now?……”Senju Tobirama looked around cautiously.

There was only a ruin in front of him, with the remains of the fire after the explosion. As for Hitani and the others, there was no trace of them at all, and no one knew where they had gone.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from under the ruins, and then a big hole appeared on the surface of the ruins. Hitani and the others crawled out from under the ruins unscathed. No one was injured, but their clothes were slightly dirty.

“Impossible.” Senju Tobirama looked at them in surprise and said,”How come you are not hurt at all when fifty Exploding Talismans are detonated at close range!” The

Exploding Talismans of the Multiplicative Exploding Talismans are not ordinary Exploding Talismans, but Exploding Talismans with increased power. If fifty of them are detonated together, even the tailed beasts will be injured, let alone ordinary humans.

“It was a close call.” Rigu brushed off the dust on his body and said,”If it wasn’t for Scorpion raising a shield at the critical moment, we would have been in big trouble.”

“Scorpion?” Senju Tobirama was confused.

“Yes, it’s me.”Scorpion of the Red Sand came forward, and beside him was a puppet, the puppet of the Third Kazekage who could use magnetic escape.

At the moment of the explosion, Scorpion of the Red Sand immediately summoned the puppet of the Third Kazekage, and then used magnetic escape to build a shield to block the explosion. Otherwise, with such a close-range explosion, they would definitely all be seriously injured.

“So that’s it. It seems I miscalculated. But……”Senju Tobirama suddenly laughed and said,”But now your opponent is no longer me.”

“”What do you mean?” Deidara asked.

Senju Tobirama pointed behind them and said,”My elder brother is here.” Senju Hashirama led the ninja coalition, Uchiha Madara led the White Zetsu army, a total of 200,000 people, who had arrived at some point and were standing in the distance, staring at Hitani and his group.

“The purpose of my using the multiplication detonation tag is not to blow you up, but to make a noise so that my elder brother and the others can see it.”Senju Tobirama said coldly:”So, rebel ninjas, what are you going to do now?”

“Are they all here?” Ri Gu looked at the 200,000 troops, narrowed his eyes and said,”Things have really developed to the worst. This is going to be troublesome.”

“Akatsuki……”Uchiha Madara looked at them with cold eyes and said,”Hito, we meet again. This time I wonder where you can run to.”

And Senju Hashirama said coldly,”Where is Tsuna? Hand her over. We can still discuss everything. Otherwise, you can forget about settling today’s matter peacefully!”

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