"Do you like to stay here?"

Gu Feng asked the woman who was forced to marry Zhang.

"I don't like it."

The woman shook the head.

"What about you?"

Gu Feng then asked the other women.

"I don't want to."

"I want."

There are two voices among these people.

But those who do not want to stay here occupy the majority, and a few are willing to stay here.

People who are willing to stay here have only one idea, that is, they want to marry a rich man, no matter what his looks or age is.

As for the people who don’t want to stay here, they naturally want freedom. They still have the same idea in their hearts, that is, to find someone they like instead of just marry someone they don’t know. the man.

"You heard, they don't want to stay here."

Gu Feng turned his gaze to bald man and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"I worked so hard to raise them, they are it possible that wants to walk to walk?"

The bald man hearing this, who had been beaten in confusion, Immediately opened the mouth and said.

"This is a thousand silver tael, is it enough to redeem them?"

Gu Feng immediately took out a thousand silver tael from the [Yuan Ring] and threw it to bald. man.

When bald man saw this, he was slightly stunned, and then said: "Enough...enough."

"Okay, go wherever you want, don’t be here anymore. I was intimidated by him."

Gu Feng moved towards many dancing girls.

The dancers looked at each other in blank dismay, some of them don’t know what to do. Although most of them don’t want to stay here, where can they go if they leave here? ?

"Junior Brother Gu, they grew up here since they were young, where can they go after leaving here?"

Sun Mai discovered the situation at this time, even if they redeem them Out, that is of little use.

"This is a trouble."

Gu Feng hearing this, I couldn't help thinking about it.

"I have an idea."

Suddenly, Gu Feng's mind flashed.

"Don't they dance? At worst, let them go to the workshop."

Gu Feng immediately opened the mouth and said.

"We are more familiar with the emperor, letting them enter the Jiaofang will definitely not be a problem."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said again.

Sun Mai hearing this, nodded, immediately said to the dancers: "Are you willing to go to the workshop? We can guarantee that you will not be bullied."

"We do."

Many women opened the mouth and said.

But there are still some dancers who are unwilling. They still want a rich man.

Gu Feng naturally saw this, and immediately opened the mouth and said: "If there is someone who doesn't want to go, stay at the Inn."

Some dancers hearing this, Their eyes lit up, which was exactly what they wanted.


Most of the dancers followed Gu Feng and Sun Mai to the Imperial Palace.

The two first gave a confession, and soon after, the emperor came personally.

After all, Gu Feng and Sun Mai are not ordinary people, he has to meet each other personally.

"Why you two? What about the others?"

The emperor sees dozens fellow apprentices and only two come here, which is quite puzzled. After all, they used to be in groups. The team came.

"Other Senior Brothers are in retreat."

Gu Feng immediately explained to the emperor.

"so that's how it is."

The emperor is hearing this, nodded.

"Then why are you here?"

The emperor Fuyu asked.

"We want to arrange for some dancing girls to enter the teaching workshop."

Gu Feng looked at the emperor Fu Yu, once again opened the mouth and said.

"That's okay, what about the dancers?"

The emperor Fuyu responded immediately and asked immediately.

"It's there."

Gu Feng pointed to the east.

The emperor Fu Yu looked around and found that there was indeed a group of dancing girls not far away.

"Okay, I will arrange it immediately."

The emperor Fuyu opened the mouth and said.


He then came to the Chief-In-Charge of Jiaofang and told her all about it.

Not long.

The dancers were arranged.

"Since you are here, I must also treat you well."

Seeing that things have been arranged, Fu Yu, the emperor, immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Then deference is no substitute for obedience."

Gu Feng moved towards Tianzi hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and immediately opened the mouth and said with a smile.

Not long.

The three people gathered at a dining table. In fact, Gu Feng and Sun Mai had eaten a meal not long ago, but the two of them used the meal again.

After all, the food at the Imperial Palace is delicious. Gu Feng and Sun Mai ate a lot of wine and meat.

After being satiated, Gu Feng and Sun Mai bid farewell to the emperor Fu Yu.

"The emperor is really good to us!"

Walking on the road of Xianjing City, Sun Mai moved towards Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"That is, after all, we have an unusual relationship with the emperor."

Gu Feng hearing this, smiled and opened the mouth and said.

You must know that he is the life saving benefactor of Fu Yu, the emperor, and his throne was also obtained by Gu Feng.

Therefore, the emperor Fuyu has no reason not to entertain them.

The land of Monster Race.

In the dark cave.

"The injury has almost recovered, and the grudges have to be reported."

The voice of the Monster King wandered in the cave, quite gloomy.

Gu Feng and Sun Mai returned to the special space shortly afterwards, and the play made them feel happy.

"I said Junior Brother Gu, we will go out often in the future. After all, the world outside is so wonderful. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to experience the experience?"

On the road paved with slabs, smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Senior Brother Sun, as long as you want to go out, anytime."

Gu Feng smiled and opened the mouth and said.

After all, his cultivation base has reached the realm of heaven, and he is no longer afraid of anyone in this world, so he can naturally play at will.

"haha...it’s better for Junior Brother Gu. Unlike those fellow apprentices, who normally only know about cultivation and don’t know how to enjoy them at all, I also take it."

When Sun Mai thought of those fellow apprentices, he couldn't help but shook the head, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Senior Brother Sun, the other Senior Brothers are all for strength, you can't fall behind."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother, I'm still working hard."

Sun Mai smiled and opened the mouth and said.

After the two talked a little longer, they returned to their residence and began to cultivated.

"This Celestial Realm is really different. Today I am full of a powerful force. If I fight against the Martial Artist of the Star Realm, I am afraid that they will not be able to support me at all. "

Gu Feng carefully felt the specific situation of Origin Force in his body, and he was muttered immediately.

"Cultivation for another ten days, I won't go out during that time."

Gu Feng said in his heart.

After all, he has just ascended to the first level of the heavenly realm. It is also extremely important to stabilize his cultivation base and mind.

Ten days later.

Gu Feng went out of the room as usual. Sun Mai probably noticed that someone was coming out, and quickly opened the door of his own room.

"Junior Brother Gu, you finally figured it out. I thought you were going to retreat like those fellow apprentices for a long time!"

Sun Mai smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Long retreat does not exist for me now."

Gu Feng also smiled and opened the mouth and said.

After all, his cultivation speed is extremely fast, and today's realm does not make it take too long for him to break through, so Gu Feng will naturally not retreat for a long time.

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