Feeling the more pronounced ground vibration, Gu Feng's eyes condensed, and the Origin Force on his body continued to circulate.

All over his body, a unique imposing manner radiated from him, and his pupils were filled with a breath, it was a murderous aura.


A terrifying roar came from not far away, and the sound turned into a wave of air, directly moved towards Gu Feng and attacked.

Gu Feng did not evade, he stood on the spot, resisting it with Strength of Fleshly Body forcibly.

When this wave of air hit him, it turned into nothingness in the end.

At the same time, the huge secluded demonic beast rushed forward and smashed through the large bamboo forests around it.

With a "hu", the two demonic beasts turned their wings apart, and directly moved towards Gu Feng and flew.

The two secluded demonic beasts opened their mouths, violent flames spit out directly from their mouths, and then moved towards Gu Feng attacked.

For these two flames, Gu Feng naturally did not dare to be paralyzed. He stepped on the ground and his body rose in the air.

With a sound of "peng", the flames directly blasted through the ground, setting off a large amount of mud, rock and dust.

"This lethality is really great!"

Gu Feng looked at the ground that was pierced by the explosion, and a grave expression flashed in his eyes.

"áo hǒu!"

The two demonic beasts roared again, and the terrifying flame spewed out again.

When Gu Feng saw this, he turned again and escaped the explosive force of the flame again.

"You can't hide like this all the time, you have to look for opportunities."

Gu Feng's eyes were condensed, he stared at the two demonic beasts and the [Demon Sword] in his hand. Swordsmanship has been exuded.

He knows that the weakness of the demonic beast lies in the head. He only needs to find the opportunity and pierce it with a sword.

Then they will fall on the spot and lose their lives.

Although the demonic beasts are powerful, they have no mind, so it is extremely easy to kill them.

This is why Gu Feng dares to face the demonic beast alone.

Because the flames spit out by the two demonic beasts never strikes on Gu Feng, which makes them extremely angry.

The body of the two beasts suddenly exudes black qi, and these black qi turns into black thorns in an instant, moving towards Gu Feng and killing them.

"So fast!"

When Gu Feng saw it, the Origin Force on his body immediately radiated. With the blessing of Origin Force, Gu Feng's figure was turning the moment , Much faster.

With two beeps, the two black thorns directly penetrated the large black bamboo behind Gu Feng.


A large amount of black energy condenses again, and countless black thorns moved towards Gu Feng.

Gu Feng dodged again, but it was a coincidence that he dodged very timely every time.

If it is so slow that less than a breath of time, then he will be hit by a black thorn.

Although Gu Feng's fleshy body is extremely powerful, the lethality of the black thorns is far different from ordinary attack power.

It does not focus on strength, but on strong penetration. Even Gu Feng, the invincible fleshy body, has to be penetrated once it is hit by this needle.

Although Gu Feng's fundamentals cannot be hurt, it will inevitably affect Gu Feng's battle strength.

"Can't do this anymore."

Gu Feng in the heart said.

"I don't know if I can summon Thunder Tribulation here?"

Gu Feng murmured.

"No matter what, give it a try first."

Gu Feng thought this way, and immediately muttered incantion in his mouth, and the Origin Force on his body began to fluctuate layer by layer.


Above the sky, dark clouds began to spread.

Because the Abyss of Death is a place without light, the sky above it is also extremely dark.

When the dark clouds covered the entire sky, the "rumbling" sound immediately began to sound.

The next moment.

I heard a "hong" sound, and the terrifying black tribulation thunder descended, directly penetrating the bamboo forest, and strikes towards the two demonic beasts.


The two demonic beasts roared, and there was a sense of fear in their voices.

I saw them flap their wings frantically, their bodies turned upside-down, and they could barely escape this Thunder Tribulation.

In this gap of avoiding Thunder Tribulation, two faint demonic beasts kept panting.


This is the timing.

Gu Feng got it.

I saw his right foot kicked up, and his figure swiftly passed through the void. The [Demon Sword Sword] in his hand emitted a very harsh rays of light.

Gu Feng pierced with a sword, and pierced directly into the head of a demonic beast with lightning speed.

This faint demonic beast became a corpse before it reacted.

The other demonic beast family screamed frantically, and it immediately moved towards Gu Feng and patted it.

Gu Feng naturally expected this scene a long time ago. He quickly drew out [Demon Sword], body flashed, and went directly to the other side of another secluded demonic beast.

At the same time, a sword intent condensed in his pupils, directly enveloping the demonic beast, and the horror of strangulation directly penetrated its body.

The demonic beast gave a painful howl. At this time, he seemed to be like Ten Thousand Swords Piercing the Heart.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Feng’s [Demon Sword] silk ruthless, directly swung it with all its strength, and pierced into the head of the demonic beast with a sudden burst.


I heard a "hong" sound, and the demonic beast fell down immediately, throwing a cloud of sand on the ground.

"Finally, the solution is over."

Gu Feng exhales one breath saying for a long time, it is really not easy to kill the demonic beast.

"Go ahead and try to pick more Tianyuan Snow Lotus."

Gu Feng said in his heart.


He walked through the bamboo forest, and there was a lake in front of him. The water of the lake was extremely dark. Above the lake, there was a black mist.

"I can only rely on Origin Force to jump over."

Gu Feng stared at the black lake, muttered in his mouth.

After all, the area of ​​the lake is huge. If you want to jump over it at once, it is obviously impossible. Therefore, you have to constantly use Origin Force to make yourself leap continuously on the lake in order to succeed.


The Origin Force on Gu Feng's body kept wavying, he stepped up, his body swept directly on the lake, and his legs kept swaying.

In an instant, it was a hundred meters away.

"This feeling of stepping on high altitude is really different!"

Gu Feng couldn't help but smile while looking at the special scenery below.

But in the next moment.

A black wave suddenly turned up on the lake surface and swept towards Gu Feng directly.

"Not good."

Gu Feng screamed, his legs moving faster.

However, no matter how fast he increases, the waves on the lake are wave after wave, and it seems that he will be submerged before he will give up.

"What the hell is that!"

Gu Feng is quite puzzled.

Fortunately, his Origin Force is strong, and he will not be inadequate because of his constant high-altitude flight.

But this kind of black wave attack also made him feel uncomfortable.

If these waves are not harmful, it's okay to say, but the key is that the waves are extremely corrosive.

Whenever this black wave passes in the sky, it arouses a wave of corrosion, and the corners of Gu Feng's clothes are corroded into nothingness by the splashed black liquid.

"It's over half of the time."

Gu Feng avoided the black wave as he marched. When he found that naked eye could see the edge of the lake, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. .

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