
Tsunade slapped herself on the forehead.

She was really stupid. She knew that Nara Shintaku was smart, so she should have thought that Nara Shintaku would not challenge something that he couldn't do without knowing his own abilities.

""What happened?" Nara Shintaku couldn't help but ask.

Why did he suddenly hit himself?

"It's okay, I just felt stupid and couldn't help but do it." Tsunade shook her head and said,"Everyone outside thought you were studying the Sage Mode, but they were all wrong!"

"I really want to see their expressions after they know the truth!"

Tsunade smiled

"Then you have a chance." Nara Shintaku said

"What?"Tsunade looked at him in confusion.

"I also intend to teach this technique publicly, and the conditions for the examination are already written on it."Nara Shintaku pointed to the scroll in her hand and said,"Before the public teaching, we will hold a test like last time. I'll ask you to discuss the specific time and personnel with the Sandaime.""

Also publicly teach!?

Hearing this, Tsunade's eyes completely changed.

She looked at Nara Shintaku up and down in disbelief, as if she was looking at a heretic lunatic.

"Didn't I say that I developed a new technique and I hope to spread it?" Nara Shintaku looked at her and said.

Tsunade was speechless.

Nara Shintaku did say that, but who would have thought that he was serious!

She took a deep breath and it took her a while to suppress the shock in her heart.

"I understand. I will arrange a time for the test with the teacher." Tsunade paused and asked,"Who should we invite for this test?"

"The heads of the three families of Ino, Shika and Chou, and the Anbu, right?" Nara Shintaku thought for a moment and said.

Since it has been decided to bring in the Anbu as one of the institutions for the initial screening, it is necessary to invite the Anbu to visit.

""Okay!" Tsunade had no objection.

A few minutes later,

Tsunade walked out of the door in a swift and decisive manner and headed towards the Hokage's office.



Hokage Office

"What did you say?"

The Third Hokage looked at his disciple Tsunade in surprise and asked,"Has the technique been developed?"

"Can we hold a test session?"

"Developing the Sage Mode... is it that simple?!"

The Third Hokage's face was full of disbelief.

Tsunade showed a speechless expression and sighed:"Teacher, what Shintaku developed was not the Sage Mode at all, you think too much!"

"Not Sage Mode?" The Third Hokage looked stunned.

"Of course not!"Tsunade said with a speechless expression:"From the beginning, Shintaku never said he wanted to develop the Sage Mode."

"He was just studying natural energy!"

"The technique he developed just happened to involve natural energy!"

The Third Hokage was stunned, his mouth opened in a daze.

Not Sage Mode?

"This... natural energy, besides being used to practice Sage Mode, what else can it be used for?" The Third Hokage asked in surprise.

Tsunade looked at him with contempt.

"Teacher, that's just because you think it can't be used for other purposes. Zhentuo doesn't think so!"

"Before the Blood Armor Technique test, didn't you think that defensive B-level ninjutsu and doubling strength and speed were impossible to achieve?"

"Teacher, don't look at geniuses with the eyes of ordinary people!"

These words shocked the Third Hokage.

He was silent for a long time, exhaled a long breath, nodded and said:"You are right, I have a preconceived idea."

"It is because one can do things that others cannot do that he is called a genius!"

"I am too arrogant."

The Third Hokage smiled bitterly.

Just like his teacher, the Second Hokage, who developed many amazing ninjutsu such as Shadow Clone Technique, Flying Thunder God Technique, Impure World Reincarnation Technique, etc. by himself.

In the eyes of ordinary people, who can believe that these amazing techniques can be created?

But the Second Hokage did it.

This is the difference between genius and ordinary people.

"Arrange the test." Tsunade waved her hand and returned to the topic, saying:"This time, Shintaku also plans to teach the technique publicly. The Anbu, Medical Department, and Barrier Class will conduct the initial screening. After passing, I, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya will review it. After passing, you can teach it."

"Is it also taught publicly?"The Third Hokage was very surprised.

This child's love for the village is as warm as the sun.

The Third Hokage actually felt ashamed of himself.

"He is a child with the mindset of a Hokage."Tsunade crossed her arms, looked at the Third Hokage seriously, and said word by word:"So, the village had better not let him down, otherwise, I don't know what I will do!"

Tsunade's tone was full of threats.

Even though the person in front of her was her teacher, she did not give in at all.


The Third Hokage's eyes dimmed for a moment, he took a deep breath, and said solemnly:"Don't worry, I will never let that happen!"

"If so, it means I am not qualified to be Hokage!"

"At that time, you can do whatever you want!!"

The Third Hokage's expression also became solemn.

After getting the teacher's assurance, Tsunade's expression eased a little.

The village now is very different from when the first and second generations were in power.

The darkness in the corner is spreading, and the smell of decay is increasing day by day.

Tsunade has to warn in advance to prevent some people with ulterior motives from plotting against Nara Shintaku!

"The test will be done in three days as usual."

Tsunade said, turning around and walking out of the office.


Thanks to the boss"Song Jun Qianli" for the monthly ticket! Thank you!

Thanks to the boss"catseye.."Thank you so much for your reward!

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