“Don’t be in a hurry, take a look at this first.” Kakashi took out a world map, spread it on the sand, pointed at the map and analyzed:”There are several directions from our current location, namely the direction of the Rain Country, the direction of the Thunder Country, and the direction of the Field Country. Choose one of the three. Which country do you think Uzuki Yugao was captured to?”

Might Guy and others looked at each other, and then Might Guy looked helpless:”Analysis is not my forte. Don’t ask us this question. You yourself have worked in the Anbu, you should be better at this kind of analysis, right?”

“Only teamwork can increase the success rate.”Kakashi sighed:”Although I am good at intelligence analysis, I can’t analyze any results with so few clues. It’s very difficult.”

“How about we split up and act separately?” Uzumaki Naruto said,”Investigate the three countries, and notify the other teammates to gather together immediately after finding any clues. This seems to be the only way at the moment.”

“Absolutely not!” Haruno Sakura refused directly:”The enemy is a powerful enemy that can attack Sunagakure and kidnap Gaara. We can’t be separated, especially you and me, Naruto. If the two of us meet the enemy alone, we may be killed before we even have time to notify Kakashi and his teachers.”

“Am I that weak?”Naruto pouted unhappily.

“Sakura is right. We cannot be separated. Only teamwork can ensure the success rate of the mission.”Kakashi put away the map and said,”In this case, we can only use a slightly stupid method. We will investigate the three countries one by one.——”

“”Kakashi, what is that!” Before he finished speaking, Might Guy seemed to have discovered something and pointed forward.

In front of him was flying yellow sand all over the sky, and visibility was very low. However, in the yellow sand, two figures were a hundred meters away, slowly walking towards this side.

“Is that a mirage?” Might Guy rubbed his eyes and said,”It is said that hallucinations are very common in the desert. I didn’t expect that we would be affected by it.”

“No, that’s not an illusion.” Kakashi had already pulled open his forehead protector, revealing his Sharingan, and looked at the two figures approaching from a hundred meters away:”One of them has chakra, and the other doesn’t. It’s not an illusion, but a real person.”

Hearing this, Might Guy frowned suspiciously:”How can we meet people in this barren desert? Our luck is too good. Well, forget it, don’t worry about them, they may just be passing ninjas. The priority now is to discuss how to save Uzuki Yugao.”

Kakashi didn’t say anything, staring at the two figures that were getting closer and closer. He felt very dangerous in his heart, as if he was a prey being stared at by a wolf.

“Something is wrong.” Kakashi hurriedly called out to everyone:”Be on guard! These two people are probably not just passing by, but are coming for us. I can feel a very subtle murderous aura from them!” Although

Uzumaki Naruto and the others didn’t quite understand, they still obediently took out their kunai and shurikens and prepared for battle.

Four people, four pairs of eyes, watched the two figures getting closer and closer.

The two soon approached, and their appearances could be seen clearly. One of them was very tall and looked like a shark, with a big knife tied with bandages on his back.

The other was thin, with white hair, a calm face, and a standard long sword hanging from his waist.

These were Kisame and Hitani, who stopped twenty meters in front of Kakashi and the others.

The two sides looked at each other, neither spoke, and only the whirring sound of yellow sand could be heard.

“One, two, three, four.” Kisame pointed at the number of people in Kakashi’s team and smiled:”Four people, all wearing Konoha’s forehead protectors, Mr. Hitani, it seems that your guess is correct. This is a very standard rescue team, and it seems that there are two jonin.”

“Who are you?” Kakashi stared at the two men with his Sharingan, holding a kunai tightly in his hand.

“Who are we?” Kisame raised his eyebrows in surprise:”You came to rescue your companions, but you didn’t even find out the enemy’s intelligence? Really, the way Konoha, the largest ninja village, does things is unexpectedly rubbish, right, Mr. Hitani?”

“Shut up, Kisame.”Hitoshi said calmly.

“Rescue your companions?” Kakashi was stunned, and then he suddenly realized:”You are the invaders who attacked Sand Village and kidnapped Gaara and Uzuki Yugao?!”

“Well, of course.” Kisame glanced at Hitani and found that Hitani had no intention of stopping him, so he continued:”But it was not me who attacked Sand Village with Mr. Hitani, it was Konan, and this is the first time I meet a ninja from your Konoha. Listen carefully, my name is——”

“Where are Gaara and Yugao-senpai!” Before he could finish, Uzumaki Naruto stepped forward and asked loudly.

Kisame was embarrassed, and then his mouth twitched with anger:”Are you polite? When others introduce their names, you should listen to them finish their words! Didn’t your Konoha Hokage teach you what rules are?”

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