81 Hostages Threatening Konoha

On the first floor of the base hall, the members sat around on the sofa, everyone looked serious because they had just received a new guest.

The new guest was a man wearing a red cloak, whose face could not be seen clearly. He was sitting on the other side of the sofa and chatting with the members.

Just then, Hitani came out of the room.

“Mr. Hitani.”

Xiaonan greeted him and said,”A guy came and wants to cooperate with us..”


Hitani raised his eyebrows slightly.

Now the notoriety of Akatsuki has spread throughout the ninja world, and everyone wants to distance themselves from Akatsuki. At this time, there are still people who want to cooperate with Akatsuki? Who is so bold as to jump into the fire pit?

“This must be Mr. Hitani, right?”

The cloaked man sitting on the sofa spoke..

“Who are you?”

Rigu frowned and looked at this person.

He felt a very special breath from this guy, especially the feeling of soul, which was slippery and made him feel very disgusted..

“I am from Konoha, just like you.”

The man in the cloak had a sissy voice:”Mr. Hitani has killed so many people, his name is well-known in the ninja world..”

“Who are you?”

Rigu 21 narrowed his eyes..


The cloaked man stood up from the sofa.

Mao Yue Xi Yan was so scared that she subconsciously hugged Ri Gu’s arm.

She also felt that this man was a little unusual. From the chakra he emitted, she felt that he was not a normal human being at all, and had a bit of a deformed smell..

“Show your true colors.”

Payne said,”If you play tricks on me, and if you anger Mr. Hitani and make him draw his sword against you, we won’t be able to protect you..”

“”He is indeed very dangerous, since he can make the leader of Akatsuki say this. In this case, I will tell you my true identity.”

The cloaked man slowly untied the hat on his head.

He was a man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a pair of glasses, half of his face was covered with snake-like scales, his eyes were also snake pupils, and he even had a huge white snake tail on his chest. He was half man, half snake..

“”Kabuto Yakushi.”

Hitani narrowed his eyes.

This man was Kabuto Yakushi. To be more precise, he was the Kabuto Yakushi who had absorbed Orochimaru’s power and inherited the legacy of the Ryuchidong Immortal..

“You do know me, but you were once a member of Konoha’s Anbu, so it’s normal for you to know me.”

Yakushi Kabuto smiled.

Hitani looked at Pein and said,”He is the one who came to us for cooperation? Did you agree??”

“Not yet, we are negotiating, and you just happened to be here, let’s listen together.”

Pein motioned for Hitani to sit down.

Hitani sat down on the side of the sofa.

In the original work, Kabuto Yakushi did join forces with Akatsuki, but that was when Akatsuki was short of manpower. Now Akatsuki is fully staffed, so Hitani wants to see if Pein will agree to join forces with Kabuto Yakushi.

Pein said:”Kabuto Yakushi, you want to cooperate with us, so what can we get from you, and what benefits will we give you??”

“An army.”

Yakushi Kabuto smiled..


Payne frowned..

“The five major ninja villages have joined forces, and their combined number is at least 100,000 ninjas. If you want to capture the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, you will inevitably have to go to war with the five major ninja villages head-on. With only ten of you, are you sure you can take on 100,000 people?”

Yakushi Kabuto asked.


Pein couldn’t answer.

His inner answer was no. Although all the members of Akatsuki were at the level of Kage, it was too naive to expect ten people to fight against 100,000 people. Moreover, there were many Kage-level masters among these 100,000 people.

Kisame interrupted:”With Mr. Hitani here, it’s not impossible..”


Payne looked at Rigu:”Can you handle so many people??”


Hitani shook his head.

If he had a Bankai Zanpakutō, he could easily deal with a million people, not to mention a hundred thousand. But now he can only use Shikai, and his combat power is limited. It is not a problem to deal with ten or twenty thousand people, but he does not have the ability to deal with a hundred thousand people for the time being..

“Is that so?”

Payne looked at Kabuto Yakushi again:”As you can see, we are indeed not qualified to fight the Ninja Alliance head-on, but what do you mean by the army??”

“An army of the dead,” he said..


Payne was confused..

“It’s hard to explain, so why not show it to you? Follow me.”

Kabuto Yakushi walked outside.

Payne and the other members hesitated for a while, then followed Kabuto Yakushi outside.

Outside the base,

Kabuto Yakushi moved two corpses out of the corner.”Because I know I have to talk to you about this, I made some preparations in advance. I hope you don’t mind.”.”

“No problem.”

Payne shook his head..

“That’s good, I’ll start.”

Kabuto Yakushi made a seal and slapped the ground.

Two strange patterns made of black lines appeared on the grass.

Kabuto Yakushi placed the two corpses in the center of the two patterns, and then made a seal again:”Immortal Reincarnation Technique!”

A strange scene appeared.

The skin of the two corpses weathered quickly, just like an insect shedding its skin. The original appearance disappeared, and it turned into a new ninja with cracks all over its body..

“”Get down.”

Yakushi Kabuto said.

The two Edo Ninjas immediately got down on the ground obediently..

“Stand up.”

Yakushi Kabuto said again.

The two Edo Ninjas immediately stood up obediently..

“This is the army of the dead.”

Kabuto Yakushi looked at Pein and said,”As long as there are sacrifices, the dead ninjas can be resurrected through the Impure World Transformation method, and they will obey my orders unconditionally. They cannot be killed and have endless chakra..”

“Unconditionally obey orders, cannot be killed, infinite chakra.”

Feiduan was shocked.

This can’t be called an army at all, it’s just a killing weapon. If such an army enters the battlefield, the disaster it brings will be absolutely devastating, and it can even easily destroy a country..

“This kind of ninjutsu must have restrictions, right?”

Pain asked.

“As expected of you.”

Kabuto Yakushi nodded:”If you want to revive a ninja, you must find the body or soul of the ninja, otherwise it cannot be resurrected. However, I have collected many ninja souls, all of them are elites, about fifty people, and one of them is very powerful.”

437 The special ninja he mentioned refers to Uchiha Madara, but Kabuto Yakushi is not going to say it now, because he himself is not sure whether to revive Madara. If the God of Killing is resurrected, then things will definitely not be simple..

“How about it? Do you want me to help you?”

Pharmacist Kabuto asked with a smile.

“If you help us, what do you want from us?”

Payne asked.

“I want him.”

Yakushi Kabuto pointed at Uchiha Sasuke in the crowd.

Sasuke was stunned:”Me? What does it have to do with me??”

“You are the disciple trained by Lord Orochimaru, and I have inherited all of Lord Orochimaru’s legacy, so I am also very interested in you.”

Kabuto Yakushi licked his lips and said,”But don’t worry, I just want to stay by your side and study you, and I have no other plans..”

“Just for Sasuke?”

Pein nodded:”Then I agree to cooperate with you.”

This request is indeed insignificant. Even if Kabuto Yakushi wants to kill Uchiha Sasuke, Pein will agree. Compared with the Impure World Army, the value of Uchiha Sasuke is too low, so low that it can be ignored..

“That’s great.”

Pharmacist Dou smiled happily..

“Wait a minute.”

Sasuke suddenly said,”Yakushi Kabuto, since we have known each other for several years, I can ignore what you said just now, but I have a question for you..”

“You ask.”

Pharmacist Dou nodded..

“Can you help me revive someone?”

Sasuke’s expression suddenly became complicated:”Resurrect Uchiha Itachi.”.

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