Chapter 77: Nijiru being beaten by the Five Kage at the entrance of the Iron Country Castle.

“”Stop! Who are you?”

Two warriors in thick armor stood in front of Hitani and Sasuke. They were the warriors guarding the entrance to the castle..

“”Akatsuki’s people.”

Uchiha Sasuke said coldly.


The two gatekeepers looked at each other. Their small country, which was isolated from the outside world, had no idea what was happening in the outside world, so they naturally didn’t know about the organization Xiao..

“Sorry, the Iron Country is the venue for the Five Kage Summit during this period. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Please leave.”

The two warriors shook their heads. Mifune had said that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the Five Kage Summit, the Iron Country would be under martial law during this period..


As soon as the words fell, a bright blade flashed across the head of one of the warriors.


The warrior’s eyes widened, and his head fell off his shoulders. He was beheaded before he could react..

“You’re so long-winded.”

Sasuke shook off the blood on the Kusanagi sword, his eyes were cold..


Hitani glanced at Sasuke, feeling a little dissatisfied. Sasuke’s way of taking action without asking for his consent seemed a bit like taking over the show..

“You, what are you doing!”

The remaining samurai reacted and quickly drew out his samurai sword, with a layer of flowing chakra on the blade.

The samurai of the Iron Country don’t know ninjutsu, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have chakra. They endow their weapons with chakra to increase their melee attack power, which is very similar to Sasuke’s Chidori Slash..

“Of course I’m going to kill you.”

Sasuke slowly raised the Kusanagi sword..

“Don’t be in a hurry.”

Hitani pushed Sasuke’s sword back..


Sasuke looked at Hitani in confusion..

“I want to ask for information first. Where are the five Kage meeting? Tell me the location, and I won’t kill you.”

Hitani looked at the samurai and slowly released his spiritual pressure to put pressure on him..

“You, you want to find the Five Kage? I won’t tell you! We are a neutral country and cannot sell out the information of the Five Ninja Villages!”

The samurai shook his head tremblingly. Under the influence of the spiritual pressure, he could hardly stand straight. This was when Hitani only released part of the spiritual pressure..

“If you don’t say it, then it’s worthless.”

Ritani suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the warrior’s neck, lifted him up with one hand, and twisted it hard.

With a crisp sound, the warrior’s spine was broken, his eyes rolled back and he lost his life..

“What should I do now?”

Sasuke slowly put away the Kusanagi sword, feeling a little unhappy. Hitani stole the head that should have belonged to him..

“Since we don’t know the exact location, let’s kill them all the way up and let the Five Kage come to us.”

Hitani threw away the body of the samurai and walked into the castle..

“Are the two of us going to challenge an entire country? But I do like this approach.”

Sasuke sneered and followed behind Hikari. Now he was looking forward to fighting so that he could try out his unused Mangekyō Sharingan…….In the Five Kage meeting office, the Five Kage have not yet realized the danger is coming, and are discussing many matters concerning the Ninja Alliance..

“Since we have agreed to unite the five ninja villages, we must choose a captain from among the five of us to lead everyone.”

Tsunade looked at everyone and said.

“Of course I will be the captain.”

Ohnoki immediately spoke up. He was the most experienced ninja here and thought he was fully qualified..

“I think it’s best for me to do it.”

Tsunade immediately retorted. She was the Hokage of the first ninja village and was not used to being a younger brother to other ninja villages..

“I don’t care……”

Kirabi said he didn’t want to take this kind of false reputation, he just wanted to write lyrics quietly.

“I don’t care.”

Temari didn’t want to rob anymore. It was a miracle that a weak country like Sunagakure could be included in the list of the five major ninja villages. And she still wanted to lead everyone? That was a joke..

“You decide.”

Qingye shook his head. He was originally just a servant of Mei Terumi. He had no ability or strength, so he could not compete with her.

So Tsunade and Ōnoki were left to compete..

“Mifune, you tell me what to do.”

After a while of arguing with Onoki, neither of them gave in, so they had to look at Mifune.

Although Mifune was not a ninja, he had a high status in the ninja world and could be considered the big brother. His arrangements were also more convincing..


Mifune was in a dilemma. In terms of seniority, Ōnoki was indeed the oldest, but Tsunade was the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju, and was equally good. It was difficult to make a decision..

“”I think we should let Tsunade do it?”

Mifune thought for a long time and finally made a decision.

The reason was that Konoha was too strong.

The Iron Country would still rely on Konoha’s help and get many resources from Konoha. It was obvious that they could not offend Tsunade at this time..

“You really have good taste.”

Tsunade smiled proudly, and glanced at Ōnoki with a hint of provocation..


Ohnoki snorted unhappily. If it was anyone else, he would definitely not accept it, but the other party was Tsunade, so he could only hold his anger.

After all, the background behind Tsunade was too complicated. If it wasn’t a life-and-death struggle, no one would want to offend a rich princess like Tsunade..

“In that case, the Ninja Alliance will stop here.” Just as Mifune was about to speak, a samurai rushed in with a panicked look on his face..

“”Master Mifune, the enemy is invading! They are coming this way!”

The warrior was breathing heavily, and blood was dripping from under his helmet. It was obvious that he had just escaped death..

“It must be someone from Akatsuki!”

Tsunade stood up with a thud. Just now, Uchiha Madara said that someone would come here, so it must be someone from Akatsuki..

“Come with me to fight the enemy!”

Tsunade rushed out anxiously. She had just become the captain and now needed to make achievements in the first battle to confirm her position. Now was the chance.

When everyone rushed to the front hall of the castle, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

In the spacious hall, there were at least thousands of bodies of Iron Country warriors lying densely, blood was flowing like a river, and the air was filled with the smell of blood. It was like a scene from hell, with the bodies piled up into a small mountain. There were two people sitting on the pile of bodies, one was Hitani and the other was Sasuke..


Temari was shocked on the spot. She had never seen such a horrifying scene before, and she had never even thought about it..

“Finally they are here.”

Hitani, who was lying on the pile of corpses, breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he didn’t have his Shikai Zanpakutō, and he fought purely with physical skills, killing nearly two thousand people alive. To be honest, he was a little tired.

Just now, he and Sasuke entered the castle and searched the top floor, but they were soon surrounded by the samurai of the Iron Country.

Hitani and Sasuke didn’t waste any words and immediately engaged in a melee with the group of samurai.

But it was more of a one-sided massacre than a melee.

Hitani killed more than two thousand people alive, and Sasuke killed five hundred people. If the swords of the two were not special weapons, they would probably have been bent..

“That’s the Jinchūriki.”

Hitani’s eyes fell on Killer Bee. One of the purposes of this trip was to bring this guy back..

“You are……Hitani and……Uchiha Sasuke?”

Tsunade was confused. She was not surprised that Hitani appeared. She was surprised that Sasuke was following Hitani..

“Hey, isn’t this the Hokage?”

Sasuke looked at Tsunade with contempt..

“Are you joining Akatsuki too?”

Tsunade noticed something was wrong, because Sasuke was also wearing Akatsuki’s iconic auspicious cloud robe..

“Congratulations, you got it right.”

Sasuke sneered at Tsunade, looking very proud..

“You, why?!”

Tsunade had always thought that Sasuke was just pursuing power and that he was not a bad person. She had never thought that Sasuke would go against Konoha Village..

“For revenge, revenge on Konoha.”

Sasuke wanted to kill Tsunade now. If it weren’t for the pressure from Konoha’s high-level officials, Itachi wouldn’t have exterminated his clan and wouldn’t have to bear so much hatred..

“Okay, stop talking nonsense and get to work.”

Rigu jumped off the pile of corpses and slowly walked towards Kirabi..

“Are you coming for me?”

Kirabi was unusually serious. He knew very well that the man in front of him was the one who killed his eldest brother, the Raikage. He was a difficult person..

“”Everyone, come together.”

Ohnoki, Temari, Tsunade, and Ao, all four of them took up fighting positions at the same time, and it seemed that they were planning to join forces..

“The five Kage teaming up?”

Hitani sighed. With his current fighting power, it would be difficult to deal with five people at the same time..

“Let me go, I can easily deal with these scumbags.”

Sasuke next to him said, he was mysteriously confident in his current self.

“……Then you go.”

Ri Gu stepped aside to watch the fight. Since Er Zhuzi was anxious to go up and find Xie, he didn’t stop him. It was just a good opportunity to recover some of his strength..

“So, who should we start with?”

Sasuke opened his Mangekyō Sharingan and scanned the five shadows present..

“Those eyes……”

Ohnoki’s expression changed slightly. He remembered Uchiha Madara’s eyes. They were almost identical. This reminded him of the fear he felt when he was dominated by Uchiha Madara..

“It’s you!”

Sasuke suddenly rushed straight towards Tsunade. Killing Konoha’s shadow and avenging his brother was his current thought..


As Sasuke rushed forward, a large ball of lightning appeared in his left hand and stabbed straight into Tsunade’s chest..

“”Thunder Plow Hot Knife!”

Killer Bee suddenly rushed out and used his elbow to hit Sasuke’s Chidori fiercely.


With a dull sound, Sasuke was hit and stepped back a few steps, but Killer Bee stood there without moving..

“The guy who is in the way, Amaterasu!”

Sasuke’s right eye condensed blood, and then a few drops of blood and tears dripped from his eye socket.


A ball of black flame suddenly exploded on Killer Bee’s shoulder, burning with a crackling sound..

“”, pupil technique?”

Killer Bee’s body was already covered with a layer of tailed beast chakra. He tore off the chakra coat on his shoulder that was ignited by Amaterasu and threw it aside, and easily cracked Amaterasu’s chakra..

“”The secret of Kumogakure, Nine Swords Style!”

Kirabi took out nine swords and clamped them on all the joints of his body, maintaining a twisted posture, looking like a bee with stings all over its body.

Kirabi has a nickname called Killer Bee, which comes from his Nine Swords Style physical skills. When he uses the Nine Swords Style, he looks like a bee with stings..


Killer Bee rushed towards Sasuke, the nine swords on his body whistling with the wind.

Sasuke quickly took out the Kusanagi sword to deal with him..

“Ding, ding, ding.”

The two of them started to fight with swords, and the field was full of dancing sword lights and the crisp collision sounds of swords.




After a while, Sasuke was slashed several times and blood oozed out.

Although Sasuke’s swordsmanship is good, there is still a big gap compared to experienced old ninjas like Killer Bee.

In terms of swordsmanship, Sasuke was completely suppressed, and even with the Sharingan, he was no match..


Sasuke flew back and fell at Hitani’s feet, with a horrible cut on his chest..


Sasuke gritted his teeth in anger. He had always been confident in his physical skills, but he didn’t expect that he was no match for his opponent even with his eye skills..


Hitani shook his head speechlessly. With Sasuke’s level, it was difficult for him to deal with Killer Bee, and he actually wanted to fight 1V5. I wonder who gave him the courage..

“Very weak……”

Killer Bee thought Sasuke was very strong, but he turned out to be unexpectedly weak. How could such a guy dare to take the initiative to stand up and provoke?

“It’s not over yet, don’t jump to conclusions.”

Sasuke struggled to get up and put away the Kusanagi sword..

“Oh? You still have abilities that you haven’t used yet?”

Killer Bee suddenly became curious and wanted to see what was so special about this famous Sharingan..


Sasuke exhaled lightly, then glared and directly activated the Mangekyo illusion..


Kirabi paused, his expression immediately became dull, and his eyes became confused..

“One has been solved.”

Sasuke smiled confidently. In his opinion, a person who was caught in the Mangekyo Illusion would never be able to wake up by his own strength..

“Continue to the next one.”

Sasuke no longer paid attention to Killer Bee and looked at the remaining four shadows..

“”Thunder Plow Hot Knife!”

At this moment, Kirabi suddenly woke up, rushed to Sasuke, and cut Sasuke’s chest with his elbow.


Sasuke was hit head-on, spit out a large mouthful of blood, flew out, and rolled on the ground for more than ten meters..

“Cough, cough, cough.”

Sasuke’s chest was completely shattered, his ribs were all broken, and he could faintly see his heart beating in his chest..

“How, how is it possible?……”

Sasuke couldn’t understand why the illusion was ineffective when he was clearly under the spell and no one came near to help him remove it?

He didn’t know that this was a special ability of the Jinchūriki.

The Jinchūriki who was perfectly integrated with the tailed beasts had two souls in his body, one was himself and the other was the tailed beast army.

When the Jinchūriki was under the spell, the tailed beasts could help wake up the Jinchūriki in the body, and no one else was needed to help..

“It seems that I got rid of one first.”

Killer Bee ignored the seriously injured Sasuke and looked at Hikari. He felt that Hikari was at least fifty times more dangerous than Sasuke..


Hitani was speechless. He had wanted to let Sasuke delay the time so that he could take a break, but he didn’t expect Sasuke to not even last five minutes..

“You still have to let me take action.”

Hitani slowly stood up and drew out the Zanpakuto from his waist. The fierce aura emanated from him. Just by looking at him, you could tell that he was not on the same level as Sasuke.

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