"Because it is irrational."

Nara Shintaku took out a document from a pile of documents and handed it to Orochimaru.

It was a flesh and blood transplant experiment.

The subjects of the experiment included many kinds of creatures, including those that fly in the sky and swim in the water.

But the most common ones were snakes.

The document recorded the changes that occurred after the transplant of Jūgo's body fluids.

Without exception, all of them were violent, excited, and passionate, turning into irrational beasts.

"Is there any problem?"

Orochimaru took it, took a look, and asked,"My plan is well designed and covers a variety of biological"

"After transplanting each organism, I collected detailed data."

"After the collection is completed, they will all be cleaned up to leave no hidden dangers."

The more Orochimaru spoke, the more confused he became.

He felt that his plan was very reasonable.

"You actually think it's reasonable?" Nara Shintaku looked at him speechlessly and said bluntly:"Using snakes as experimental subjects is fine...but you actually use birds, poultry, fish, shrimps, crabs, etc. for experiments. What's the point?"

"Do these creatures have anything in common?"

"Why don't you experiment with plants?"

"Isn't what you need the changes that Jūgo's flesh and blood can produce on land-based creatures?"

Nara Shintaku's voice was deafening.

Orochimaru was stunned.

He looked at his experimental plan as if he had just woken up from a dream, his expression was dazed.

"Makes sense……"Orochimaru muttered,"Aquatic and flying creatures are not necessary at all. Their body structures are too different. These experimental subjects are simply redundant!"


"It can only waste time and resources!"

Orochimaru raised his head suddenly, his eyes excited and shining.

He said excitedly:"Sure enough, it was right to invite you here!"

Nara Shintaku had a calm expression.

With the knowledge of his previous life, coupled with Kurotsuchi Mayuri's inspiration and talent, his level of cognition in the field of research far exceeds that of Orochimaru.

What he said just now was just basic matters.

But in the world of Naruto, this barren area of scientific research, Orochimaru felt that it was the golden rule!


"Also, when you use biological experiments, why don't you adjust Jūgo's body fluids according to his body size?" Nara Shintaku pulled out another document and handed it to him.

This is the experimental report on the violent death of a large number of organisms.

"Still need to adjust body fluids?" Orochimaru asked in astonishment

"Nonsense!" Nara Shintaku looked at him speechlessly,"Even within the same species, such as us humans, different ages, genders, and health conditions will affect our tolerance to a foreign object."

"It's such a basic principle, how come you didn't notice it?"

""Orochimaru, can you be more rigorous?"

Nara Shintaku scolded mercilessly.

Orochimaru smiled bitterly, but was not angry. He said,"I have just started my research. Before, I was only studying ninjutsu."

"Is that so?"Nara Shintaku glanced at him.

Unexpectedly, at this point in time, Orochimaru had just started research and experiments.

That's right.

Rope Tree's death was just a switch.

The various things that happened later made Orochimaru completely disappointed and began to pursue immortality.

In other words, Orochimaru is now just a novice in the field of research.

We can't be too demanding.

"One last thing."

Nara Shintaku thought of this and slowed down his tone, saying,"I don't see a complete and specific idea in your plan."

"Idea means……?"Orochimaru asked sincerely

"What do you think is the meaning of Jūgo's existence?" Nara Shintaku asked, and without waiting for Orochimaru to answer, he gave the answer directly:"It's a filter!"

"He is a living human filter that weakens most of the violent natural energy!"

"Does your research plan include any research on this feature?"


Orochimaru was struck by lightning, as if he had been hit by a slap in the face.

He felt as if a layer of screen paper had been broken through, and his mind was instantly clear. A large amount of inspiration surged up like a river that had been opened.


"That’s right, the significance of Shigeo is a filter that can reduce the violence of natural energy and make it easier for me to conduct research!"

"This is the essential meaning! Why didn't I think of it before?"

Orochimaru's eyes flashed.

He looked at Nara Shintaku with admiration and exclaimed:"Mataku, you are really a genius in the field of research. You can find so many loopholes in me at a glance!"

"It's just that the people involved are confused, while the bystanders can see clearly."Nara Shintaku said without caring.

"Haha, you are too modest." Orochimaru smiled and shook his head.

He didn't think so.

"Okay, now that we have figured out the problem, let's redesign the plan." Nara Shintaku waved his hand to interrupt these meaningless flattery,"I am also very interested in this child named Shigeki. Let me go meet him."

""Okay." Orochimaru gathered his thoughts and nodded.

Praise and flattery on a secular level are meaningless.

For researchers, exploration is the most important thing.



Outside the laboratory, the group of children who were kicked out earlier had angry expressions on their faces.

"Damn, that little brat is so arrogant!"

"What’s so great about him that Orochimaru values him so much!"

"Yes, he is not older than us!"

"We are loyal to Lord Orochimaru, so who is he?"

These children are all orphans.

They were collected by Orochimaru, given food and shelter, and each of them was full of gratitude to Orochimaru.


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