"It’s been a year since I practiced, I just came out to feel the fresh air."

Gu Feng looked at the fat Senior Brother and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Junior Brother Gu, this is not what Senior Brother said about you. You must know that many dísciples in dao sect were retired for several years at a time. Your year is really nothing."

Fat Senior Brother opened the mouth and said.

"Senior Brother, what about you?"

At this time, Fu Yu on the side spoke.

"I...As for me, the situation is different. After all, I am different from the usual dísciple. I don't need so long secluded cultivation, I just need to rest well, then..."


"So the strong president?"

Fu Yu asked.

"No... the strength remains the same, but the mentality will get better and better."

Fat Senior Brother opened the mouth and said.


Fu Yu heard this, speechless for a while.

After all, Senior Brother is still different from ordinary people!

"V Junior Sister, don’t underestimate this point of mind, this is very important."

Fat Senior Brother looked towards Fu Yu, immediately opened the mouth and said .


Fu Yu hearing this, a little puzzled.

It’s important to sleep in your own home and keep your mind set?

I have to say, she is hard to understand.

"Yes, you think, how many people cause cultivation deviation because of cultivation, so that they can no longer have a good mood to face life?"

"But I It’s different. I have such a good attitude all the time, so my life will be very happy every day. Don’t you think it’s not good?"

The fat Senior Brother asked like this .

"You’re right. Everyone’s life is different. It’s like me and a small handyman have to cultivation, and Senior Brother...you just need to sleep well."

Fu Yu nodded, immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Ai, Junior Sister, you still don’t really understand it. You must know that the key point is not to sleep well, but to maintain a mentality."

Fat Senior Brother sighed, immediately opened the mouth and said.

"This...isn't it the same principle?"

Fu Yu hearing this, couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

"V Junior Sister, you still don't realize the essence."

The fat Senior Brother shook his head, and then opened the mouth and said.


Gu Feng nodded said.

"It’s just training here, but it’s totally different from the world where we used to be. After all, the lowest realm of Martial Artist here is also the star formation. Based on your Dao Source Realm 9th layer’s cultivation base, it’s really It's dangerous!"

Gu Feng then said again.

"Huh? What can I do then?"

Fu Yu's face showed a touch of sadness, she didn't want to stop the realm improvement just like that.

After all, she will be with Gu Feng for a long time. If the two people's cultivation base is still very different, then she can't help Gu Feng for anything.

This is not what she wants to see.

"This is not me."

Gu Feng smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Naturally, I can guarantee and protect for you."

Gu Feng got out of bed and came to Fu Yu, smiling and opening the mouth and said.

"Then how should I temper it?"

Fu Yu asked immediately.

"You can only sect, and then fight with people to force your own potential. When that potential is stimulated, you can where water flows, a canal is formed breakthrough."


Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

Although everyone has a different way of breaking through the star boundary, the idea is roughly the same.

If Fu Yu wants a breakthrough, then this is a good way.

After all, with one's own protection, things won't look bad.


Fu Yu hearing this, nodded.

Since she followed Gu Feng to this place, she already has an attitude of not being afraid of danger.


The two went out of the room, and then moved towards sect and walked outside.

"Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Gu?"

"Yes, look at the woman next to him."

" Yes, I haven’t seen them for a long time, so why do I keep hiding?"

"You don’t understand this, there are always a few whispers to whisper, definitely not Let us hear."

"But it won’t take two years for this whisper."

"Who knows? Youngster, well, something has to be done in the past two years. , There must be something we don’t know."


When Gu Feng and Fu Yu passed the Martial Training Stage, many dísciples looked at each other. After all, the whole In Chiyuan Hall, only Gu Feng and Fu Yu walked together with a man and a woman.

It is inevitable that they will be attracted.

"Little handyman, they... are all talking about us like that."

Fu Yu naturally heard a lot of Senior Brother's words, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit shy.

"Normal, they don’t have a wife. When they see that I do, they will always be jealous and hateful. It’s okay to let them say a few words."

Gu Feng is extremely indifferent, after all, he It is clear that these Senior Brothers are not malicious.

Therefore, naturally, I don’t think there is anything.

"This...this is."

Fu Yu opened the mouth and said with a blushing face.

Although she lived with Gu Feng for two years, during the two years, the two were just cultivation and nothing happened.

Therefore, Fu Yu is still as shy as a girl.

Of course, she is only twenty years old, and it is normal to be as shy as a girl.

When the two left Chiyuan Hall and passed through the jurisdiction of the outer sect, they came to an island.

This island is different from an ordinary island. From time to time, Martial Artists will come here to explore, not for anything else, just for treasure.

Because this island has the most terrifying tornado in this world, this tornado can completely blow up the Martial Artist of the Doutian realm cultivation base.

But when the tornado disappears, many treasures on the island will slowly lift the veil, and then everyone will see it.

Of course, this treasure refers to spiritual grass. If you eat these spiritual grass, you can completely improve your fleshy body.

You can also make your own cultivation base a realm in a short time.

Of course, this is only applicable to Martial Artists in Doutian realm and below.

This island is naturally useless for advanced Martial Artists.

Otherwise, the treasures on this island would have been taken away by them.

Who has the turn to find a Martial Artist below the Doutian Realm?

When Gu Feng and Fu Yu set foot on this island, they were spotted, not because of other reasons, just because the two people's cultivation base was too weak.

"Two such weak people came, and when they found something good, we would go up and grab it."

A man with a scar on his face stared at him. Gu Feng and Fu Yu in the distance opened the mouth and said to their companions.

"Boss, it's not good, it's immoral to grab someone else's stuff."

A somewhat obese honest man opened the mouth and said.

"You stupid, don't you know what kind of world this is? It's actually immoral!"

As he said, scarred man gave the honest man a slap in the face and immediately scolded Tao.

"Boss, scold me and scold me, hit who."

The honest man was holding his face, a little aggrieved.

"Let you increase your memory."

The scarred man was expressionless and authentic.

"Oh...I see."

The honest man opened the mouth and said.


"Little handyman, who am I going to fight with?"

Fu Yu couldn't help but ask.

"Here, right behind you."

Gu Feng lightly opened the mouth and said.


Fu Yu was about to turn around.

"Don't turn around, they are staring at us not far away."

Gu Feng quickly opened the mouth and said.

Fu Yu hearing this, quickly stopped the action about to turn around.

"Little handyman, you already knew it, but why did they stare at us?"

Fu Yu asked immediately.

"It's very simple, just want to get some good things from us."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"Good stuff?"

Fu Yu is puzzled.

"Because this island is different from ordinary small islands, when the tornado passes, there will be a lot of spiritual grass on the ground, everyone can pick it, but it will not only take a lot of time, but also may not be able to Get too much."

"Therefore, they put their ideas on some people with a weaker cultivation base and robbed them of spiritual grass directly. Isn't it time-saving and labor-saving?"

Gu Feng slowly opened the mouth and said.

"It turned out to be like this."

Fu Yu heard this, and then I understood the situation.

"But should we look for spiritual grass?"

Fu Yu asked.

"Of course, if we don't look for it, then these two people will not attack us."

Gu Feng nodded said.

"Then you must be sure that we can deal with them?"

Fu Yu couldn't help asking.

"They are the Martial Artists of the eighth and 9th layer of the Jurisdiction. If I deal with them, it won't be a problem."

Gu Feng confidently said.

"But I can't fight them at all!"

Fu Yu said again.

"Don't worry, I will let them suppress realm and fight with you."

Gu Feng smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Suppress realm..."

Fu Yu whispered.


The two moved towards the center of the island, not for anything else, just because there will be a tornado here.

Most of the tornadoes on the island start from the center of the island, and many of the spiritual grass are also here.

Gu Feng and Fu Yu naturally have to see the tornado, and then pick the spiritual grass, which in turn attracts the two behind them to take action.


"Boss, are they going to do it?"

The honest man looked towards scarred man and asked.

"You pig brain, the tornado didn't come, what hands did you do?"

The scarred man slapped the honest man again, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

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