"Don't look at my young age, but I came early."

Yang Xi looked at Lin'er and smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Isn't it Junior Brother to be young?"

Lin'er blinked Shu Lingling's big eyes, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"No, Junior Brother came in later, I came first, so I am Senior Brother."

Yang Xi hooked the head, her eyes were quite firm.

"Don't worry about this, let's talk about other things."

Ling Yi saw that the two had been arguing about Senior Brother Junior Brother, and immediately interrupted them.

"Yeah, why are we arguing about this? Saying that you are the younger sister of Big Brother, why have you never heard Big Brother mention it."

Yang Xi was full of curiosity.

"To be precise, I am the righteous sister of my big brother."

Liner opened the mouth and said.


Yang Xi was puzzled.

Naturally, Ling Yi didn't know the situation.


Lin'er told them the cause and result of the incident.

Everyone is hearing this, and then I understand.

"No wonder you haven't heard Big Brother mention you. It turns out that you only became Big Brother's younger sister three months ago."

Yang Xi walked forward a few times. Step, a few minutes closer to De Lin'er, immediately opened the mouth and said.


Lin'er said nodded.

"Lin'er is now my biological younger sister. You can't bully her."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"Don't worry, Big Brother, I will protect your younger sister."

Speaking, Yang Xi smiled.

"hmph, I don't know who said to protect me?"

Xue Ying on the side was not happy, this little Yang Xi caught one and liked one.

"Little Junior Sister, I will protect you too!"

Seeing that Xue Ying had a little temper, Yang Xi quickly ran to comfort her.

"Junior Brother Gu, your little brother is really amazing. At such a young age, you have done things that many people can't do in their lives."

Sun Mai looked at Yang Xi, "tsk tsk" praised several times.

"What? Envy?"

Gu Feng asked.

"Ai, how old am I, would I envy this?"

Sun Mai opened the mouth and said.

"This is not good."

Gu Feng looked at Sun Mai, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Regardless of this, Junior Brother Gu, take me to your Profound Yang Sect."

Sun Mai immediately stopped struggling with this issue, and then asked.


Gu Feng nodded said.

"My Senior Brother and I are going to have a good stroll in Profound Yang Sect, you are free."

Gu Feng looked towards Ling Yi, Yang Xi and Xue Ying, soon opened the mouth and said.

"Big Brother, you can go shopping wherever you want, but we have to follow you. After all, we haven't seen you for a long time, so we have to look at it for a while."

Yang Xi looked towards Gu Feng smiled and opened the mouth and said.


Gu Feng hearing this, laughed, Xiao Yang Xi is really interesting.

"I'll go to Uncle Yang first."

Gu Feng then said again.

The others naturally know who Uncle Yang is, but after all, Sun Mai and Lin'er have just come to Profound Yang Sect, so naturally they don't know.

Not long after.

A few people came to a thatched house.

When Uncle Yang saw Gu Feng's sudden arrival, he who was sitting upright suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "Feng'er, you are here!"

"Uncle Yang, although I haven't come to Profound Yang Sect many times recently, I still come from time to time."

Gu Feng smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"These two are?"

Uncle Yang immediately turned his attention to Sun Mai and Lin'er.

As for Ling Yi and the others, he naturally knows.

"This is my Senior Brother."

Gu Feng pointed at Sun Mai and immediately opened the mouth and said.

Sun Mai looked at Uncle Yang with a smile on his face.

Uncle Yang also smiled and looked at him.

"This is my younger sister."

Gu Feng then pointed to Lin'er.

"Younger sister? Feng'er, do you have a younger sister?"

Uncle Yang hearing this, I couldn't help but be taken aback.


Gu Feng nodded, and then informed Uncle Yang of the details of the younger sister.

"so that's how it is."

Uncle Yang hearing this, nodded.

"Uncle Yang is good."

Lin'er is well-behaved.

"Eh, really good."

When Uncle Yang saw this, he was quite satisfied with Lin'er's manners.

But what he doesn't know is that Lin'er is also good at mischief.

"Uncle Yang, today I brought Senior Brother and Lin'er to the clan to have a look."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"In this case, you guys have fun, Profound Yang Sect is also a big place."

Uncle Yang hearing this, smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Uncle Yang, then we will leave first."

Gu Feng then opened the mouth and said.

Uncle Yang nodded.


Several people gathered together and walked in Profound Yang Sect.

To be honest, for Ling Yi and the others, such walking scenes are rare.

After all, most of the time, they are within the sect cultivation.

"Senior Brother, the scenery of Profound Yang Sect turned out to be so good, I didn't pay much attention before."

Ling Yi felt the fresh air in Profound Yang Sect, and he felt like Extraordinarily hearty.

"So when I'm fine in the future, I will walk more often. Relaxation is also helpful for cultivation."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"I see."

Ling Yi nodded.

"Where shall we go next?"

Lin'er asked.

After touring the many scenery of Profound Yang Sect, Lin'er wants to see the beauty of other places more and more.

"Why don't we enter Yunfeng."

Ling Yi suddenly opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, it's not bad for us to enter Yunfeng!"

Yang Xi opened the mouth and said.

"The dísciple in Yunfeng may be missing, but it is still quite fun."

Xue Ying opened the mouth and said.

"Then go to this Yunfeng Peak."

Lin'er listened to what the audience said, and immediately became interested in this Yunfeng Peak.

Not long.

They came to the foot of Ruyun Peak and climbed step by step along the stairs.

When I came to the center of the square of Yunfeng Peak, I saw a few dísciples practicing swords here.

"There are so few people on this peak."

Lin'er saw the extremely deserted Yunfeng Peak, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

After all, they have just gone to several peaks, and there are quite a few dísciples inside.

However, this place is cold and cheerless.

"There are fewer people, but the place is not worse than other peaks."

Ling Yi opened the mouth and said.

"The scenery all around is pretty good."

Lin'er carefully watched the buildings and scenery all around, she was satisfied.

"A guest is here."

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away.

Everyone looked for reputation and found a middle-aged man with a swollen figure was coming.


Ling Yi, Yang Xi and Xue Ying shouted together.

"Disciples are good."

Enter Yunfeng Peak Master-Fan Jun smiled and greeted them.

"Gu Feng, I saw you again."

Fan Jun patted Gu Feng's shoulder, and the smile on his face is extremely strong.

"Fan Peak Master, I brought my Senior Brother and younger sister to visit here."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"Good visit, good visit!"

Fan Jun, hearing this, turned his attention to Sun Mai and Lin'er.

"I don't have anything else to enter Yunfeng, there is still no shortage of beautiful scenery."

Fan Jun then smiled.

Just as Fan Jun was laughing and talking, a thick black air suddenly condensed in the sky.

The original bright day seems to have become night.

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