【You killed Jiraiya】

【You are more evil】

【Your template is developed to 77%]

Hitani retracted the sword and went back to the Rain Base. As for Jiraiya’s body, someone will deal with it. It may be used by Scorpion to make a puppet, or it may be abandoned.



Twenty minutes after Rigu leaves…


Jiraiya, who was already completely cold, suddenly moved his fingers. Then he opened his somewhat distracted eyes, and his life force recovered a little.

“Nature, natural energy, has it delayed my death…”

Jiraiya gave a weak bitter smile. Before, when he was preparing to enter the Sage Mode, he inhaled a small amount of natural energy, so after his heart was broken, he could still force himself to live for half an hour. However, this was only temporary, and he would still die of a broken heart after a while. Natural energy can delay death, but it cannot bring the dead back to life.

“”Summoning technique…”

Jiraiya used all his strength to make a seal, an ordinary summoning technique, which drained all the remaining chakra in his body.


A small cloud of white smoke exploded, and a palm-sized, white-haired old toad appeared in front of him. It was one of the immortals of Myoboku Mountain, Master Fukasaku.

“Little Jiraiya, what are you doing?!”

When Master Fukasaku saw Jiraiya like this, he was stunned. He could tell that Jiraiya was only one step away from death.

“Come on, there is no time to explain too much, I, I have to pass on the final information to the village… cough cough.”

Jiraiya spat out a few mouthfuls of thick blood. His heart was ruptured and his internal organs were carbonized. His body had turned into a paste.

“……I understand.”

Master Fukasaku nodded, took off his shirt, and showed his back to Jiraiya, who used his chakra to carve many secret codes on his back.

“First, you must bring the information back to Konoha…”

After saying this, Jiraiya closed his eyes, and the natural energy condensed in his body disappeared. This time he was really dead.

“Little Jiraiya……”

Master Fukasaku’s eyes were sore that he almost cried. He and Jiraiya had known each other for decades. Although they were of different species, he treated Jiraiya like a child, but he watched Jiraiya die in front of him.

“Go with peace of mind. I will help you complete the final task.”

Sir Fukasaku put on his clothes again, took a last deep look at Jiraiya’s body, and left in a certain direction.



Hitani has returned to the base building. In the lobby on the first floor, the other members are not there. Only Payne and Konan are waiting here anxiously.

“You’re back, how’s the situation?”

Seeing Hitani come in, Xiaonan immediately stepped forward to ask, she might not care about other enemies, but Jiraiya still has some status in her heart

“Already killed.”

Rigu sat down on the sofa and drank some water. He answered calmly, with no expression on his face.

“Killed? Looks like you’re not hurt… That’s great.……”

Konan was in a complicated mood. Although she had parted ways with Jiraiya a long time ago, he was still her mentor after all, and she still felt guilty.

Pein’s expression changed slightly. Like Konan, he was once Jiraiya’s disciple. If Jiraiya hadn’t saved them, they would have died in the chaotic Rain Country when they were young. Jiraiya was grateful to them.

“Where is Jiraiya’s body? I’ll go get it.”

Konan sighed and prepared to bury Jiraiya properly. This was her last way of making up for Jiraiya.

“Near Yuyin Cemetery”

“”Okay, thank you.”

Xiaonan nodded, and then went out with Pein to look for Jiraiya’s body. If they went too late, the body would probably be taken away by the Red Sand Scorpion and made into a human puppet.



Five days later.

Konoha Village.

Uzumaki Naruto sat alone on a bench in the park, in a daze. He had been practicing devilishly with the help of Kakashi these days. He just found an excuse to run out and take a breath.


Uzumaki Naruto looked at the sky dejectedly. Now he was the only one left out of the three members of Team 7. He often felt lonely, and sometimes even dreamed of Haruno Sakura.


A weak voice came from behind her. Hyuga Hinata stood timidly behind her, her two little hands nervously tugging at the corners of her clothes, her face flushed.

“It’s Hinata.”

Uzumaki Naruto greeted her indifferently.

“Naruto-kun, I have heard everything. Please, please accept my condolences.”

Hinata Hyuga bowed her head slightly, with a hint of heartache in her eyes.

“”Express your condolences?”

Uzumaki Naruto didn’t quite understand. It had been two months since Haruno Sakura died. Why was he still offering condolences at this time?

“Well, I think you must be very sad about the murder of Jiraiya-sama. After all, he was once your——”

“Who did you say was killed?”

Before he finished speaking, Uzumaki Naruto stood up suddenly and looked at Hyuga Hinata with an unprecedented ferocious face.

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