In the main city.

Su Ling is standing at the top, she is looking into the distance, not knowing what she is thinking.

"Why don't you stay inside?"

Shen Qing slowly walked out, moved towards Su Ling opened the mouth and said.

"Our child will be born soon, I will show him the scenery outside."

Su Ling opened the mouth and said.

"Just for this?"

Shen Qing asked.

"I haven't seen the mother for a long time, I miss her, and the mother said before that she wants to see the child immediately."

Su Ling's eyes did not turn to Shen Qing, she was still looking into the distance, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"It's better to let your mother come later."

Shen Qing pondered for a moment, then opened the mouth and said.

" it possible?"

Su Ling turned around, and there was still uncertainty in his beautiful eyes.

"As long as your mother doesn't do something harmful to Human Race, it's okay."

Shen Qing opened the mouth and said.

"Then I write a letter to contact her, I believe that for the sake of the child, the mother will not do anything harmful to Human Race."

Su Ling opened the mouth and said.


Shen Qing nodded.

In a special space.

Today is after all an extraordinary day.

Not because of anything else, but the people from the outer sect gate arrived.

Not many people come.

There is only one white-bearded old man and one boy.

"old man Fengtian outer sect Sect Master's Command, came to recruit dísciple, but recently the rules for recruiting dísciple have changed. It is not that you can be called directly in the heavenly realm, but you need to Through the experience of the abyss of death."

The white-bearded old man held a whisk, looked at the crowd, slowly opened the mouth and said.

Part of Gu Feng’s Senior Brothers has advanced to the cultivation base after this period of cultivation, so they no longer retreat.

However, most people did not break through, but because of the arrival of the outer sect gate, they had to come out to meet them.

"The Abyss of Death?"

Everyone is hearing this, and there is a grave expression in their eyes.

Although few of them have been there, the name of Death Abyss is like thunder piercing the ear.

The fellow apprentices are extremely aware of the terrifying and danger of the abyss of death.

"Dao Master, can you go to the outer sect through the experience of Death Abyss?"

A Senior Brother of Gu Feng asked.

"Yes, this is the latest regulation of Sect Master."

white-bearded old man nodded and said.

"Then...then I quit."

"I...I also quit."

"And I...I also quit."

In an instant, many fellow apprentices gave up this experience.

"Death Abyss is so terrifying?"

Gu Feng saw that many Senior Brothers had given up, and couldn't help but wonder.

"It's really terrifying."

Sun Mai nodded and said next to Gu Feng.

"The Abyss of Death, as the name suggests, is a place where many people can die."

Shi Hong turned his head slightly in front of the two, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Senior Brother, what do you think?"

Gu Feng asked.

"I must go to the outer sect, so I must go to the abyss of death."

Shi Hong opened the mouth and said.

"We are not afraid of death, Senior Brother's belief is still very firm!"

Sun Mai moved towards Shi Hong and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Since I have become a Martial Artist, I can't limit myself to the current situation."

Shi Hong opened the mouth and said.

"I have a role model."

Sun Mai gave Shi Hong a thumbs up, and immediately opened the mouth and said.


More than forty dísciples have dropped out of more than thirty.

"It seems that you are thinking about it."

white-bearded old man looked towards Gu Feng and the others who did not exit, immediately opened the mouth and said.


The remaining ten people said in unison.

"Well, have the courage, the outer sect of heaven needs dísciple like you, but the danger of the abyss of death is far greater than you think, and maybe only half of you can survive."

The white-bearded old man opened the mouth and said immediately.

"If any of you want to quit, just stand up, I won't blame you."

The whisk in the white-bearded old man raised hand, again opened the mouth and said.

However, among the ten people, none of them quit.

"Very good."

The white-bearded old man was nodded with satisfaction.

"The Abyss of Death is still far from here, about seventeen thousand li away. Although you are traveling extremely fast, it will take a few days to reach it. So I hope you Go early, after all, the only time to experience is half a month."

The white-bearded old man's gaze one after another fell on everyone's face, and his tone was extremely flat.

"This is a map, please take a look."

Speaking, the white-bearded old man took out a wrinkled map from his arms and handed it to Shi Hong. .

After Shi Hong took over, he unfolded it and watched it with everyone.

"It turned out to have spanned such a long distance."

Yang Peng couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the signs on the map.

The Abyss of Death actually directly crossed the Kingdom of Shenlan, Yuecang, and Beiyuan.

After all, the distance of seventeen thousand li is very abstract, but a mark on the map is extremely obvious.

And not only across the three countries, but also to go west to several tens of thousands of li.

The place is desolate, all around is completely devoid of life, so there is no human race in the founding of the country.

"What is our mission there?"

When everyone saw the same thing, Shi Hong put away the map, and immediately asked the white-bearded old man.

"Got Tianyuan Snow Lotus."

The white-bearded old man looked at Shi Hong and slowly opened the mouth and said.

"Tianyuan Snow Lotus?"

Shi Hong was hearing this, completely puzzled.

He doesn't know this thing.

Except for Shi Hong, the rest of the dísciple is also unclear.

"There are about a hundred Tianyuan Snow Lotus in the Abyss of Death, and you will be considered successful if you get one."

white-bearded old man opened the mouth and said.

"Where did the Yuanxuelian grow that day?"

Shi Hong heard this, knowing that it is definitely not easy to pick, he frowned and asked.

"The deep zone of the abyss of death is called the death swamp."

The white-bearded old man has no expression on his face, and his tone is still flat.

"Where is the death swamp?"

Sun Mai couldn't help but ask, hearing this.

"By the way, in the deep zone of the abyss of death, you will be able to see if you keep moving forward."

white-bearded old man lightly opened the mouth and said.

After hearing this, everyone stopped asking questions.

In short, as long as you reach the abyss of death, you can know its location.

But the most difficult thing is how to extract it.

"There is a demonic beast in the death swamp, which specializes in protecting the Tianyuan Snow Lotus, and their strength is at least the 8th layer of the star formation, and the highest...Supreme limit."

white -bearded old man added again.

"Okay, I have explained everything to you, is there any problem?"

The gaze of the white-bearded old man one after another passed over the faces of everyone , Asked immediately.

Everyone is silent, which means that there are naturally no other problems.

"Then you guys tidy up and set off tomorrow. Time is only half a month. After half a month, if you haven't picked Tianyuan Snow Lotus, then you have failed."

white-bearded old man lightly opened the mouth and said.

After that, the white-bearded old man flicked the dust, and the silhouette suddenly disappeared in front of everyone. When they reacted, the white-bearded old man and the boy beside him had already gone.

"It's so fast!"

When Sun Mai saw this, his eyes widened.

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