"Among tens of thousands of people, there may not be a talented person."

"Among those who have talent, only one in ten thousand can succeed in cultivation."

"What's more, the training process is very dangerous!"

The Third Hokage shook his head repeatedly.

When he saw the 'natural energy', he naturally made a judgment - Nara Shintaku intends to study the Sage Mode!

This is a very normal idea.

Because in the eyes of ninjas, practicing natural energy is to master the Sage Mode and gain the power of celestial arts.

Otherwise, why practice it?

"But that's right, since they have already developed the S-level blood armor technique, it's only natural that they are not interested in ordinary techniques."The Third Hokage said to himself and nodded.

"Geniuses are always curious about higher scenery"

"Let him try it."

"It doesn't matter if you fail, just treat it as satisfying your curiosity."

The Third Hokage smiled and quickly signed the approval order.

Then he called an Anbu.

The order was handed over to the Anbu, who sorted out and collected relevant information.

Natural energy is a secret.

In the distant Warring States period, some people had tried to practice and succeeded.

However, there was very little information left. What

Konoha has preserved now is the practice experience left by the First Hokage, the research records of the Second Hokage, and some information revealed by Jiraiya.

After the Anbu sorted out these three pieces of information, they sent them to the Nara clan.

Nara Shintaku got the complete information.


He closed the door and began to read the materials.

The research results of the predecessors could bring him a lot of help and save him a lot of time.



Meanwhile, outside, the information that Nara Shintaku was studying natural energy was no secret in the upper circles.

Because after the blood armor technique came out, everyone was looking forward to what kind of ninjutsu this gifted Nara Shintaku would study next.

But they never expected that it was actually a fairy technique!

"Is this a bit of an exaggeration?"

"Although he developed an S-rank ninjutsu, it was done with the help of Lady Tsunade and Lord Orochimaru."

"Yes, Nara Shintaku’s own accumulation is not enough"

"He should calm down and continue studying."

"Yes, many low-level ninjutsu are not without merit and can provide key inspiration for the development of ninjutsu."

"But as a genius, it's normal for him to be a little bit arrogant"

"That's true."

Many people were relaxed.

They didn't think Nara Shintaku would succeed, but they didn't stop him.

Geniuses have the capital to be willful.

When Nara Shintaku failed and was hit, they would comfort him and guide him on the right path.

There was no need to be too harsh at the beginning.


Nara Shintaku naturally didn't hear these remarks.

He spent five days reading all the information sent by the Anbu, and gained a lot of insights in his mind.

""Are these strange characteristics of being violent and lazy?"

Nara Shintaku understood why it was so difficult to practice Sage Mode.

The reason was that natural energy had two completely opposite characteristics at the same time.

Its nature was violent, but it was inert.

In other words, natural energy would not actively react to the things around it, like a stone on the side of the road, motionless and dead.

But once you touch it, it would show its extremely violent characteristics.

"This also explains my doubts"

"The word"violent" itself means active. Active natural energy is ubiquitous in the world and should be affecting living things at every moment!"

"Why are the creatures in the Naruto world not affected by natural energy?"

"The whole world should become violent, impatient, and chaotic."

Nara Shintaku muttered to himself.

However, the creatures in the Naruto world are very stable.

This is unreasonable.

Now that I have read the research of my predecessors, I understand that natural energy actually has the strange characteristic of laziness.

"This also explains why it is difficult to practice immortal arts."

Nara Shintaku's eyes flashed with enlightenment, and he murmured:"Because of laziness, it is difficult to absorb it into the body, so we can only use high-power methods to forcibly grab it."

"But once the capture is successful, the natural energy will immediately show its violent characteristics."

"The original power, at this time, has turned into a dangerous behavior that adds fuel to the fire!"

"No wonder there are so few people who have succeeded in practicing for thousands of years."

Nara Shintaku nodded.

However, he was not going to practice Sage Mode.

He just wanted to use natural energy.

Nara Shintaku already had an idea.

However, before he started, he needed to use additional means to sense natural energy.

The premise of using natural energy is to be able to sense and interfere with natural energy.

Without perception and interference, everything is empty talk.

"In order to save time, refer to the practice of Myoboku Mountain and use the materials full of natural energy in the holy land to perceive the natural energy."

"But the old toad in Myoboku Mountain is mysterious and hard to approach."

"The white snake in Longdi Cave is also hard to talk to"

"Let's ask the Slug Immortal of the Wet Bone Forest for help."

Nara Shintaku stretched and walked out of the house.

This was the first time he had stepped out of the outside world in five days.


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