
Hitani went straight to the basement of the organization’s base.

The basement is actually a huge underground cave. Pain has summoned the outer shell of the Outer Path Statue. Ten members of the organization are standing on the fingers of the Outer Path Statue and are sealing the wooden man.

Seeing Hitani coming, Kisame greeted him enthusiastically:”Hey, Mr. Hitani, why are you here?”

Hitani’s face was expressionless:”I was bored and came to see how the seal of the tailed beast was going.”

“It is being sealed, and it will be completely sealed in a day or two.” Payne was a little surprised:”Are you bored? Didn’t you just capture a female ninja and bring her back? Why don’t you play with her?””

“Let her adapt to the environment first, and then slowly break through her psychological defenses. By the way, ask, when will we capture the Three-Tails?” Hitani asked.

Pain has already made a plan:”After sealing the Two-Tails, we can start capturing the Three-Tails. I plan to send Deidara and Scorpion on this mission.”

Deidara licked his lips excitedly:”After being idle for so long, I finally have the opportunity to experiment with my newly researched clay bomb. Mr. Hitani, you shouldn’t snatch this mission from me, right?”

“I want to go.” Hitani said only three words. Deidara instantly wilted:”You have already captured two Jinchūriki, why are you trying to snatch them from me? Please let me go this time, Mr. Hitani!”

“I, want, to go.” Hitani’s tone left no room for doubt.

Deidara didn’t dare to refute:”Okay, okay, you go, you go, I’ll give it to you, really, you are so actively participating in the tailed beast capture mission, why did the leader recruit us, you alone are enough, tsk.”

Pein felt a little reluctant:”Mr. Hitani, the other members also want to fight the tailed beasts, give them a chance, let them stay in the organization for a long time, it is inevitable that they will neglect fighting, and their experience and combat effectiveness will decline.”

“Really?” Hitani also felt that he was a bit too dictatorial:”Then let me, Deidara, and Scorpion go on this mission. I will go no matter what, and the others can follow.”

Deidara was happy:”No problem, as long as I can go, I’m even starting to get moldy from staying in the base every day.”

“I won’t go.” Scorpion of the Red Sand didn’t want to make a wasted trip:”If Mr. Hitani is here, my strength won’t be needed. It just so happens that I have to concentrate on researching new puppets recently, so let Mr. Hitani and Deidara do this mission.”

Deidara was just hoping for this:”Brother Scorpion, please rest assured. This mission is handed over to the two of us. You can wait for us to come back in the base.”

Hitani nodded indifferently.

Pein also agreed:”Then it’s up to you two. The Two-Tails Jinchuriki will probably finish the seal tomorrow. After tomorrow, Deidara, you and Mr. Hitani will set off to start the mission. On the way, I will let Zetsu’s clone explain the situation of the Three-Tails to you.”

Hitani nodded, and then left the basement.

Deidara couldn’t wait any longer:”Finally, we can have a proper fight. Leader, speed up the sealing. I can’t wait to go on the mission.”

Pein glanced at him indifferently and ignored him.

The other members ignored Deidara.

Deidara was embarrassed and had to shut up and stop talking.



At night.

Rigu returned to his bedroom.

Seeing him come in, Samui, who was already very nervous, became even more nervous. She immediately sat up straight and cursed with gritted teeth:”Bastard traitor! Unforgivable devil!”

Rigu sat down on the sofa, looked at her calmly and said:”It’s already night, what do you think, will you obey me or reject me? What’s your answer?”

Hearing this, Samui’s face paused and said in embarrassment:”I, I don’t know”

“Don’t know?” Hitani’s mood suddenly turned bad:”In that case, I will let you reject me, so starting from tomorrow, I will track the movements of all the ninjas in your Hidden Cloud Village and kill those who leave the village.”

Samui was angry and entangled, not knowing what to say.

Hitani continued to mock:”Among the ninjas I killed, there may be your companions of the same period, or your relatives, your close friends? Or maybe there are playmates who grew up with you?”

Samui panicked, stood up abruptly, pointed at Hitani and cursed:”You, you are not a human!”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Hitani didn’t care and continued calmly:”This is your own choice. It seems that you don’t cherish your companions at all. Look at Mao Yue Xi Yan, she has learned the will of fire very well. She sacrificed herself for her companions. This is what a decent ninja should do, right, Xi Yan.”

Mao Yue Xi Yan did not answer, and turned her head away in humiliation.

“It seems that you still have a bit of rebellious psychology, but don’t worry, I still have a lot of time to spend with you slowly.” Rigu smiled at her, then looked at Samui and said:”So what is your choice? Do you really want me to kill your companions?”

Samui thought for a long time, and finally said unwillingly:”Well, give me another day to think about it. This, this kind of thing, I have never experienced it, the time is too short, and I don’t know how to choose.”

“I’ll give you one night.” Rigu said impatiently,”I’ll hear your answer tomorrow morning when I get up. This is your last chance.”

Samui couldn’t refuse,”I know.”


PS: Thank you all for your flowers, comments, rewards and monthly tickets, thank you very much!

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