"Basic operation."

Gu Feng waved his hand, his face "modest" and authentic.

"By the way, Junior Brother Gu, the next opponent is even stronger."

The fat Senior Brother pointed to the dísciple in a long shirt not far away, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"He is the strongest among the contestants, right?"

Gu Feng asked rhetorically.

"Yes, he has reached the 6th-layer of the Immortal Realm. In terms of the cultivation base alone, it is much higher than you. This is really hard to beat. If it really doesn’t work, you must be in time. Surrender."

The fat Senior Brother looked at Gu Feng. At this time, he put away the joking gesture in the normal, quite solemnly and authentically.

"Senior Brother, I know it in my heart."

Seeing the appearance of the fat Senior Brother, Gu Feng felt warm and immediately nodded.

"That's good."

The fat Senior Brother nodded said.

"Little handyman, safety is the most important thing. You have far exceeded everyone's expectations now, so when you encounter difficulties, you must not be too aggressive."

Fu Yu also looked at Gu Feng immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Don't worry, Yuer, I know."

Gu Feng reached out and touched Fuyu's beautiful face, then smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Since the previous battles were extremely fierce, and everyone was injured in different degrees, for the sake of fairness and viewing of the battle, the final day of the battle is set two days later."

The dísciple hosted on the field uses Origin Force and immediately speaks loudly.

Just now, Gu Feng used [Reincarnation Nine Swords], which caused many people to fall into the illusion, so that their bodies or minds were damaged to varying degrees.

If you fight again at this time, it is obviously inappropriate, so this dísciple will say that.

Everyone is hearing this, and some have complained. After all, under this situation, it is better to stage the final battle!

Stopping at this time, really whipped everyone's appetite.

But some people expressed their support. After all, the few people at this time are relatively tired. Since it is the final battle, it is better to prepare well.

They can also see the best performances.

When the dísciple's voice fell, the people began to disperse one after another.

"Little handyman, two more days of rest is also good."

Fu Yu walked beside Gu Feng. Although Gu Feng's previous battles were not too difficult, he I still hope that Gu Feng will take a few more days off.

To fight in the best state is the best.

"Yes, this is definitely a good thing."

Gu Feng smiled and opened the mouth and said.

Since he was given two days to rest, his future combat situation may change as a result.

After all, he knows very well that the system can only really manifest itself under such circumstances.

Of course, this manifestation naturally refers to signing in to obtain extremely useful things.

"Junior Brother Gu, take a good rest for two days, two days later, maybe you will surprise me again."

The fat Senior Brother smiled and opened the mouth and said.

Of course, the Fat Senior Brother also said jokingly.

After all, who will let the strength advanced by leaps and bounds in two days!

This situation basically won't happen!

But who is Gu Feng, he has a system, everything is possible!

"Senior Brother, maybe there will be a surprise in the near future."

Gu Feng's eyes blinked, and there was a rays of light emitting from his pupils.

In this rays of light, there is a sense of confidence.

"haha...Junior Brother Gu, you can be so confident, Senior Brother is very happy to see it!"

The fat Senior Brother laughed.

"Just happy."

Gu Feng patted the fat Senior Brother on the shoulder, then smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Okay, your place is here, so I will go back."

The fat Senior Brother's gaze is fixed in the residence in front of him, and he immediately opened the mouth and said.

Gu Feng and Fu Yu nodded.


The fat Senior Brother stepped up, stomping on the ground extremely fast, and instantly left several hundred meters outside.

"It's so fast!"

Gu Feng could not help but open the mouth and said looking at the back of the fat Senior Brother going away.

"Yes, the figure and speed are completely inconsistent."

Fu Yu then opened the mouth and said.

"As fast as when he ran away before."

Gu Feng muttered.



The two entered the residence and began the cultivation.

Of course, Gu Feng will naturally not have such a simple cultivation, after all, no matter how hard you work, you can’t improve too much in the two days of cultivation.

The key is to sign in.

As long as you sign something very good, Gu Feng's cultivation base may be improved a lot in a short time.

Maybe the gown dísciple can also be fearless.

After a day of cultivation, Gu Feng's heart muttered silently: "system, I want to sign in!"

[Congratulations to the host, you have completed the sign in, and you have been rewarded— —Supreme Collection. 】

The voice of system rang in Gu Feng's ears.

"Supreme Collection? It sounds pretty good!"

Listening to the voice of system, Gu Feng couldn't help but mutter.


Gu Feng explored this [Supreme Collection] in the system space.

Also, this [Supreme Collection] is really good.

As long as you practice it, there will be this book in Gu Feng's body. After triggering it, the book will automatically flip through, and the fonts in the book will be one after another from Gu Feng's body Spit out.

Then attacked the opponent.

As for the power of this font, naturally it is also very strong. If the ordinary Martial Artist is hit by it, I am afraid that it will be difficult to attack the enemy!

"Good thing, another magic weapon was added to the battle afterwards."

A smile appeared on Gu Feng's face, and the whole person trembled slightly.

Fu Yu, who was in the cultivation in front of Gu Feng, felt something strange. She quickly opened her eyes and immediately looked towards Gu Feng and said: "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing... …I thought of happy things for a while, and I couldn't help it."

Gu Feng scratched his head and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"There is one day left, so let's practice more."

Fu Yu looked at Gu Feng and immediately opened the mouth and said.


Gu Feng nodded said.


He closed his eyes and cultivated again.

When the next day is about to come, Gu Feng silently said in the heart again: "system, I want to sign in!"

[Congratulations to the host, you have completed the sign in, and you will be rewarded , Three hundred times cultivation method. 】

The voice of system rang again in Gu Feng's ears.

"Three...three hundred times?"

Gu Feng hearing this, he was so excited that he was about to hand it over.

This is really an incomparable good thing!

【Note, the cultivation speed is only available for one day. ]

System added.

"One day...One day is also good. In this day, I think the cultivation base can be improved a lot."

Gu Feng in the heart laughed.


Gu Feng was full of strength and began the cultivation.

As soon as the three-hundred-fold cultivation speed came up, Gu Feng felt that the cyclone in his dantian had risen in a straight line, breaking through layer by layer.

Two hours later, Gu Feng's cultivation base has changed from the 9th layer of Doutian Realm to the first layer of Immersive Realm.

Four hours later, it became the 2nd layer of the real world.

Six hours later, it became the 3rd-layer of Immersive Realm.

Eight hours later, it became the 4th layer of Immersive Realm.

Ten hours later, it became the 5th layer of the world.

After twelve hours, it will become the 6th-layer of the Immortal Realm.


When the cultivation base is over and the breakthrough ends, Gu Feng in the heart laughs again.

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