Feidan was immediately surprised and asked,”No ability to fight back? Didn’t you just say that Hatake Kakashi is Konoha’s elite genius? Even if he is not a match for Hitani, he shouldn’t be beaten to the point where he can’t fight back, right?”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.

The most outrageous genius in the history of the ninja world didn’t last more than ten seconds in the hands of Mr.


You can imagine how strong Mr.

Hitani’s fighting ability is.

” White Zetsu said seriously.

Kisame added:”Please note that this is when Mr.

Hitani didn’t use his full strength.

So far, I haven’t seen Mr.

Hitani sweat in the battle.

From this, it can be inferred that Mr.

Hitani probably didn’t even use half of his strength.

“Do you remember the last time Hitani and I fought?” Deidara interrupted,”That move was called the Ryujin Jakka Ninjutsu, which almost burned down the entire base. It took a long time to repair it.”

“That’s right, Mr. Hitani also used this move when he fought Hatake Kakashi.” White Zetsu nodded.

Deidara frowned and said,”I have been curious since last time, what exactly is this move? Because I am not very close to Hitani, I have never asked. Zetsu, do you know any information about this ninjutsu?”

White Zetsu shook his head and said,”I don’t know at all. I have checked, but in all the ninjutsu files in the ninja world, including the secret techniques of the five major ninja villages, the inherited ninjutsu of each small country, and the family techniques of each family, there is no such thing as a ninjutsu called Ryujin Jakka and a bloodline limit.”

“In other words, Mr. Hitani is the only one who can master this ninjutsu? Is it a ninjutsu that belongs exclusively to him?” Deidara frowned and guessed.

Pein said,”Okay, don’t discuss Mr. Hitani’s private affairs here. If you want to know, just ask him in person. Now everyone go back and rest. Next, we have to prepare a plan to capture the Two-Tails Jinchuriki.”

“The leader is angry, let’s go.” Everyone laughed helplessly and went back to their rooms.



On the second floor, in Hitani’s room.

Uzuki Yugao was looking out the window with a worried look on her face.

At this moment, the door opened and Hitani walked in.

Uzuki Yugao immediately rushed up and asked,”Where are my companions! Have you obeyed our agreement? Have you hurt them?”

Hitani sat down and said,”The four-member support team that came to rescue you are Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Might Guy. I took Kisame and fought with them in the desert area of Kawakuniku.”

“Then what? What did you do to them? Mao Yue Xi Yan asked nervously.

“I came back unscathed, so what do you think I did to them?” said Hitani.

Mao Yue Xi Yan was stunned and said,”You, you killed them?”

“Yes, they were all killed.”Rigu laughed.

“You bastard!” Mao Yue Xi Yan beat Ri Gu and cried:”Didn’t you promise me not to hurt them! Didn’t you agree not to kill them! Why did you break your promise! Why did you lie to me! Why!”

After yelling, she sat on the ground, crying and wiping her tears, saying:”Yes, I’m sorry, Kakashi-senpai, Might Guy-senpai, and Naruto, Sakura, I hurt you, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, wuwuwu.”

Ri Gu waited for her to cry for a while before saying:”I was just kidding you, I didn’t kill them all.”

Hearing this, Mao Yue Xi Yan raised her tearful face and asked:”Really? You didn’t lie to me?”

“I mean I didn’t kill them all, but I did kill a ninja named Haruno Sakura among the four, and the others were only slightly injured.”Hito said calmly.

“You killed Sakura? You are just lying to me! You bastard! You are not trustworthy!” Mao Yue Xi Yan said angrily again.

Hitani suddenly grabbed her throat and said gloomily:”Don’t get your position wrong! Mao Yue Xi Yan! You are my prisoner now! You are not qualified to order me to do anything! If I want, I can kill anyone and you have no right to speak! Understand?”

Feeling the murderous aura from Hitani, Mao Yue Xi Yan immediately wilted and said tremblingly:”Understand, I understand”

“Very good.” Rigu let her go and said calmly:”According to our previous agreement, I did not kill all your companions, so now no matter what I ask you to do, you must obey me unconditionally.”

“”Ahem, bastard!” Mao Yue Xi Yan coughed and cursed in a low voice.

Hitani said indifferently:”Want to regret it? It doesn’t matter. The injured Kakashi and the others are traveling very slowly. If I turn back now, I can stop them and kill them before they return to Konoha.”

After saying that, he was ready to leave.

Mao Yue Xi Yan hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, and said nervously:”No! Don’t go find them! I will obey you! Senior Kakashi can’t sacrifice because of me! I don’t want to be the sinner of Konoha!”

“Okay, then you have to do whatever I tell you to do.”Rigu said calmly:”First, go take a shower.”


An hour later

【Mao Yue Xi Yan felt very humiliated】

【You are more evil】

【Your template is unlocked to 61.3%】


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